sgt. Sprocket
Guys pls I can only get so hyped before my heart stops working.
As I lie here in bed, pondering all the wonders that have been presented before me today, I think to myself; "I can wait, can't I?"
Just as my eyes begin to close, ready to accept what the next day has to offer, I hear a voice...
I then proceed to jump out of bed, do 87 jumping jacks, 32 pullups and run 24 laps around my house in the moonlight in an attempt to clear my mind enough to sleep. It's never gonna happen.
I recommend investing in a defibrillator.
Just as my eyes begin to close, ready to accept what the next day has to offer, I hear a voice...
I then proceed to jump out of bed, do 87 jumping jacks, 32 pullups and run 24 laps around my house in the moonlight in an attempt to clear my mind enough to sleep. It's never gonna happen.
Guys pls I can only get so hyped before my heart stops working.
I recommend investing in a defibrillator.
Looks awesome! Too bad that im on mobile but it will come soon, hopefully* i also relized a giant lizard thingy that you can ride into batle! Unless that was an enemy... cant really tell -~-
He can't see into the future, but he can smell into the future. Don't ask me how that works.
Empress of Light
It's coming.....
..Sorry.. But i am so exicted as never was before.
..Sorry.. But i am so exicted as never was before.
Question: How would I summon Cthulhu?
I spent four hours, pouring over the new content in the trailer, trying to identify what was new and what was not. Plus some speculation.
Here's a Drive version.
List of things, some new, some maybe not, that I see. I'll be doing my best to comment on what is new, but on the off chance anyone cares at all, you can ask and I'll offer my opinion/knowledge about something I didn't comment on. In chronological order:
The bridge at the start. It's definitely made from marble, and a newly shaded type of vine hangs from it. A bit of water drips off it too, which is a new effect. Red is wearing his own armor, and swings a new kind of bug net. He catches what appears to be a Sulphur Butterfly? But it isn't bright yellow, it's gold. Could be a new kind of butterfly.
Red is wearing his own armor and wings.
Also, if anyone wants to duplicate those neat light designs hanging off the trees, you can place a boreal wood, hammer it into a corner shape, and put firefly lanterns on their undersides.
New Flying Fish pet or maybe summon. New fireplace. New crate type, corruption themed. Chimney on top of the house, definitely new. An unknown item han[d]s on a plaque in the background. It could be a boss or other trophy, or it could be a new plaque type that lets you hang up items and/or weapons. The roof of the house here looks like Dynasty blocks, but white. Could be a new type, could be just painted. The armor he's wearing looks like Angler gear, but dyed. The chasm pictured is flooded, but there isn't any way to determine whether this is the player's work or naturally generated. However, I'm betting it's the player's work, because the back walls are just the same as they usually are for chasms, which doesn't look as natural as it could or should.
There is some sort of small item plaque behind the player. It has a worm on a hook in it. I would say this is the item plaque I was thinking of earlier, making the wooden plaque a trophy.
I don't even know where to begin with this one. There's SO MUCH NEW STUFF.
The house is made primarily of marble. Most of the stuff in here appears to be marble-and-gold. The doors, the dresser, the bed, the platforms, the stairs (only distinct from the platforms graphically), the workbench. I think there's a sink in the upper right and left of the house, too. There are also chandeliers. And standing torches, similar to tiki torches, but made of marble.
The angel statue appears to have been touched up graphically. Or I would say that, but that's clearly a distinct kind of angel statue- there are stone angel statues in the picture as well. Maybe the new one represents a new statue type- made of Marble? Or it could just be painted, using the deep-color paints that are made to be applicable to different types of blocks. But that would require a deep-white paint, which is silly. Marble statue it is.
Speaking of the angel statues, the two stone ones also stand on stone columns. Pretty cool.
Under the leftmost staircase is a piece of furniture that looks like a crafting station. I'm betting it's a grindstone. It looks the part. I would know, having played a considerable amount of Skyrim in recent times.
There is a trophy plaque on the wall with a medusa head on it. New boss? Miniboss? Simply a decorative trophy? No idea.
Two more of the item plaques we saw earlier can be seen here. These are marble colored, instead of wood colored.
One has a regular diamond inside, which lends a LOT of credit to the item-plaque theory. It's scaled up to fit into the plaque, but looks odd because of that. The other plaque has a large detailed clam, which appears to be scaled down too much and fits in awkwardly. Still, it looks neat, and is new. No guesses as to what it is, besides an item. Could be furniture, or a toy item like the whoopie cushion or beach ball. No idea.
The fountain in the center definitely has a new statue in it. Made of stone.
The area beneath, and the roof, has leaves all over the place. Background leaves, and block leaves. They're the same color as the pictured jungle trees, which makes me think they're part of GIANT JUNGLE TREES. That would be awesome. Livingwood jungle trees? Yes please.
Final note about blocks. There appear to be vines. Looking in the area underneath, there are a bunch of vines floating around. But these vines are colored like the vines found in grassy caves, and not jungle vine colored. Conclusion? They're almost definitely placeable. Especially since they can be seen all over the house.
Now, the player: He's wearing roman centurion gear. It's
ing awesome. His wings appear to be Ghost Wings dyed to look like they're on fire, but there is the chance that they're new wings.
And finally, the NPC: Has a red cloak. Top hat. Fancy black suit underneath the cloak. Cane. Also, he's old. Notably, the cane can be used to attack, and is used on a Jungle Bat in the picture. Doesn't make any damage numbers appear.
The player has a pet/summon Hornet. It's pink. She's riding a slime, which you can already do. But it's neat, because the saddle is blue rather than leathery, and the slime glows.
The player swings a flower-staff similar to the Staff of Regrowth, but this one makes moss grow on stone. In particular, the red moss often seen in caves. It's very likely that there are other staves (or other settings for this one staff) that allow for growing the other moss types.
Inside the greenhouse, a bunch of neat things can be seen. The flower pots with herbs in them now have a unique graphic depending on the herb they hold. This could be seen in the second scene, on the right side of the house, too.
Daybloom has grass. Waterleaf has sand. Shiverthorn has snow. Fireblossom has ash. Moonglow has jungle grass. Death weed has corrupt grass. Blinkroot has dirt.
Then on the house's floor, we have a new crafting station. It looks like a dedicated alchemy workbench, which is awesome, cause I always thought it was a little lackluster to just stick a bottle wherever and call it an alchemy station.
Literally, that's all you had to do.
Lastly, there are fiery looking plants surrounding the greenhouse. I have no idea what they do/are for.
Desert chasm. I mean, there's not much else to say about that. It looks like someone dug a hole out of the sand and haphazardly stuck sandy background walls (which may be new?) in it. Something rainbow-y is glowing in the hole, but exactly what it is we can't tell. It's just out of sight.
In this scene, a player runs by on a mount. The mount is new, but I have no idea what the hell it is.
The player is wearing a new armor, similar looking to Shroomite gear, but is more black than blue, and has a larger face cover.
He's shooting the Laser Chaingun, too. We saw that in an earlier spoiler.
Cultists stand around a glowing sigil with a squid (or kid?) like picture on it. The two closest cultists are waving their arms up and down, while the two further cultists have their heads down for the entire time.
We saw this before.
An entire new biome. This one is underground, and has a dark color scheme. The stone is purple-ish black, and has starry specks throughout. Two enemies from the biome can be seen. One granite elemental, shown in previous spoilers, and one humanoid granite monster.
A new NPC can be seen on the right side. It can attack the monsters, and throws a bone, which kills the Granite Elemental. Notably, the elemental didn't drop anything. Maybe it doesn't drop loot when killed by an NPC.
A copper-looking ore can be seen in the upper left, but oddly enough, it glows with pink sparkles. Unless copper got a graphic redesign, which is entirely possible, this isn't copper.
A campfire is sitting in the center. It isn't the same as the campfire currently in the game. Could possibly be a graphic redesign for the current campfire.
There's a torch sitting nearby, and it's colored slightly purple. I don't think I've seen it before.
The player, with armor of a similar design to Turtle Armor, is attacking a group of Granite Elementals with throwable spears. The spears, unlike any throwing weapon currently in the game, stick in the monsters they hit. This is an extremely cool effect.
More of the copper-y ore can be seen.
The granite elementals drop money when killed by the player. Lends some credit to my earlier guess.
The player then throws a
ing yoyo. Holy
, this looks nice. It bounces off the enemies it hits, and bounces off the walls, and bounces back to the enemies. Looks pretty nice.
The player mouses over one of the humanoids, and we see its name is Granite Golem.
Oh yeah, and the money dropped now has an animation. It's
ing neat.
The player is killing the Granite Golems with the neat spears. The skeleton NPC stands in the darkness nearby.
The player's armor can be seen more clearly, but I'm honestly not sure how to describe it. Dinosaur like, maybe?
He's talking to the skeleton. His dialogue suggests that he sells throwing weapons of all sorts. I like this plan.
