Google Docs for Console Items, Armors, Pets, and Bosses:


I have spent hours compiling this information from the wiki for those trying to get all the pets, armors and other console items. I know that I have missed a few items and it is not up to date with all the Christmas items that recently came out. This was due to some errors on the wiki. Hope you enjoy!

Armors -

Bosses and Trophies -

Items -

NPCs -

Pets -
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Thanks for this. Looks like the Bosses and Trophies might need updating though.

True. Anything you see that needs editing, make a comment on the doc and I'll go in and fix it. It might be a while though, as I've got midterms and such this week and finals coming up in three weeks I've got to study for...

But hold out hope, I might waste some time making necessary repairs before then.
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