Guide help


Hi guys I have played through the game on my playstation 4 and I am going to put up how I play through but I also want to hear how everyone else plays through so can everyone post tips, trick & guides on this tread. Thank you!!

First when I play through I get cactus armor and weapons then I fight the eye of Cthulhu a couple times the the eater of worlds\ brain of Cthulhu until I can make shadow armor the I fight skeleton. Then search the dungeon for weapons. The fight the wall of flesh then fight the destroyer for the mega shark. After getting the mega shark I fish for titanium then kill the rest of the mechanical bosses. then I make cloriphite bullets and kill plantera then I stay with titanium armor to kill golem then I make clotiphite armor and build a honey arena to kill the pillars and moonlord.
(I know this is pretty basic but it works)
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