The player throws his yoyo at a nearby Granite Elemental, showing off its weird physics.
Two skeleton centurions, the same armor our player from scene three was wearing, walk across some wood. A medusa-looking monster, with a very similar look to the trophy from scene three, walks across the marble cave a short distance.
The treasure house in the picture has a new design, with three distinct floors and stairs between them, rather than awkward and winding shapes like Terraria currently has.
The player, initially appearing to be made of stone (and quickly breaking free of this), is fighting the monsters from earlier. The skeleton centurions shoot throwing spears that do around a hundred damage to the player, and Medusa appears to only be trying to walk into the player.
The player appears to be wearing centurion armor dyed black, and a pair of butterfly wings. They've got a similar coloring to monarch butterfly wings.
A little lantern floats by her too.
This looks similar to the Hallow. Somewhat. The stone hanging from the ceiling and jutting from the floor looks like the stone that already does that in Terraria's current Hallow. Except for the small patches of brown rocks. But the inhabiting monsters definitely suggest this isn't the Hallow.
There is a scorpion climbing the walls. A large worm (centipede?) that looks like it came from the Crimson. A Lamia, with similar design to the medusa from the Marble. A humanoid monster that kinda reminds me of these guys from A Link to the Past can be seen on the far right, too.
Something interesting to note. The walls (not back walls, block walls) of this area extend a short distance into the ground, but then the block type clearly changes. Maybe this is still in the Marble?
An area beneath can be seen, and it has different background walls. They're more crystalline. I really hope we'll be able to place those naturally.
The player is wearing a set of dyed armor.
ed if I know what it is. All I can say is it looks new and it isn't colored its natural color at all.
He's got an accessory visible that looks like a honey balloon, but spiky. A little critter that looks like a black (dyed?) version of the Sapling pet dropped by Plantera flies around the player.
The player has a weapon that appears to charge, then shoots a puff of laser that explodes into blue dust on contact with a mob or surface.
He uses this weapon to attack the (now flying) humanoid thing from scene ten, and a spider.
The player is killing a bunch of things with a bunch of different weapons, including at least one new summon weapon. That summon weapon appears to be a spiky ball made of metal (mechanical boss drop?), that seeks and damages monsters.
The monsters that die drop Souls of Light. This is definitely the Hallow. Things have changed wildly.
This appears to be a run of the mill Pirate Invasion, except for a huge ship with a skull (complete with rib cage over part of the boat, and tentacle beard) on the hull.
The ship appears to attack the player with eight cannons (that have health bars) on its port and starboard sides. The cannons on either side aren't really distinct, just a flipped version of the boat as it turns around.
The boat occasionally drops new pirates into the fight.
Beneath the boat is a black and white colored ship wreck. Nothing about it is especially new, other than the trophy in its aft-most room which is a black skull and crossbones flag, the Jolly Roger.
Also, there are item plaques all over the ship.
The building there is made of a fiery block that looks like Meteor Armor.
It comes complete with its own kind of platform. I’m not certain, but it appears to give off its own light.
The player can be seen hanging in the air, off the building, on a new kind of grappling hook, that allows you to move freely. He’s throwing around a yo-yo, named the Hel-Fire.
Actually, it should be noted that nearly everything the player has here is fiery themed. The grappling hook glows as though it is molten. The yo-yo already has fire in the name. The building is fiery. The player’s armor and wings are made of fire. Maybe there is a new dye that specifically makes things fiery looking? The crown on the player’s head is already in the game, but in the game, it is gold. In the scene, it is fiery orange.
The player is fighting numerous Solar Eclipse mobs, including some we haven’t seen before. A monster that looks similar to a more rambunctious Swamp Thing can be seen standing atop of the fiery building, before meeting its predictable demise at the hands of the player. Something, presumably an Eyezor, shoots a
ing purple laser at the player and misses.
The perspective shifts, and the player is now fighting monsters beneath the fiery building previously mentioned. To the right, a small cross-shaped tombstone can be seen. It is smaller than most other tombstones currently in the game, but maybe it is a new type tombstone?
The remains of what appears to be a meteor sit in the hole beneath the fiery building, suggesting that all the blocks, furniture, and maybe gear is meteor themed/made. If it is meteor, it has received its first graphic redesign since the game released.
The presumed meteor blocks, which are definitely giving off their own light, though dim, are on the left. Their outside edges glow like meteor armor, but any edge adjacent to a block is not lit up in this way.
The house made of these blocks is full of barely visible furniture, but it’s safe to assume that this furniture is similarly themed and made.
A small waterfall, wider than the usual ones, can be seen in the hole. Cloud blocks are placed below it in the pond to provide the illusion of a splash at the bottom.
At the end of the scene, the player pulls out a new weapon, called Daybreak. It’s a massive fiery spear that shoots spears of light.
One of the new mobs is moused over, revealing its name: Mothron.
Throughout the scene, on the right of the player’s UI, a display of a large amount of information can be seen, including time, wind, weather, moon phase, fishing power, nearby chest detections, rare creature detections, regular creature detections, health of current target, DPS, speed, and horizontal/vertical coordinates in the world.
Finally, numerous new items can be seen in the player’s hotbar, including a few potions, a blue yo-yo, what appears to be a walkie talkie, and a ball of fire with something inside it.
The trailer returns to the greenhouse from scene four.
The player is fighting what appears to be a beefed up, extra dangerous Goblin Invasion. It can hardly be seen, but in the bottom right, a completion bar can be seen, telling the player how much of the invasion is over with, and how much remains.
The player is riding a unicorn from the Hallow, and shooting a new magic staff that fires pink cloudy bolts that explode into tinier bolts shortly after firing. She’s also wearing a sun-themed helmet with slits for eyes.
The Dryad appears to be casting some sort of area of effect spell that does 5 damage continuously to any enemy in the circle. The problem is that, when she is injured, she is forced to stop casting it.
A new event called Martian Madness, previously revealed by other spoilers, is shown in more detail. There is an absurd amount of fighting and lasers flying around, and a large number of new monsters can be seen. Most of them are mechanical things walking along the ground, or flying saucers. The player wields Meowmere, a weapon previously revealed to shoot meowing cats and rainbows that deal absurd damage.
Another player nearby is in a mount, previously revealed to be very good at mining.
The player mouses over an item in his hotbar, new blocks called Martian Conduit Plating. Presumably, this is what the UFO themed building is made of.
The UFO themed building has a large array of new furniture, all (presumably) made of the same material as the building. Two green item plaques can be seen in the lower portion of the building, one with a Brain of Cthulhu Hat, and the other with a previously unseen heart.
Green and light blue blocks similar to the Living Fire blocks already in game can be seen beneath the UFO building. As the blocks do not look like this when painted, it can only be assumed that either the painted block look was changed, or these new blocks are entirely distinct from Living Fire blocks.
The player, wielding a hornet themed bow, is firing at the Eye of Cthulhu.
The Eye is also wrecking his
, because it is obscenely fast. Faster than Spazmatism, even.
The player, now carrying around a balloon in addition to his previous gear, is fighting Skeletron. Skeletron appears to be in his spinning attack animation, and is considerably faster than he used to be. The player’s pitiful throwing spears are as nothing when pitted against his calcium-enriched skull. doot
The player, riding a glorious, majestic pink slime into battle, is fighting the Eater of Worlds. The eater appears to be unhindered in the air, and careens past the player repeatedly. And very quickly. He also appears to be dropping purple dynamite all over the place, destroying the landscape and ruining the player’s makeshift arena and all viable footholds.
The player is in pink dyed armor, including a pink Bundle of Balloons.
The player, in a big and flashy set of armor seemingly themed after aliens, is fighting Duke Fishron. He’s holding a bow named Phantasm, which appears to fire three arrows simultaneously when shot.
Numerous other items can be seen in the player’s hotbar, including an gun similar to the candy corn rifle, a staff that looks similar to a tesla coil, the blue yoyo from scene fifteen.
A small pet/summon circles over the player’s head. It’s a tiny UFO, and it’s really cute.
At the end of the scene, the player collects his spoils from defeating Duke Fishron, and pick up a Treasure Bag.
One of the cultists from scene six, now wearing a plague doctor mask, is standing in front of the glowing sigil, absorbing a golden light from it. Suddenly, the sigil bursts, and the cultist rises into the air, now glowing purple. The scene suddenly cuts to a dramatic view of the new evil created by the cultists, a massive flaming potato with molten teeth and a pally bubble shield. It floats over the greenhouse from scene four. Flaming meteors begin falling to the ground, and the scene shifts again to the UFO building from scene seventeen. The “Ancient Evil” now glows bright purple instead of golden yellow as it originally did. Its skin has shifted from flowing threads of flame to purple spikes covering its body, perhaps likening it to the Corruption. The scene shifts again to the marble building from scene three, and the evil now glows bright blue. Blue orbs now jut out all over its body. The scene then shifts again to the player finally fighting the beast in its fiery form, using a harpoon-like weapon named Solar Eruption in vain attempts to damage the boss. The player then begins using a weapon called Star Wrath, a more powerful Starfury that shoots
ING AWESOME LOOKING STARS. Yet these stars continue doing no damage to the monster.
