Glasia 森の魔王🌳
The Destroyer
August 4 2022 - Hero of the chat
There was a chat in an online community. That chat had the casual chat rules: No spam, no caps, no racism, no profanity, no controversal topics, no NSFW speech, no impersonation, no inappropriate usernames, no advertising and no filter bypassing. The chat filter blocks messages containing over 70% caps, more than 4 same letters in a row and bans everyone entering an IP address or a blacklisted link.
Coming after a 60 kilometer bus drive from a heritage in Bottrop comes Glasia back to his computer. After learning for uni he opens the community chat. There is big action in the chat since it is in Germany 8:40 PM and in NYC 2:40 PM. Glasia is in the application process of becoming a chat moderator. The chat has a report function which Glasia uses 1 to 10 times a day.
20:40 <

20:40 <Glasia> Hi

20:41 <Glasia> I am bit tired. How bout you?
20:41 <BostonBoss> .
20:41 <ChicagoGirl> ..

20:42 <BostonBoss> ...
20:42 <ChicagoGirl> .....
20:42 <Raven+> I have a bad feeling about my report card.
20:43 <BostonBoss> .......................................
20:43 <ChicagoGirl> .................................................................................................................................................


/*Glasia is filing a report. The title is "Two people spamming dots in chat"*/
20:43 <BostonBoss> ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

20:44 <


20:44 <

20:44 <

20:45 <Glasia> Have you ever been in a language class and what experiences did you have made?
20:45 <Dora> I learned Italian. It was super nice.
20:45 <Glasia> With my cousin I learned Dutch. He helped me learning Dutch. We even drove by bike in the Netherlands.
20:45 <Indianap0l1s> Glasia is a ni

/*Glasia reporting again, this time for the N word but Wonder Woman was faster*/
20:46 <

20:46 <nyc000> I AM SUPER MARIO caps caps caps
20:47 <Mephisto> WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THIS WONDER WOMAN AND GLASIA!!! caps caps caps caps caps caps
/*Glasia reporting again.*/

20:48 <nyc000> GOOD AFTERNOON, BI

20:48 <

20:48 <

20:48 <Raven> About languages my teacher hated me for wanting to know 3 languages. Did you ever karate.
20:48 <Glasia> I learn ninjutsu.
20:48 <Mephisto> (*talking controverse talk)
20:49 <Glasia> @Mephisto, could you please stop talking about that here?
20:49 <Mephisto> No u (*talking controverse talk)
/*Glasia reporting yet again*/
20:50 <

20:50 <

20:50 <

20:51 <

20:52 <Mephisto> <Glasia> Wanna see my D

20:52 <

20:52 <Glasia> TY
20:52 <

20:53 <Ninja II> (strange link ending with .wtf)
/*Glasia googling that link and seeing that that link has been reported 38,142 times as malicious and reporting the user*/
/*All admins discuss about that link and saying to Glasia*/
20:54 <

20:55 <Glasia> I DM you rq the safety rating
/*Glasia dms the safety rating to the mods*/
20:55 <

20:56 <Glasia> Welp, it has been a busy day, so I gtg. Bye.
20:57 <

20:57 <

20:57 <Gru8299> Goodbye
20:58 <

21:00 <Pete1+> I dont thnk Glasia is a good mod bc he did too much havoc
21:01 <Dora> I think, yes he is a good mod
Four weeks later Glasia gets promoted to mods rank. And this happens on his first day, a Sunday this happens:
09:33 <

09:33 <asdf1111> Hi
09:33 <

09:34 <Zus> hebifoqehuioneonoipwjqpcoweopchoiwquiehciopwjeehochowehuoeoweuncowenpfn
09:34 <Zus> iuwhfiojwepjdiowejdjpweofjkpoewkfopjhuiwhwejnvoijeowioejroifjoeijrfoijeifkwk
09:34 <

09:35 <Zus> wdopkwopdkpowkqpodkqwop
09:35 <Zus> q
09:35 <Zus> r
09:35 <Zus> ekd
09:35 <Zus> eowkdp
09:35 <Zus> iije
09:35 <

09:36 <Zus> erferrgfe
09:36 <Zus> erhufoiwndwdmuqpnsiz22krwjutnanqf4m715z9bti0cnd2soicdxzf5vv2gt58sxxfdomsfhu6e4ovcyadgzla24q5k9yage05rly9kruujp69asxoimz6zgfm4s87y0ysodd7cik0ypiibf9rtz6iguas94hzlpaii2w65t9qfv2feptucymeawdcctibbgaa3oo7ndnl92r70c
09:37 <

10:40 <GinnyW1> Hello, any mod on? Can I DM you?
10:41 <

/*In DMs*/
10:41 <GinnyW1> Hi, I have a problem
10:41 <

10:42 <GinnyW1> So, in school I am getting harassed by 3 students. they laugh at me bc my father died, even the teacher.
10:43 <

10:44 <GinnyW1> They say random bad words. It gets on my nerves.
10:44 <

10:45 <GinnyW1> so, i get even bullied at home by the school bullies with the phone. they spam me and they provoke me. they even said kys. after googling it triggered me due to my father
10:45 <

10:46 <GinnyW1> Yes.
10:47 <

10:47 <GinnyW1> OK.
10:47 <

10:48 <GinnyW1> Got it. Thx. I will write to the owner that you helped me. Who is the owner?
10:49 <

10:49 <GinnyW1> goodbye
10:50 <

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