Items Goddess’s Cuffs: Magic accessory that is available for post mechs Hardmode.


1 Celestial Cuffs
1 Avenger Emblem
1 Nature’s Gift

At a Tinker’s Workshop.

Rarity: Lime

The Goddess’s Cuffs combine a few magic accessories and their functions. It boasts the 6% mana reduction of the Nature’s Gift, does everything the Celestial Cuffs can, and even possesses the added magic damage bonus of the Sorcerer Emblem. It just has to be made post mechs.

However, the Goddess’s Cuffs has slightly reduced damage for the sake of balance: it’s a 12% damage boost to keep it equal to the Mechanical Glove.

This item serves to give you a magic damage accessory in Hardmode, and it frees up several accessory spaces for you to use other mage accessories during post mechs.

The Goddess’s Cuffs are golden and blue colored, looking feathered and regal.

Tooltip: -lists all benefits of the combined accessories- “The ultimate blessing of the mana goddess.”

Tweaked with help of Clockwork17
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Are you talking about the “Mana Flower?” Anyways, I’m not a fan of just adding random crap to the recipe just so it can be post-mechs.

It would be a lot more intuitive to add the Avenger Emblem. Hell, it wouldn’t even be a bad idea to make it the Destroyer Emblem!
Are you talking about the “Mana Flower?” Anyways, I’m not a fan of just adding random crap to the recipe just so it can be post-mechs.

It would be a lot more intuitive to add the Avenger Emblem. Hell, it wouldn’t even be a bad idea to make it the Destroyer Emblem!

Should it be post golem or mechs?
Personally, I would switch the recipe to include the Nature’s Gift instead of Chlorophyte. Second, I would make the damage increase 12%; 13% is quite random and 12% would mirror the Mechanical Glove’s damage increase.

Should it be post golem or mechs?
I think post-Mech is fine. I want to make a mage equivalent of the Sniper Scope, but that warrants a brand new accessory rather than an upgrade.

Tidied up the text a bit. Is “Goddess Cuffs” a good name?
Either that or “Goddess’s Cuffs.”
Personally, I would switch the recipe to include the Nature’s Gift instead of Chlorophyte. Second, I would make the damage increase 12%; 13% is quite random and 12% would mirror the Mechanical Glove’s damage increase.

I think post-Mech is fine. I want to make a mage equivalent of the Sniper Scope, but that warrants a brand new accessory rather than an upgrade.

Either that or “Goddess’s Cuffs.”
done, thanks
There are so, so few Magic Damage accessories in hardmode that I don't think this should break anything. If anything this helps the issue quite a bit by adding another one to the selection.
I'm not talking about Magic Damage Accessories specifically, but all accessories
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