A young player stands in his home. It just so happens that today, the 30th of June, 2015, is this young player’s birthday. Though it was four hours ago he was given life, it is only today that he has finished all the content in the new Terraria update!
Beneath the trophies, all but one of them already in the game, and the other seen before, are four mannequins, each with a boss head on them, as well as a black robe we have never seen before. Between each of these mannequins is a meteor-themed orb of unknown use. It may be a light source.
Beneath the entire room is a set of mannequins featuring different armors, some old, some new. In particular, the new armors visible are fifth from the right and far right. The fifth from the right armor looks like a mage’s armor, with significant similarities to Spectre armor, and an armored robe look. The right-most armor is a fiery full plate monstrosity, that is far larger than the player. Presumably, it is melee armor.
In the far lower right of the screen, a group of colorful orbs can be seen, four orange, and two blue. Their purpose is unknown, but they look important.
To the center of the right side of the screen is a separate room with a group of furniture items in it. These items all appear to be meteor themed.
The house glows with many strings of tiny lights throughout its walls, which looks incredibly cool.
Now for the real interesting thing: the inventory.
The inventory is totally
ing empty, except for a Terra Blade and some money.
The accessories, however, are incredibly interesting.
Two new accessories can be seen: a small ring with what appears to be a pearl on it, and a pair of flaming wings. In fact, these wings were seen earlier, in scene three, and speculated to be ghost wings with a fire dye applied. This is not the case, however, as these wings are actually on fire.
Even more interesting than the two new accessories is a new accessory slot. A sixth accessory slot. Thank god. For some reason, however, it is grayed out, as though it’s unusable. Reasons why are uncertain.
To the left of the last un-grayed accessory slot is a small shield, part of the UI, that says 50 on it. Directly above the entire section of the UI for armor and accessories, two new buttons can be seen. Above the main armor, an Equipment button can be seen. When clicked, it leads the player to a new screen with 10 slots, 5 for special gear and 5 for dyes. These special gears include grappling hooks, pets, lights (like the Wisp in a Bottle), and mounts. None of these items need to take up inventory space anymore, and they can all be dyed any color you like. This confirms a number of things previously speculated at. The blue sapling pet seen in scene eleven really was a regular sapling. The grappling hook, which appears to be a corruption themed hook in its slot, appears to be made of fire when used, meaning it is dyed with the fiery dye that I speculated to exist in scene fourteen.
PETA won’t appreciate players dying their pets. I say
The scene shifts, and the player now stands on a Pigron mount, dyed a sparkly blue. The player clicks the second new button above the armor UI, the camera, and shows us Camera mode. Six more buttons are revealed, presumably all settings for the camera, and the player takes a picture of a structure he created on the map.
This is incredibly boring. Let’s instead look at everything BUT what the cameraman is focused on.
Frankly, the world map here looks absurd. The dungeon, or rather, what is left of it, appears to be infested with glowing mushrooms. A natural corruption biome has been cleaned up and its surface has been replaced with hallow, but the corruption spreads unchecked to the west of this.
A tiny floating island exists in front of the player’s home. It is unknown whether this is natural or player made, but it looks natural enough.
Immediately as the scene opens, one achievement can barely be seen: “Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves. This must be a new event.
Another achievement called Gelatin World Tour tells the player to defeat every type of slime. Neither of these achievements have colored icons, presumably because the player has not achieved them yet. Below these two are a number of achievements this player has fulfilled, with colored icons, such as throwing a yo-yo, obtaining “the Terrarian (the name of the blue yo-yo?),” obtaining a Terrablade, killing an enemy with a minecart, killing Tim, and smashing a shadow orb or crimson heart (which is barely visible, and fades away quickly).
There are a few things worth mentioning here.
The sixth accessory slot is missing when Skiphs joins Red’s terraria world, though this may be because this footage is from an earlier version of terraria, as it is straight from an earlier spoiler.
There is a golden, sparkling worm (similar to the golden butterfly at the start of the trailer, scene one) that Red is going after before he falls into a newly placed portal. Maybe all bugs have golden variations now?
Finally, the Obelisk, a variation on the Tombstone, has a new graphic that is smoother and shinier.
And that is it. The deed is done. We will know nothing more until Terraria 1.3 is in our hands. Unless one of the testers puts out leaks.
The bridge at the start. It's definitely made from marble, and a newly shaded type of vine hangs from it. A bit of water drips off it too, which is a new effect. Red is wearing his own armor, and swings a new kind of bug net. He catches what appears to be a Sulphur Butterfly? But it isn't bright yellow, it's gold. Could be a new kind of butterfly.
Red is wearing his own armor and wings.
Also, if anyone wants to duplicate those neat light designs hanging off the trees, you can place a boreal wood, hammer it into a corner shape, and put firefly lanterns on their undersides.
New Flying Fish pet or maybe summon. New fireplace. New crate type, corruption themed. Chimney on top of the house, definitely new. An unknown item han[d]s on a plaque in the background. It could be a boss or other trophy, or it could be a new plaque type that lets you hang up items and/or weapons. The roof of the house here looks like Dynasty blocks, but white. Could be a new type, could be just painted. The armor he's wearing looks like Angler gear, but dyed. The chasm pictured is flooded, but there isn't any way to determine whether this is the player's work or naturally generated. However, I'm betting it's the player's work, because the back walls are just the same as they usually are for chasms, which doesn't look as natural as it could or should.
There is some sort of small item plaque behind the player. It has a worm on a hook in it. I would say this is the item plaque I was thinking of earlier, making the wooden plaque a trophy.
I don't even know where to begin with this one. There's SO MUCH NEW STUFF.
The house is made primarily of marble. Most of the stuff in here appears to be marble-and-gold. The doors, the dresser, the bed, the platforms, the stairs (only distinct from the platforms graphically), the workbench. I think there's a sink in the upper right and left of the house, too. There are also chandeliers. And standing torches, similar to tiki torches, but made of marble.
The angel statue appears to have been touched up graphically. Or I would say that, but that's clearly a distinct kind of angel statue- there are stone angel statues in the picture as well. Maybe the new one represents a new statue type- made of Marble? Or it could just be painted, using the deep-color paints that are made to be applicable to different types of blocks. But that would require a deep-white paint, which is silly. Marble statue it is.
Speaking of the angel statues, the two stone ones also stand on stone columns. Pretty cool.
Under the leftmost staircase is a piece of furniture that looks like a crafting station. I'm betting it's a grindstone. It looks the part. I would know, having played a considerable amount of Skyrim in recent times.
There is a trophy plaque on the wall with a medusa head on it. New boss? Miniboss? Simply a decorative trophy? No idea.
Two more of the item plaques we saw earlier can be seen here. These are marble colored, instead of wood colored.
One has a regular diamond inside, which lends a LOT of credit to the item-plaque theory. It's scaled up to fit into the plaque, but looks odd because of that. The other plaque has a large detailed clam, which appears to be scaled down too much and fits in awkwardly. Still, it looks neat, and is new. No guesses as to what it is, besides an item. Could be furniture, or a toy item like the whoopie cushion or beach ball. No idea.
The fountain in the center definitely has a new statue in it. Made of stone.
The area beneath, and the roof, has leaves all over the place. Background leaves, and block leaves. They're the same color as the pictured jungle trees, which makes me think they're part of GIANT JUNGLE TREES. That would be awesome. Livingwood jungle trees? Yes please.
Final note about blocks. There appear to be vines. Looking in the area underneath, there are a bunch of vines floating around. But these vines are colored like the vines found in grassy caves, and not jungle vine colored. Conclusion? They're almost definitely placeable. Especially since they can be seen all over the house.
Now, the player: He's wearing roman centurion gear. It's

And finally, the NPC: Has a red cloak. Top hat. Fancy black suit underneath the cloak. Cane. Also, he's old. Notably, the cane can be used to attack, and is used on a Jungle Bat in the picture. Doesn't make any damage numbers appear.
The player has a pet/summon Hornet. It's pink. She's riding a slime, which you can already do. But it's neat, because the saddle is blue rather than leathery, and the slime glows.
The player swings a flower-staff similar to the Staff of Regrowth, but this one makes moss grow on stone. In particular, the red moss often seen in caves. It's very likely that there are other staves (or other settings for this one staff) that allow for growing the other moss types.
Inside the greenhouse, a bunch of neat things can be seen. The flower pots with herbs in them now have a unique graphic depending on the herb they hold. This could be seen in the second scene, on the right side of the house, too.
