tModLoader Guns, Glorious Guns!


Dungeon Spirit
So, you'd like a story, eh?

It seems you've stumbled upon a new world, Vault Hunter. Sure, it seems deserted, but the Eridians have left Vaults all across the universe. Whether you're here for the gold, the glory, or the thrill of the hunt, one things for certain- you'll need guns.

Hey, all! Yuyutsu here, and I've got a fun new mod for you! During the summer, I lost access to my Various Weathers files and thought I should work on something else. There's been something I've always wanted to add to Terraria: procedurally generated weapons. Thanks to the help of a few talented coders, I've done something of the sort. And what better to base randomized gear on than the game with a bajillion guns to its name, Borderlands 2?

So, then, welcome. Welcome to:

Guns, Glorious Guns!
This mod adds multiple gun models to the game. The models have randomized stats, anything from names to damage to critical hits. Guns have 1 of 8 different manufacturers, which gives them different stat pools to draw from and different overall effects! Guns are found as drops from enemies and bosses. Different gun types, from Pistols to SMGs, all have different abilities, rarities and different elemental types, too- you name it, these guns do it!

Unfortunately, the mod is incomplete, and doesn't have as many gun types as I'd want. The mod covers the region from early pre-hardmode to Post-Eater of Worlds with guns. Please check the list below to see the specifics. Updates will be few and far between, as I'm busy working on the Spirit Mod again. Without further ado, though, here's a breakdown of all the content!

The mod currently adds:
- 145 Gun Archetypes (10 Billion+ Possible Guns)
- 6 Unique Guns
- 1 Custom Ammo

First off, Manufacturers. Each gun is manufactured by corporations, and these manufacturers give them different key abilities. Manufacturers can be found on the tooltip of each gun. Here they are:

Bandit- No special ability. Bandit guns are found in the Corruption, Crimson, or in the Purity at nighttime.
Hyperion- Firing continuously slowly increases accuracy. Resets every clip. Hyperion guns are found underground or in caverns.
Tediore- At the end of each clip, the gun is thrown out as a grenade and a new gun is digistructed into your hands! Tediore guns are found in the underground desert.
Dahl- Right-click to zoom out. Burst fire while zoomed out. Dahl guns are found in the underground jungle.
Maliwan- All guns are elemental, and elemental attacks deal more damage! Maliwan guns are found in the underground snow biome.
Vladof- All guns are automatic and fast. Vladof guns are found in the underworld.
Jakobs- All guns fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Guns are never elemental. Jakobs guns are found underground or in caverns.
Torgue- All guns are explosive. Torgue guns are found in the cavern layer.

- New Manufacturer effects for new weapons!

- Atlas: New manufacturer. Right click to blast tracker projectiles that stick onto enemies. Bullets will home onto tracked enemies
- Jakobs: Critical hits cause bullets to ricochet
- Dahl: Right-click in inventory to swap between regular and burst fire modes
- Maliwan: Right-click in inventory to swap between two random elemental types
- Vladof: Right-click in inventory to swap between regular fire and a randomized alternate fire mode (Rockets, Tasers, etc.)
- Tediore: Weapon is thrown when clip runs out. Thrown weapon can have many different effects (Homing MIRV, Sticky, Explosive, Gun with Legs, etc.)
- CoV: New(ish) manufacturer. Huge magazine sizes that replenish themself when held. Overusing the magazine causes the weapon to overheat and burn the player.
- Torgue: Turns bullets into gyrojets that stick to enemies. Stuck gyrojets explode when weapon is reloaded. The more gyrojets in a single enemy, the more damage they each do.

Additionally, guns can have Elemental Types, and can deal different elemental damage with varied effects! Here are the effects:

Fire- Deals a flat DoT.
Shock- Deals damage that scales with enemy movement speed.
Corrosive- Deals more damage the less life enemies have.
Slag- Attacks that don't deal slag damage deal 2x more damage.
Explosive- Enough said.

Furthermore, guns have different barrel types that determine where their stat pools lie! Stats that can be randomized include names, damage, shoot speed, reuse delay, use time, bullet velocity, knockback, value, and clip size!

Lastly, guns are sorted by rarity, from Common to Uncommon to Rare to Extremely Rare to Legendary. For now, the mod only adds Common weapons and one Rare weapon. More will come down the line, hopefully.
Enemy Changes:

Enemies have a rare chance of spawning with four prefixes: Electrified, Incendiary, Corrosive, and Slagged. These enemies can inflict dangerous debuffs on the player if they aren't careful!


