Blocks & Decoration Glowing Hellstone


The Painter
Does anyone remember when hellstone used to glow? Here's a video:

Best seen about 12 seconds in.
(herpderp dead piranha)

This feature was removed to make hellstone harder to obtain. Since the molten set is no longer endgame, and because the glowing effect was pretty coolhot, I think it should return. I remember some brilliant shimmering castles in the old days. It should be a thing again!

Hellstone Brick would receive the same glowing effect, too.
Have all my yes. It was a rather pointless change (you get enough hellstone in the surface to outfit an army, no need to dig for hidden pockets of it) so it would be good to see it go back to being funstone.
Wow, this is an amazing idea. Why would white-hot rock not just totally spew flames?
Ok, not IRL, but with Terraria logic it just makes sense. Support.
Meh, I always found that a bit eye burning when it was in game. Maybe if it was a very dull light, or only given off by the particles it emits.
Is that so? Explain glowing mushrooms. And are torches and lamps not considered blocks?

I mean ore. Yes that is so and they're not ore. Chlorphyte lites up (in a way), not a valid light source. Meteorite lights up, not a valid light source. Hellstone use to light up (and if memory serves me correctly) didn't count as a valid light source.
Yes. Why the hell not. Actually, why does Meteorite get to glow still if Hellstone, which is hotter and more powerful, doesn't? o_O

Change this back please! There's so much lava in the underworld that it'd hardly make a difference anyways...

Actually, it is kinda pointless to remove it "to make it harder to get", as hellstone has a small particle effect visible even in pitch darkness.
Yes, so why not bring back the glow-in-the-darkstone! (because I didn't want to reference Minecraft there... xD)
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