Daybloom has grass. Waterleaf has sand. Shiverthorn has snow. Fireblossom has ash. Moonglow has jungle grass. Death weed has corrupt grass. Blinkroot has dirt.
Then on the house's floor, we have a new crafting station. It looks like a dedicated alchemy workbench, which is awesome, cause I always thought it was a little lackluster to just stick a bottle wherever and call it an alchemy station.
Literally, that's all you had to do.
Lastly, there are fiery looking plants surrounding the greenhouse. I have no idea what they do/are for.
Desert chasm. I mean, there's not much else to say about that. It looks like someone dug a hole out of the sand and haphazardly stuck sandy background walls (which may be new?) in it. Something rainbow-y is glowing in the hole, but exactly what it is we can't tell. It's just out of sight.
In this scene, a player runs by on a mount. The mount is new, but I have no idea what the hell it is.
The player is wearing a new armor, similar looking to Shroomite gear, but is more black than blue, and has a larger face cover.
He's shooting the Laser Chaingun, too. We saw that in an earlier spoiler.
Cultists stand around a glowing sigil with a squid (or kid?) like picture on it. The two closest cultists are waving their arms up and down, while the two further cultists have their heads down for the entire time.
We saw this before.
An entire new biome. This one is underground, and has a dark color scheme. The stone is purple-ish black, and has starry specks throughout. Two enemies from the biome can be seen. One granite elemental, shown in previous spoilers, and one humanoid granite monster.
A new NPC can be seen on the right side. It can attack the monsters, and throws a bone, which kills the Granite Elemental. Notably, the elemental didn't drop anything. Maybe it doesn't drop loot when killed by an NPC.
A copper-looking ore can be seen in the upper left, but oddly enough, it glows with pink sparkles. Unless copper got a graphic redesign, which is entirely possible, this isn't copper.
A campfire is sitting in the center. It isn't the same as the campfire currently in the game. Could possibly be a graphic redesign for the current campfire.
There's a torch sitting nearby, and it's colored slightly purple. I don't think I've seen it before.
The player, with armor of a similar design to Turtle Armor, is attacking a group of Granite Elementals with throwable spears. The spears, unlike any throwing weapon currently in the game, stick in the monsters they hit. This is an extremely cool effect.
More of the copper-y ore can be seen.
The granite elementals drop money when killed by the player. Lends some credit to my earlier guess.
The player then throws a

The player mouses over one of the humanoids, and we see its name is Granite Golem.
Oh yeah, and the money dropped now has an animation. It's

The player is killing the Granite Golems with the neat spears. The skeleton NPC stands in the darkness nearby.

The player's armor can be seen more clearly, but I'm honestly not sure how to describe it. Dinosaur like, maybe?
He's talking to the skeleton. His dialogue suggests that he sells throwing weapons of all sorts. I like this plan.
The player throws his yoyo at a nearby Granite Elemental, showing off its weird physics.
Two skeleton centurions, the same armor our player from scene three was wearing, walk across some wood. A medusa-looking monster, with a very similar look to the trophy from scene three, walks across the marble cave a short distance.
The treasure house in the picture has a new design, with three distinct floors and stairs between them, rather than awkward and winding shapes like Terraria currently has.
The player, initially appearing to be made of stone (and quickly breaking free of this), is fighting the monsters from earlier. The skeleton centurions shoot throwing spears that do around a hundred damage to the player, and Medusa appears to only be trying to walk into the player.
The player appears to be wearing centurion armor dyed black, and a pair of butterfly wings. They've got a similar coloring to monarch butterfly wings.
A little lantern floats by her too.
This looks similar to the Hallow. Somewhat. The stone hanging from the ceiling and jutting from the floor looks like the stone that already does that in Terraria's current Hallow. Except for the small patches of brown rocks. But the inhabiting monsters definitely suggest this isn't the Hallow.
There is a scorpion climbing the walls. A large worm (centipede?) that looks like it came from the Crimson. A Lamia, with similar design to the medusa from the Marble. A humanoid monster that kinda reminds me of these guys from A Link to the Past can be seen on the far right, too.
Something interesting to note. The walls (not back walls, block walls) of this area extend a short distance into the ground, but then the block type clearly changes. Maybe this is still in the Marble?
An area beneath can be seen, and it has different background walls. They're more crystalline. I really hope we'll be able to place those naturally.
The player is wearing a set of dyed armor.

He's got an accessory visible that looks like a honey balloon, but spiky. A little critter that looks like a black (dyed?) version of the Sapling pet dropped by Plantera flies around the player.
The player has a weapon that appears to charge, then shoots a puff of laser that explodes into blue dust on contact with a mob or surface.
He uses this weapon to attack the (now flying) humanoid thing from scene ten, and a spider.
The player is killing a bunch of things with a bunch of different weapons, including at least one new summon weapon. That summon weapon appears to be a spiky ball made of metal (mechanical boss drop?), that seeks and damages monsters.
The monsters that die drop Souls of Light. This is definitely the Hallow. Things have changed wildly.
This appears to be a run of the mill Pirate Invasion, except for a huge ship with a skull (complete with rib cage over part of the boat, and tentacle beard) on the hull.
The ship appears to attack the player with eight cannons (that have health bars) on its port and starboard sides. The cannons on either side aren't really distinct, just a flipped version of the boat as it turns around.
The boat occasionally drops new pirates into the fight.
Beneath the boat is a black and white colored ship wreck. Nothing about it is especially new, other than the trophy in its aft-most room which is a black skull and crossbones flag, the Jolly Roger.
Also, there are item plaques all over the ship.
The building there is made of a fiery block that looks like Meteor Armor.
It comes complete with its own kind of platform. I’m not certain, but it appears to give off its own light.
The player can be seen hanging in the air, off the building, on a new kind of grappling hook, that allows you to move freely. He’s throwing around a yo-yo, named the Hel-Fire.
Actually, it should be noted that nearly everything the player has here is fiery themed. The grappling hook glows as though it is molten. The yo-yo already has fire in the name. The building is fiery. The player’s armor and wings are made of fire. Maybe there is a new dye that specifically makes things fiery looking? The crown on the player’s head is already in the game, but in the game, it is gold. In the scene, it is fiery orange.
The player is fighting numerous Solar Eclipse mobs, including some we haven’t seen before. A monster that looks similar to a more rambunctious Swamp Thing can be seen standing atop of the fiery building, before meeting its predictable demise at the hands of the player. Something, presumably an Eyezor, shoots a

The perspective shifts, and the player is now fighting monsters beneath the fiery building previously mentioned. To the right, a small cross-shaped tombstone can be seen. It is smaller than most other tombstones currently in the game, but maybe it is a new type tombstone?
The remains of what appears to be a meteor sit in the hole beneath the fiery building, suggesting that all the blocks, furniture, and maybe gear is meteor themed/made. If it is meteor, it has received its first graphic redesign since the game released.
The presumed meteor blocks, which are definitely giving off their own light, though dim, are on the left. Their outside edges glow like meteor armor, but any edge adjacent to a block is not lit up in this way.
The house made of these blocks is full of barely visible furniture, but it’s safe to assume that this furniture is similarly themed and made.
A small waterfall, wider than the usual ones, can be seen in the hole. Cloud blocks are placed below it in the pond to provide the illusion of a splash at the bottom.
At the end of the scene, the player pulls out a new weapon, called Daybreak. It’s a massive fiery spear that shoots spears of light.
One of the new mobs is moused over, revealing its name: Mothron.
Throughout the scene, on the right of the player’s UI, a display of a large amount of information can be seen, including time, wind, weather, moon phase, fishing power, nearby chest detections, rare creature detections, regular creature detections, health of current target, DPS, speed, and horizontal/vertical coordinates in the world.
Finally, numerous new items can be seen in the player’s hotbar, including a few potions, a blue yo-yo, what appears to be a walkie talkie, and a ball of fire with something inside it.
The trailer returns to the greenhouse from scene four.
The player is fighting what appears to be a beefed up, extra dangerous Goblin Invasion. It can hardly be seen, but in the bottom right, a completion bar can be seen, telling the player how much of the invasion is over with, and how much remains.
The player is riding a unicorn from the Hallow, and shooting a new magic staff that fires pink cloudy bolts that explode into tinier bolts shortly after firing. She’s also wearing a sun-themed helmet with slits for eyes.
The Dryad appears to be casting some sort of area of effect spell that does 5 damage continuously to any enemy in the circle. The problem is that, when she is injured, she is forced to stop casting it.
A new event called Martian Madness, previously revealed by other spoilers, is shown in more detail. There is an absurd amount of fighting and lasers flying around, and a large number of new monsters can be seen. Most of them are mechanical things walking along the ground, or flying saucers. The player wields Meowmere, a weapon previously revealed to shoot meowing cats and rainbows that deal absurd damage.
Another player nearby is in a mount, previously revealed to be very good at mining.