Echo Log #1- The Dahl Corporation requests your help in analyzing Life Crystals. This is a Quest Item that spawns with a new player. Obtaining and using 5 life crystals grants you a loot cache!
Basic Repeater- A unique Dahl Pistol. Guaranteed from the first quest's loot cache.
Standard Round- A weak, basic bullet. Drops from any enemy rarely.

Gun Types:
Pistols are simple, non-autofire guns that are manufactured by every corporation. Pistols can be obtained the moment the game starts. Guns have different barrels that determine their stats.

Barrel Types:

Tediore Barrel
- Baseline.
Dahl Barrel- Increased accuracy, reduced damage.
Maliwan Barrel (Non Elemental)- Increased accuracy.
Maliwan Barrel (Elemental)- Increased accuracy, guaranteed elemental damage.
Bandit Barrel- Increased damage, decreased accuracy.

Pistal_Bandit (1).png

Pistal- Bandit. Wildly inaccurate. In order:
Tediore, Dahl, Maliwan

Apparatus_Bandit (5).png

Apparatus- Hyperion. Focused on speed and accuracy instead of damage. In order:
Bandit, Maliwan, Tediore, Maliwan (Elemental)

Aegis_DahlCorrosive (1).png

Aegis and Animosity- Maliwan. Highly accurate elemental weapons.


Hand Cannon- Torgue. Converts bullets into explosive shots. Consumes 2 ammo per shot In order:
Bandit, Dahl


TMP- Vladof. The only automatic pistol. Lowered damage. In order:
Bandit, Dahl, Tediore, Maliwan

Handgun_Dahl (2).png

Handgun- Tediore. In order:
Dahl, Bandit, Maliwan, Maliwan (Elemental)


Revolver- Jakobs. Has a base clip and reloading time. In order:
Maliwan, Tediore, Bandit, Dahl


Repeater- Dahl. The only burst-fire pistol. In order:
Bandit, Dahl, Maliwan


Unique Weapons:
Judge- Jakobs.
Critical hits deal more damage. Drops from the EoC rarely.
Shotguns drop from enemies post EoC. Shotguns are slow, but do not need to reload. Not all manufacturers produce shotguns

Barrel Types:

Tediore Barrel- Baseline. No improvements.
Hyperion Barrel- Decreased damage, increased accuracy.
Jakobs Barrel- Consumes 2 ammo per shot. Increases pellet count.


Coach Gun, Longrider, Scattergun- Jakobs.
Jakobs, Hyperion, Tediore Barrels, respectively.


Bangstick, Pounder, Stalker- Torgue.
Tediore, Jakobs, Hyperion

RagneKiller_Hyperion1 (1).png

Ragne Killer, Stret Sweper, Skatergun, Skatergun, Stret Sweper, Ragne Killer- Bandit.
Hyperion, Jakobs, Tediore, Tediore, Jakobs, Hyperion, Elemental Variants.


Double Barrels, Sportsman, Home Security- Tediore.
Jakobs, Hyperion, Tediore, Elemental Variants.


Face Time, Projectile Diversification, Thinking- Hyperion.
Jakobs, Tediore, Hyperion, Elemental Variants.
SMGs are powerful weapons available post EoW. They are automatic and fast, but have a clip size (randomized) and reload time to balance this out.

Barrel Types:
Bandit Barrel- Decreased accuracy, increased damage.
Maliwan Barrel- Increased accuracy.
Maliwan Barrel (Elemental)- Increased accuracy, guaranteed elemental damage.
Tediore Barrel- Baseline. Does Nothing.


Projectile Convergence- Hyperion. Low Clip Size.
Bandit, Maliwan, Tediore, Maliwan (Elemental)

SubMG_Bandit (2).png

Subcompact MG- Tediore.
Bandit, Maliwan, Tediore, Maliwan (Elemental)

Gospel_Corrosive (2).png

Gospel- Maliwan. Low Clip Size.


SMG- Dahl.

Bandit, Tediore, Maliwan


Smig- Bandit. Very high clip size.
Bandit, Tediore, Maliwan, Maliwan (Elemental)

Download on the Mod Browser or on the Direct Download Mod Listing.

Huge thanks to @Mirsario, @Dradonhunter11, @direwolf420, @hamstar for their incredibly crucial coding help!

