Gold fish Statues are OP. I love it.

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Don't you also have to use souls of light/night because if you don't I swear to god.
Also fun fact: Hallowed bars sell for as much as Crimantite/demonite bars, mech bosses only good for selling the souls.
We do but soul farming is EASY. Just spend 30 minutes in a slightly altered cavern and BOOM 40-60 souls of light. For dark just farm EoW, he drops enough chunks to make 4 more worm foods. 50 souls dropped by mech bosses = 80 gold. For iron/lead go caving on three worlds. 250-400 ore is what you get. In 2 hours of prep, you easily get 30 platinum
Just been AFKing the statues while watching Youtube until I got 999 goldfish and 999 Bunnies. 2 and a half Platinum coins for about 10 minutes.

P.S. Yes I know I have a Lucky Coin. Grabbed it off my main world because I hate grinding Pirates for one.


Lol what I have a quote from milt
Well, the world this thread was created for isn't a thing anymore, but I do have a new world for my Gun only playthrough (this thread was created on my Sword only playthrough, which has since been completed).

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To say the least, I am incredibly lucky when it comes to finding statues..

Shark Statue for Hunter Potions, check.
Bunny, Fish and Bird Statue, check.
Glowing Mushroom Farm that has produced 2000 Glowing Mushrooms so far, check.

This world still isn't in HM yet, although I am at the Underworld Biome now.
Do you have acutors on all the mud blocks? Or how does the mushroom farm work?
Yes. Its just a basic farm with some Hoiks.
Can you further explain? I understand hoiks but not the farm. Sorry I don't really build farms like that normally just make a skybridge and clentamator it like a brute :/
Can you further explain? I understand hoiks but not the farm. Sorry I don't really build farms like that normally just make a skybridge and clentamator it like a brute :/

The Mushrooms only need 1 open space to grow and when the Actuators pull the blocks into the background, the mushrooms fall to the bottom and the hoiks pull them to me.
The Mushrooms only need 1 open space to grow and when the Actuators pull the blocks into the background, the mushrooms fall to the bottom and the hoiks pull them to me.
So my original theory was correct! Sorry for le derp.
We do but soul farming is EASY. Just spend 30 minutes in a slightly altered cavern and BOOM 40-60 souls of light.

30 mins for only about 40-60 souls of light feels more like hunting than farming in my opinion. I'm sure if I clear out a large area and make a grinding structure underground it would work well.
This is a nice exploit, but I have improved upon it. You will need: 3 goldfish statues, and a 1 second timer, bug net (golden preferred), a rubber band or program to auto click your mouse, lots of TNT, and :redmunch:tons of sand.
Now that you have your ingredients, follow this procedure to make $$$$$$.
1.) Farm goldfish for however long you can. You will need minimum 500 goldfish.
2.) Go to a desert with your TNT, and blow it up. You can do this in another map, to preserve your world's deserts.
3.) Go to your local furnace, and smelt your sand.
4.) Turn the glass into glass bottles, and fill them with water.
5.) Combine Goldfish and bottled water to get....
6.) FISHBOWLS! They sell for 20 silver each, and 500 will get you 1 shiny platinum coin. This method is more time consuming, and more labor intensive, but far more rewarding.
In just 30 minutes, I managed to earn EIGHTEEN platinum coins from farming goldfish and sand. As a result of this method, tons of mining, and over 1000 queen bee kills, I now have 142 platinum coins on a prehardmode character.
Of course you could just farm the goldfish statues, or bosses, but this method is far more rewarding, at least in prehardmode!
Hope this helps :guidewink:
TBH I don't see the point in being able to make crap tons of money Pre-hardmode.
Why do you need that much money, killing eye and selling the bars afterwards is enough to reforge stuff and once you get into hardmode, a slime staff+lucky coin farm can get you about a plat a minute.
The way I like to raise money is killing EoC/BoC/EoW, crimtane/demonite sell for a ton!

It's probably not as fast as goldfish statues but it sure is a lot more fun than standing there swinging a net for hours.
That is quite a nice way to make money, however queen bee is much better for earning money. She drops 10 gold on death, her drops sell for a few gold, and you can craft beeswax into the bee headgear, which sell for 90 silver. Also, Abeeminations are (IMO) the easiest boss spawner to make. Besides, I don't even sell my crimtane or demonite from those bosses. As a result, I have over 25000 crimtane and 15000 demonite xD.
30 mins for only about 40-60 souls of light feels more like hunting than farming in my opinion. I'm sure if I clear out a large area and make a grinding structure underground it would work well.
Well you could do that :guidesmile: that 30 minutes of souls lasts a long while... anyways I got about 600 lead, 400+ souls if both light and dark, 1000+ rotten chunk, lots of lenses, and made about 5 spawners each. Made a vid about me killing all three and ended up getting 6 platinum. However I still have many resources left.
TBH I don't see the point in being able to make crap tons of money Pre-hardmode.
Why do you need that much money, killing eye and selling the bars afterwards is enough to reforge stuff and once you get into hardmode, a slime staff+lucky coin farm can get you about a plat a minute.
I honestly reforge all my stuff in prehardmode. I try to strive for menacing on all my accessories, and the best prefix on all my weapons, and light (best tool prefix) on my tools. Some of my accessories are quite expensive, and since I try to reforge them to menacing, I can go through multiple platinum at once reforging accessories such as the bundle of balloons, frostspark boots, or lava waders.
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