The player mouses over an item in his hotbar, new blocks called Martian Conduit Plating. Presumably, this is what the UFO themed building is made of.
The UFO themed building has a large array of new furniture, all (presumably) made of the same material as the building. Two green item plaques can be seen in the lower portion of the building, one with a Brain of Cthulhu Hat, and the other with a previously unseen heart.
Green and light blue blocks similar to the Living Fire blocks already in game can be seen beneath the UFO building. As the blocks do not look like this when painted, it can only be assumed that either the painted block look was changed, or these new blocks are entirely distinct from Living Fire blocks.
The player, wielding a hornet themed bow, is firing at the Eye of Cthulhu.
The Eye is also wrecking his

The player, now carrying around a balloon in addition to his previous gear, is fighting Skeletron. Skeletron appears to be in his spinning attack animation, and is considerably faster than he used to be. The player’s pitiful throwing spears are as nothing when pitted against his calcium-enriched skull. doot
The player, riding a glorious, majestic pink slime into battle, is fighting the Eater of Worlds. The eater appears to be unhindered in the air, and careens past the player repeatedly. And very quickly. He also appears to be dropping purple dynamite all over the place, destroying the landscape and ruining the player’s makeshift arena and all viable footholds.
The player is in pink dyed armor, including a pink Bundle of Balloons.
The player, in a big and flashy set of armor seemingly themed after aliens, is fighting Duke Fishron. He’s holding a bow named Phantasm, which appears to fire three arrows simultaneously when shot.
Numerous other items can be seen in the player’s hotbar, including an gun similar to the candy corn rifle, a staff that looks similar to a tesla coil, the blue yoyo from scene fifteen.
A small pet/summon circles over the player’s head. It’s a tiny UFO, and it’s really cute.
At the end of the scene, the player collects his spoils from defeating Duke Fishron, and pick up a Treasure Bag.

One of the cultists from scene six, now wearing a plague doctor mask, is standing in front of the glowing sigil, absorbing a golden light from it. Suddenly, the sigil bursts, and the cultist rises into the air, now glowing purple. The scene suddenly cuts to a dramatic view of the new evil created by the cultists, a massive flaming potato with molten teeth and a pally bubble shield. It floats over the greenhouse from scene four. Flaming meteors begin falling to the ground, and the scene shifts again to the UFO building from scene seventeen. The “Ancient Evil” now glows bright purple instead of golden yellow as it originally did. Its skin has shifted from flowing threads of flame to purple spikes covering its body, perhaps likening it to the Corruption. The scene shifts again to the marble building from scene three, and the evil now glows bright blue. Blue orbs now jut out all over its body. The scene then shifts again to the player finally fighting the beast in its fiery form, using a harpoon-like weapon named Solar Eruption in vain attempts to damage the boss. The player then begins using a weapon called Star Wrath, a more powerful Starfury that shoots

A young player stands in his home. It just so happens that today, the 30th of June, 2015, is this young player’s birthday. Though it was four hours ago he was given life, it is only today that he has finished all the content in the new Terraria update!
Beneath the trophies, all but one of them already in the game, and the other seen before, are four mannequins, each with a boss head on them, as well as a black robe we have never seen before. Between each of these mannequins is a meteor-themed orb of unknown use. It may be a light source.
Beneath the entire room is a set of mannequins featuring different armors, some old, some new. In particular, the new armors visible are fifth from the right and far right. The fifth from the right armor looks like a mage’s armor, with significant similarities to Spectre armor, and an armored robe look. The right-most armor is a fiery full plate monstrosity, that is far larger than the player. Presumably, it is melee armor.
In the far lower right of the screen, a group of colorful orbs can be seen, four orange, and two blue. Their purpose is unknown, but they look important.
To the center of the right side of the screen is a separate room with a group of furniture items in it. These items all appear to be meteor themed.
The house glows with many strings of tiny lights throughout its walls, which looks incredibly cool.
Now for the real interesting thing: the inventory.
The inventory is totally

The accessories, however, are incredibly interesting.
Two new accessories can be seen: a small ring with what appears to be a pearl on it, and a pair of flaming wings. In fact, these wings were seen earlier, in scene three, and speculated to be ghost wings with a fire dye applied. This is not the case, however, as these wings are actually on fire.
Even more interesting than the two new accessories is a new accessory slot. A sixth accessory slot. Thank god. For some reason, however, it is grayed out, as though it’s unusable. Reasons why are uncertain.
To the left of the last un-grayed accessory slot is a small shield, part of the UI, that says 50 on it. Directly above the entire section of the UI for armor and accessories, two new buttons can be seen. Above the main armor, an Equipment button can be seen. When clicked, it leads the player to a new screen with 10 slots, 5 for special gear and 5 for dyes. These special gears include grappling hooks, pets, lights (like the Wisp in a Bottle), and mounts. None of these items need to take up inventory space anymore, and they can all be dyed any color you like. This confirms a number of things previously speculated at. The blue sapling pet seen in scene eleven really was a regular sapling. The grappling hook, which appears to be a corruption themed hook in its slot, appears to be made of fire when used, meaning it is dyed with the fiery dye that I speculated to exist in scene fourteen.
PETA won’t appreciate players dying their pets. I say

The scene shifts, and the player now stands on a Pigron mount, dyed a sparkly blue. The player clicks the second new button above the armor UI, the camera, and shows us Camera mode. Six more buttons are revealed, presumably all settings for the camera, and the player takes a picture of a structure he created on the map.
This is incredibly boring. Let’s instead look at everything BUT what the cameraman is focused on.
Frankly, the world map here looks absurd. The dungeon, or rather, what is left of it, appears to be infested with glowing mushrooms. A natural corruption biome has been cleaned up and its surface has been replaced with hallow, but the corruption spreads unchecked to the west of this.
A tiny floating island exists in front of the player’s home. It is unknown whether this is natural or player made, but it looks natural enough.
Immediately as the scene opens, one achievement can barely be seen: “Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves. This must be a new event.
Another achievement called Gelatin World Tour tells the player to defeat every type of slime. Neither of these achievements have colored icons, presumably because the player has not achieved them yet. Below these two are a number of achievements this player has fulfilled, with colored icons, such as throwing a yo-yo, obtaining “the Terrarian (the name of the blue yo-yo?),” obtaining a Terrablade, killing an enemy with a minecart, killing Tim, and smashing a shadow orb or crimson heart (which is barely visible, and fades away quickly).
There are a few things worth mentioning here.
The sixth accessory slot is missing when Skiphs joins Red’s terraria world, though this may be because this footage is from an earlier version of terraria, as it is straight from an earlier spoiler.
There is a golden, sparkling worm (similar to the golden butterfly at the start of the trailer, scene one) that Red is going after before he falls into a newly placed portal. Maybe all bugs have golden variations now?
Finally, the Obelisk, a variation on the Tombstone, has a new graphic that is smoother and shinier.
And that is it. The deed is done. We will know nothing more until Terraria 1.3 is in our hands. Unless one of the testers puts out leaks.
Skeletron Prime
omg that is the most amazing thing i have ever seen and i dont think iv ever been this hyped for a game (or in this case an update) before also new npcs! and yirmir trolling devs again! i squeeled like a little girl
i am no longer exited for brain is already 110% occupied with 1.3 hype
welp all i can say is (grabs terra blade,vamp knives,sunglasses and other assorted potions and weapons) hold on to your butts cause sh
t is about to go down
i am no longer exited for brain is already 110% occupied with 1.3 hype
welp all i can say is (grabs terra blade,vamp knives,sunglasses and other assorted potions and weapons) hold on to your butts cause sh

Been looking for a good read, thanks! xDI spent four hours, pouring over the new content in the trailer, trying to identify what was new and what was not. Plus some speculation.
Here's a Drive version.List of things, some new, some maybe not, that I see. I'll be doing my best to comment on what is new, but on the off chance anyone cares at all, you can ask and I'll offer my opinion/knowledge about something I didn't comment on. In chronological order:
The bridge at the start. It's definitely made from marble, and a newly shaded type of vine hangs from it. A bit of water drips off it too, which is a new effect. Red is wearing his own armor, and swings a new kind of bug net. He catches what appears to be a Sulphur Butterfly? But it isn't bright yellow, it's gold. Could be a new kind of butterfly.
Red is wearing his own armor and wings.
Also, if anyone wants to duplicate those neat light designs hanging off the trees, you can place a boreal wood, hammer it into a corner shape, and put firefly lanterns on their undersides.
New Flying Fish pet or maybe summon. New fireplace. New crate type, corruption themed. Chimney on top of the house, definitely new. An unknown item han[d]s on a plaque in the background. It could be a boss or other trophy, or it could be a new plaque type that lets you hang up items and/or weapons. The roof of the house here looks like Dynasty blocks, but white. Could be a new type, could be just painted. The armor he's wearing looks like Angler gear, but dyed. The chasm pictured is flooded, but there isn't any way to determine whether this is the player's work or naturally generated. However, I'm betting it's the player's work, because the back walls are just the same as they usually are for chasms, which doesn't look as natural as it could or should.
There is some sort of small item plaque behind the player. It has a worm on a hook in it. I would say this is the item plaque I was thinking of earlier, making the wooden plaque a trophy.
I don't even know where to begin with this one. There's SO MUCH NEW STUFF.
The house is made primarily of marble. Most of the stuff in here appears to be marble-and-gold. The doors, the dresser, the bed, the platforms, the stairs (only distinct from the platforms graphically), the workbench. I think there's a sink in the upper right and left of the house, too. There are also chandeliers. And standing torches, similar to tiki torches, but made of marble.
The angel statue appears to have been touched up graphically. Or I would say that, but that's clearly a distinct kind of angel statue- there are stone angel statues in the picture as well. Maybe the new one represents a new statue type- made of Marble? Or it could just be painted, using the deep-color paints that are made to be applicable to different types of blocks. But that would require a deep-white paint, which is silly. Marble statue it is.
Speaking of the angel statues, the two stone ones also stand on stone columns. Pretty cool.
Under the leftmost staircase is a piece of furniture that looks like a crafting station. I'm betting it's a grindstone. It looks the part. I would know, having played a considerable amount of Skyrim in recent times.
There is a trophy plaque on the wall with a medusa head on it. New boss? Miniboss? Simply a decorative trophy? No idea.
Two more of the item plaques we saw earlier can be seen here. These are marble colored, instead of wood colored.
One has a regular diamond inside, which lends a LOT of credit to the item-plaque theory. It's scaled up to fit into the plaque, but looks odd because of that. The other plaque has a large detailed clam, which appears to be scaled down too much and fits in awkwardly. Still, it looks neat, and is new. No guesses as to what it is, besides an item. Could be furniture, or a toy item like the whoopie cushion or beach ball. No idea.
The fountain in the center definitely has a new statue in it. Made of stone.
The area beneath, and the roof, has leaves all over the place. Background leaves, and block leaves. They're the same color as the pictured jungle trees, which makes me think they're part of GIANT JUNGLE TREES. That would be awesome. Livingwood jungle trees? Yes please.
Final note about blocks. There appear to be vines. Looking in the area underneath, there are a bunch of vines floating around. But these vines are colored like the vines found in grassy caves, and not jungle vine colored. Conclusion? They're almost definitely placeable. Especially since they can be seen all over the house.
Now, the player: He's wearing roman centurion gear. It'sing awesome. His wings appear to be Ghost Wings dyed to look like they're on fire, but there is the chance that they're new wings.
And finally, the NPC: Has a red cloak. Top hat. Fancy black suit underneath the cloak. Cane. Also, he's old. Notably, the cane can be used to attack, and is used on a Jungle Bat in the picture. Doesn't make any damage numbers appear.
The player has a pet/summon Hornet. It's pink. She's riding a slime, which you can already do. But it's neat, because the saddle is blue rather than leathery, and the slime glows.
The player swings a flower-staff similar to the Staff of Regrowth, but this one makes moss grow on stone. In particular, the red moss often seen in caves. It's very likely that there are other staves (or other settings for this one staff) that allow for growing the other moss types.
Inside the greenhouse, a bunch of neat things can be seen. The flower pots with herbs in them now have a unique graphic depending on the herb they hold. This could be seen in the second scene, on the right side of the house, too.
Daybloom has grass. Waterleaf has sand. Shiverthorn has snow. Fireblossom has ash. Moonglow has jungle grass. Death weed has corrupt grass. Blinkroot has dirt.
Then on the house's floor, we have a new crafting station. It looks like a dedicated alchemy workbench, which is awesome, cause I always thought it was a little lackluster to just stick a bottle wherever and call it an alchemy station.
Literally, that's all you had to do.
Lastly, there are fiery looking plants surrounding the greenhouse. I have no idea what they do/are for.
Desert chasm. I mean, there's not much else to say about that. It looks like someone dug a hole out of the sand and haphazardly stuck sandy background walls (which may be new?) in it. Something rainbow-y is glowing in the hole, but exactly what it is we can't tell. It's just out of sight.
In this scene, a player runs by on a mount. The mount is new, but I have no idea what the hell it is.
The player is wearing a new armor, similar looking to Shroomite gear, but is more black than blue, and has a larger face cover.
He's shooting the Laser Chaingun, too. We saw that in an earlier spoiler.
Cultists stand around a glowing sigil with a squid (or kid?) like picture on it. The two closest cultists are waving their arms up and down, while the two further cultists have their heads down for the entire time.
We saw this before.
An entire new biome. This one is underground, and has a dark color scheme. The stone is purple-ish black, and has starry specks throughout. Two enemies from the biome can be seen. One granite elemental, shown in previous spoilers, and one humanoid granite monster.
A new NPC can be seen on the right side. It can attack the monsters, and throws a bone, which kills the Granite Elemental. Notably, the elemental didn't drop anything. Maybe it doesn't drop loot when killed by an NPC.
A copper-looking ore can be seen in the upper left, but oddly enough, it glows with pink sparkles. Unless copper got a graphic redesign, which is entirely possible, this isn't copper.
A campfire is sitting in the center. It isn't the same as the campfire currently in the game. Could possibly be a graphic redesign for the current campfire.
There's a torch sitting nearby, and it's colored slightly purple. I don't think I've seen it before.
The player, with armor of a similar design to Turtle Armor, is attacking a group of Granite Elementals with throwable spears. The spears, unlike any throwing weapon currently in the game, stick in the monsters they hit. This is an extremely cool effect.
More of the copper-y ore can be seen.
The granite elementals drop money when killed by the player. Lends some credit to my earlier guess.
The player then throws aing yoyo. Holy
, this looks nice. It bounces off the enemies it hits, and bounces off the walls, and bounces back to the enemies. Looks pretty nice.
The player mouses over one of the humanoids, and we see its name is Granite Golem.
Oh yeah, and the money dropped now has an animation. It'sing neat.
The player is killing the Granite Golems with the neat spears. The skeleton NPC stands in the darkness nearby.
The player's armor can be seen more clearly, but I'm honestly not sure how to describe it. Dinosaur like, maybe?
He's talking to the skeleton. His dialogue suggests that he sells throwing weapons of all sorts. I like this plan.
The player throws his yoyo at a nearby Granite Elemental, showing off its weird physics.
Two skeleton centurions, the same armor our player from scene three was wearing, walk across some wood. A medusa-looking monster, with a very similar look to the trophy from scene three, walks across the marble cave a short distance.
The treasure house in the picture has a new design, with three distinct floors and stairs between them, rather than awkward and winding shapes like Terraria currently has.
The player, initially appearing to be made of stone (and quickly breaking free of this), is fighting the monsters from earlier. The skeleton centurions shoot throwing spears that do around a hundred damage to the player, and Medusa appears to only be trying to walk into the player.
The player appears to be wearing centurion armor dyed black, and a pair of butterfly wings. They've got a similar coloring to monarch butterfly wings.
A little lantern floats by her too.
This looks similar to the Hallow. Somewhat. The stone hanging from the ceiling and jutting from the floor looks like the stone that already does that in Terraria's current Hallow. Except for the small patches of brown rocks. But the inhabiting monsters definitely suggest this isn't the Hallow.
There is a scorpion climbing the walls. A large worm (centipede?) that looks like it came from the Crimson. A Lamia, with similar design to the medusa from the Marble. A humanoid monster that kinda reminds me of these guys from A Link to the Past can be seen on the far right, too.
Something interesting to note. The walls (not back walls, block walls) of this area extend a short distance into the ground, but then the block type clearly changes. Maybe this is still in the Marble?
An area beneath can be seen, and it has different background walls. They're more crystalline. I really hope we'll be able to place those naturally.
The player is wearing a set of dyed armor.ed if I know what it is. All I can say is it looks new and it isn't colored its natural color at all.
He's got an accessory visible that looks like a honey balloon, but spiky. A little critter that looks like a black (dyed?) version of the Sapling pet dropped by Plantera flies around the player.
The player has a weapon that appears to charge, then shoots a puff of laser that explodes into blue dust on contact with a mob or surface.
He uses this weapon to attack the (now flying) humanoid thing from scene ten, and a spider.
The player is killing a bunch of things with a bunch of different weapons, including at least one new summon weapon. That summon weapon appears to be a spiky ball made of metal (mechanical boss drop?), that seeks and damages monsters.
The monsters that die drop Souls of Light. This is definitely the Hallow. Things have changed wildly.
This appears to be a run of the mill Pirate Invasion, except for a huge ship with a skull (complete with rib cage over part of the boat, and tentacle beard) on the hull.
The ship appears to attack the player with eight cannons (that have health bars) on its port and starboard sides. The cannons on either side aren't really distinct, just a flipped version of the boat as it turns around.
The boat occasionally drops new pirates into the fight.
Beneath the boat is a black and white colored ship wreck. Nothing about it is especially new, other than the trophy in its aft-most room which is a black skull and crossbones flag, the Jolly Roger.
Also, there are item plaques all over the ship.
The building there is made of a fiery block that looks like Meteor Armor.
It comes complete with its own kind of platform. I’m not certain, but it appears to give off its own light.
The player can be seen hanging in the air, off the building, on a new kind of grappling hook, that allows you to move freely. He’s throwing around a yo-yo, named the Hel-Fire.
Actually, it should be noted that nearly everything the player has here is fiery themed. The grappling hook glows as though it is molten. The yo-yo already has fire in the name. The building is fiery. The player’s armor and wings are made of fire. Maybe there is a new dye that specifically makes things fiery looking? The crown on the player’s head is already in the game, but in the game, it is gold. In the scene, it is fiery orange.
The player is fighting numerous Solar Eclipse mobs, including some we haven’t seen before. A monster that looks similar to a more rambunctious Swamp Thing can be seen standing atop of the fiery building, before meeting its predictable demise at the hands of the player. Something, presumably an Eyezor, shoots aing purple laser at the player and misses.
The perspective shifts, and the player is now fighting monsters beneath the fiery building previously mentioned. To the right, a small cross-shaped tombstone can be seen. It is smaller than most other tombstones currently in the game, but maybe it is a new type tombstone?
The remains of what appears to be a meteor sit in the hole beneath the fiery building, suggesting that all the blocks, furniture, and maybe gear is meteor themed/made. If it is meteor, it has received its first graphic redesign since the game released.
The presumed meteor blocks, which are definitely giving off their own light, though dim, are on the left. Their outside edges glow like meteor armor, but any edge adjacent to a block is not lit up in this way.
The house made of these blocks is full of barely visible furniture, but it’s safe to assume that this furniture is similarly themed and made.
A small waterfall, wider than the usual ones, can be seen in the hole. Cloud blocks are placed below it in the pond to provide the illusion of a splash at the bottom.
At the end of the scene, the player pulls out a new weapon, called Daybreak. It’s a massive fiery spear that shoots spears of light.
One of the new mobs is moused over, revealing its name: Mothron.
Throughout the scene, on the right of the player’s UI, a display of a large amount of information can be seen, including time, wind, weather, moon phase, fishing power, nearby chest detections, rare creature detections, regular creature detections, health of current target, DPS, speed, and horizontal/vertical coordinates in the world.
Finally, numerous new items can be seen in the player’s hotbar, including a few potions, a blue yo-yo, what appears to be a walkie talkie, and a ball of fire with something inside it.
The trailer returns to the greenhouse from scene four.
The player is fighting what appears to be a beefed up, extra dangerous Goblin Invasion. It can hardly be seen, but in the bottom right, a completion bar can be seen, telling the player how much of the invasion is over with, and how much remains.
The player is riding a unicorn from the Hallow, and shooting a new magic staff that fires pink cloudy bolts that explode into tinier bolts shortly after firing. She’s also wearing a sun-themed helmet with slits for eyes.
The Dryad appears to be casting some sort of area of effect spell that does 5 damage continuously to any enemy in the circle. The problem is that, when she is injured, she is forced to stop casting it.
A new event called Martian Madness, previously revealed by other spoilers, is shown in more detail. There is an absurd amount of fighting and lasers flying around, and a large number of new monsters can be seen. Most of them are mechanical things walking along the ground, or flying saucers. The player wields Meowmere, a weapon previously revealed to shoot meowing cats and rainbows that deal absurd damage.
Another player nearby is in a mount, previously revealed to be very good at mining.
The player mouses over an item in his hotbar, new blocks called Martian Conduit Plating. Presumably, this is what the UFO themed building is made of.
The UFO themed building has a large array of new furniture, all (presumably) made of the same material as the building. Two green item plaques can be seen in the lower portion of the building, one with a Brain of Cthulhu Hat, and the other with a previously unseen heart.
Green and light blue blocks similar to the Living Fire blocks already in game can be seen beneath the UFO building. As the blocks do not look like this when painted, it can only be assumed that either the painted block look was changed, or these new blocks are entirely distinct from Living Fire blocks.
The player, wielding a hornet themed bow, is firing at the Eye of Cthulhu.
The Eye is also wrecking his, because it is obscenely fast. Faster than Spazmatism, even.
The player, now carrying around a balloon in addition to his previous gear, is fighting Skeletron. Skeletron appears to be in his spinning attack animation, and is considerably faster than he used to be. The player’s pitiful throwing spears are as nothing when pitted against his calcium-enriched skull. doot
The player, riding a glorious, majestic pink slime into battle, is fighting the Eater of Worlds. The eater appears to be unhindered in the air, and careens past the player repeatedly. And very quickly. He also appears to be dropping purple dynamite all over the place, destroying the landscape and ruining the player’s makeshift arena and all viable footholds.
The player is in pink dyed armor, including a pink Bundle of Balloons.
The player, in a big and flashy set of armor seemingly themed after aliens, is fighting Duke Fishron. He’s holding a bow named Phantasm, which appears to fire three arrows simultaneously when shot.
Numerous other items can be seen in the player’s hotbar, including an gun similar to the candy corn rifle, a staff that looks similar to a tesla coil, the blue yoyo from scene fifteen.
A small pet/summon circles over the player’s head. It’s a tiny UFO, and it’s really cute.
At the end of the scene, the player collects his spoils from defeating Duke Fishron, and pick up a Treasure Bag.
One of the cultists from scene six, now wearing a plague doctor mask, is standing in front of the glowing sigil, absorbing a golden light from it. Suddenly, the sigil bursts, and the cultist rises into the air, now glowing purple. The scene suddenly cuts to a dramatic view of the new evil created by the cultists, a massive flaming potato with molten teeth and a pally bubble shield. It floats over the greenhouse from scene four. Flaming meteors begin falling to the ground, and the scene shifts again to the UFO building from scene seventeen. The “Ancient Evil” now glows bright purple instead of golden yellow as it originally did. Its skin has shifted from flowing threads of flame to purple spikes covering its body, perhaps likening it to the Corruption. The scene shifts again to the marble building from scene three, and the evil now glows bright blue. Blue orbs now jut out all over its body. The scene then shifts again to the player finally fighting the beast in its fiery form, using a harpoon-like weapon named Solar Eruption in vain attempts to damage the boss. The player then begins using a weapon called Star Wrath, a more powerful Starfury that shootsING AWESOME LOOKING STARS. Yet these stars continue doing no damage to the monster.
A young player stands in his home. It just so happens that today, the 30th of June, 2015, is this young player’s birthday. Though it was four hours ago he was given life, it is only today that he has finished all the content in the new Terraria update!
Beneath the trophies, all but one of them already in the game, and the other seen before, are four mannequins, each with a boss head on them, as well as a black robe we have never seen before. Between each of these mannequins is a meteor-themed orb of unknown use. It may be a light source.
Beneath the entire room is a set of mannequins featuring different armors, some old, some new. In particular, the new armors visible are fifth from the right and far right. The fifth from the right armor looks like a mage’s armor, with significant similarities to Spectre armor, and an armored robe look. The right-most armor is a fiery full plate monstrosity, that is far larger than the player. Presumably, it is melee armor.
In the far lower right of the screen, a group of colorful orbs can be seen, four orange, and two blue. Their purpose is unknown, but they look important.
To the center of the right side of the screen is a separate room with a group of furniture items in it. These items all appear to be meteor themed.
The house glows with many strings of tiny lights throughout its walls, which looks incredibly cool.
Now for the real interesting thing: the inventory.
The inventory is totallying empty, except for a Terra Blade and some money.
The accessories, however, are incredibly interesting.
Two new accessories can be seen: a small ring with what appears to be a pearl on it, and a pair of flaming wings. In fact, these wings were seen earlier, in scene three, and speculated to be ghost wings with a fire dye applied. This is not the case, however, as these wings are actually on fire.
Even more interesting than the two new accessories is a new accessory slot. A sixth accessory slot. Thank god. For some reason, however, it is grayed out, as though it’s unusable. Reasons why are uncertain.
To the left of the last un-grayed accessory slot is a small shield, part of the UI, that says 50 on it. Directly above the entire section of the UI for armor and accessories, two new buttons can be seen. Above the main armor, an Equipment button can be seen. When clicked, it leads the player to a new screen with 10 slots, 5 for special gear and 5 for dyes. These special gears include grappling hooks, pets, lights (like the Wisp in a Bottle), and mounts. None of these items need to take up inventory space anymore, and they can all be dyed any color you like. This confirms a number of things previously speculated at. The blue sapling pet seen in scene eleven really was a regular sapling. The grappling hook, which appears to be a corruption themed hook in its slot, appears to be made of fire when used, meaning it is dyed with the fiery dye that I speculated to exist in scene fourteen.
PETA won’t appreciate players dying their pets. I say’em.
The scene shifts, and the player now stands on a Pigron mount, dyed a sparkly blue. The player clicks the second new button above the armor UI, the camera, and shows us Camera mode. Six more buttons are revealed, presumably all settings for the camera, and the player takes a picture of a structure he created on the map.
This is incredibly boring. Let’s instead look at everything BUT what the cameraman is focused on.
Frankly, the world map here looks absurd. The dungeon, or rather, what is left of it, appears to be infested with glowing mushrooms. A natural corruption biome has been cleaned up and its surface has been replaced with hallow, but the corruption spreads unchecked to the west of this.
A tiny floating island exists in front of the player’s home. It is unknown whether this is natural or player made, but it looks natural enough.
Immediately as the scene opens, one achievement can barely be seen: “Survive the slime rain, where gelatinous organisms fall from the sky in droves. This must be a new event.
Another achievement called Gelatin World Tour tells the player to defeat every type of slime. Neither of these achievements have colored icons, presumably because the player has not achieved them yet. Below these two are a number of achievements this player has fulfilled, with colored icons, such as throwing a yo-yo, obtaining “the Terrarian (the name of the blue yo-yo?),” obtaining a Terrablade, killing an enemy with a minecart, killing Tim, and smashing a shadow orb or crimson heart (which is barely visible, and fades away quickly).
There are a few things worth mentioning here.
The sixth accessory slot is missing when Skiphs joins Red’s terraria world, though this may be because this footage is from an earlier version of terraria, as it is straight from an earlier spoiler.
There is a golden, sparkling worm (similar to the golden butterfly at the start of the trailer, scene one) that Red is going after before he falls into a newly placed portal. Maybe all bugs have golden variations now?
Finally, the Obelisk, a variation on the Tombstone, has a new graphic that is smoother and shinier.
And that is it. The deed is done. We will know nothing more until Terraria 1.3 is in our hands. Unless one of the testers puts out leaks.
Now I dont have it in me to go through all 23 pages of this to see if someone else has already pointed this out, but at about 2:19 in the video just before the customization of the pet, mount, grapple hook etc comes up you can see that the character has a 6th accessory slot, which is amazing enough, although the thing about it is that the box is marginally darker than the other boxes, just like when scrolling through your crafting list the things not in direct focus are a bit darker.
Basically, im theorizing that there may be even more than 6 accessory slots
Basically, im theorizing that there may be even more than 6 accessory slots
Official Terrarian
only one thing...
give it to me NOW would you kindly.
hope it works for you too
give it to me NOW would you kindly.
hope it works for you too
MegaMage314 🌳
Living Tree
No.only one thing...
give it to me NOW would you kindly.
hope it works for you too![]()
Official Terrarian
You evil person!
Skeletron Prime
vegeta! what does the scanner say about crowno's baddass level?WAIT. So @Crowno is the FINAL BOSS? THE WIELDER OF THE ULTIMATE AND ANCIENT EVIL?!?!?
*Crowno's badassery intensifies to inconcievable-levels-of-awesome^9999*
MAC HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CraftedNightmare Here!
Official Terrarian
Doctor Crow is on the attack
Exodus Starlit
Dungeon Spirit
Here is what I can add, (I know it is list your own favourites) and some correctly answers:Time to make a list of the things I'm hyped for!!!!!!HYPE!!!HARD!!!!!
- Golden Bug Net! Golden bugs!
- Drippy droppy water!
- Vines!
- Corruption Crate!
- Chimney!
- Fireplace!
- Mysterious hand trophy!
- Marble! (or Granite?)! Furniture!
- Scrooge whacking enemies with a cane!
- Cool fountain!
- Medusa trophy!
- Grind stone!
- Roman armor!
- Using dye on pets!
- Alchemy Lab!
- Pink Candle!
- Staff of Regroth reboot!
- Big fiery plant flowers!
- Alien mount!
- Laser Machinegun!
- Cultists! Archer cultists! Cthulhu coin of ancient powah!
- Camp Fires!
- YoYo weapon!
- Spoopy skeleton NPC salesman!
- Sticky javelin things!
- New YoYo weapon type!
- Roman minibiome or somethin!
- Mothron wings!
- Stone chrysalis whatsit that happens with the player or something!
- Bouncy purple dagger spell!
- Floaty lantern light-source pet!
- Bouncy yellow laser sword!
- Super spoopy new spoopy biome of spoopy awesomeness! With giant worms and scorpions! And snake people! And spoopy drippy eyes things! Ermergerd!
- Shiny yellow balloon with spikes on it!
- Bouncing red blob pet thing!
- Ore retextures!
- Explodey blue charge-to-attack magic spell!
- Smokey blue smoke bombs!
- New Solar Eclipse enemies!
- Gravity-defying grappling hook!
- Information utilities! Weather and moon trackers! Fishing power gauge! Chest detector! Rare creature finder! Enemy counter! DPS tracker! Speedometer! And MORE!
- Hel-Fire YoYo!
- Daybreak supersized solar javelin!
- Unicorn Mount!
- Dryad bosswitch magickery!
- Spoopy purple magics!
- Wall of cursed flames!
- Purple flowery things like the fiery ones except purple!
- Explodey firework sparkle staff!
- MARTIAN MADNESS! Alien mother ship!
- Martian mining mount!
- Nyan Cat Meowmere Sword BLARGH!!
- Badass Eye of Cthulhu tantrum mode!
- Javelin thingies!
- Drippy fire!
- Nurse self-healing!
- Attacking on mounts!
- Bouncy Dynamite!
- Phantasm triplebow!
- Cyber armor!
- UFO pet!
- Super scary Duke Fishron tantrum mode!
- Treasure bags!
- Solar Pillar deathboss event armageddon fight with at least three different modes!!! (DARNIT CROWNO Y U DO DIS) Fire! Chaos! Aliens! OMFG I WANNA KILL IT SO HARD SO BAD RIGHT NOW!!! T_T
- Solar Eruption spear-flail-thingey!
- Star Wrath epic Star Fury upgrade!
- Armor! Wings! All the things!
- Pet, Mount, Minecart, Light Source, and Grappling Hook equip slots!
- Lunary boss trophy!
- Orange orby furniture thangs!
- Flame-dyed triple hook!
- Screen capture mode!
- Achievements! (I'M GONNA DO ALL THE THINGS)
- Slime Rain! Where gelatinous organisms FALL FROM THE SKY IN DROVES
- "The Terrarian" which appears to be the ultimate endgame YoYo!
- Steam integration!
- Mechanical laser mine cart!
- Cloud saving!
- Sunflower retexture!
- First furniture is Mable furniture, you can know it from when you look at Granite Elemental. You can see there Marble Sink if you don't know and want to know it.
- Ebonstone and Pealstone Block now blend with other blocks.
- Leaf Block retexture (I kneew it before it's own trailer).
- Each Lunar invansion have own unique block drop?
- Item similar to Weapon rank that can show any type of item even weapons.
- Retextured Water fountain, already known.
- Remade Skin player skin body, you can see on it don't miss one pixel. Maybe there is one for males (I don't know). Maybe I should right now make my own version of female wizard robes for mod.
- New herbs for Crimson biome? You can Crimson Planter with small green pixels on it. (What does it mean?)
- Colectable big plants, you can see one on inventory (hot) slot durring Martian Madness)
- Retextured campfire item, look great.
- Bouncy heart think that glow red? Must be from Crimson Heart. (I think I am going to be kinda sick)
- New brown ore or block? With skulls in it?
- Granite maybe is corruption/crimson alter biome.
- Marble maybe is hallow alter biome.
- Sandstone wall, maybe too Sandstone Block.
- Gold Sink droped during Pirate invansion.
- Your blue bomb is throwable explosive potion.
- Orange orb furniture must be made from blocks that maybe drop from fiery lunar invansion.
- Block dropped from Martian Madness is Martian Conduit Plating, you can see placed there durring Martian Madness event and of course their furniture.
- Flame block make different lightin when painted.
- Every potion retextures, even healing one from Duke Fishroon.
- Retextures dyes ( are you sprites officialy
- Boss trophy from pirate invansion event.
- Boss trophy for martian Madness?
- Gold variant of critters, maybe they are gold when you wild Gold Bug Net?
- EDIT: Forgot Bouncy Dynamite made out of Pink Gel
- Yes there are a lot of thinngs to say, but we don't know their names.
Trailer looks so great, but I am not hyped for it, I am sad, very sad in myself.
Last edited:
MegaMage314 🌳
Living Tree
You have to wait a week for it to be finished, just like everyone else.You evil person!
Destiny Toby
Hype was not wasted!
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