Okay, that was a lot. Now, if you haven't played Borderlands, I'm sure you’re confused. What I ask is that you remain undoubted. All these technicalities aside, just know that there are now BILLIONS of possible guns for you to pick up during your playthrough. Get out there and start shooting!
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Looks really nice, definitely going to have to try this out and I can't wait for more. Are you thinking of supporting the new manufacturers from borderlands 3 once that drops? Atlas, Eridian and CoTV weapons would be awesome.
Looks really nice, definitely going to have to try this out and I can't wait for more. Are you thinking of supporting the new manufacturers from borderlands 3 once that drops? Atlas, Eridian and CoTV weapons would be awesome.
I'd like to first flesh out the BL2 manufacturers and uniques. After I grind out BL3 for an extended period of time, I'd love to add more manufacturers and effects in.
It's an out of memory error. Are you using too many mods? If you're not using tML 64-bit, consider swapping over.
at the very least, I disabled every single mod I had installed and only enabled this one, and the error still continued? I am on 32-bit though.
Make sure you check out our Discord for feedback! I'm sure some things aren't balanced and so on, and I'd love your help patching stuff up in the future.
Hey, all! Update 0.1.1 is out! This fixes the biggest error the mod has. Please check it out! If you're had an error like the one attached, it should be fixed.

Out now on the Mod Browser! Sorry for the hassle, @TheFireDragoon. You should be good to go.


  • index.png
    782.1 KB · Views: 510
Hey folks! Just wanted to tell you that the mod's still being worked on! A lot of changes are coming... and a whole lotta new guns!
This looks really fun, as a VH, I would really like to give this a try. I'm not seeing it anywhere for download though, it's not in the Browser, or in the Direct Download listing
After a slight delay, Guns, Glorious Guns is back on the Mod Browser! Enjoy a whole host of new weapons and manufacturer abilities based on the new title, Borderlands 3!

- updated to tML v.11
- Added 2 legendary pistols: Thunderball Fists (dropped during the Rain) and The Hornet (dropped in the Jungle), available for earlygame
- Added 1 unique pistol: The Killing Word- Dropped by Granite Golems
- Added 8 uncommon (green) pistol types that drop post EoW: AX-7, Sureshot, Holey Man, Kot, Blaster, Ranger, Pocket Rocket, Shrike, with elemental variants for all types except AX-7, Ranger, and Kot

- All new non-legendary weapons have randomly generated magazine sizes and reloading mechanics!

- New Manufacturer effects for new weapons!
- Atlas: New manufacturer. Right click to blast tracker projectiles that stick onto enemies. Bullets will home onto tracked enemies
- Jakobs: Critical hits cause bullets to ricochet
- Dahl: Right-click in inventory to swap between regular and burst fire modes
- Maliwan: Right-click in inventory to swap between two random elemental types
- Vladof: Right-click in inventory to swap between regular fire and a randomized alternate fire mode (Rockets, Tasers, etc.)
- Tediore: Weapon is thrown when clip runs out. Thrown weapon can have many different effects (Homing MIRV, Sticky, Explosive, Gun with Legs, etc.)
- CoV: New(ish) manufacturer. Huge magazine sizes that replenish themself when held. Overusing the magazine causes the weapon to overheat and burn the player.
- Torgue: Turns bullets into gyrojets that stick to enemies. Stuck gyrojets explode when weapon is reloaded. The more gyrojets in a single enemy, the more damage they each do.

- Torgue weapons can now have elemental types
- Nerfed the damage multiplier Slag gives
- Made elemental enemies less common
- New weapons have unique sounds
- Added a Mod Icon

Download on the Mod Browser or Direct Download Listing.
great mod but seems like anything that has a reload after so many shots is a great idea but it looks as though the guns or at least the ones shoot the whole clip at once then reload every two or three mouse clicks. I understand each click might fire more then one shot due to speed of gun and how long I hold the mouse click but even with guns that have 40 mag size i feel as if i should have more then one or two clicks when im trying to only (pull the trigger) for one or two shots
Hi there Yuyutsu! First, I must say I'm really liking your mod! I love Borderlands and Terraria and when I first heard of a mod that could combine the two I was thrilled!

It seems Guns Glorious Guns keeps throwing this error the first time I start Terraria.

It does exactly the same with Fargowiltas (The mutant mod). There's a workaround in wich you can Skip Loading Mods and then, check again the Fargowiltas/FargowiltasSouls and Reload Mods. The second time doesn't throw a NullReferenceException. Quite intriging.

And I wanted to make a suggestion. Could you please put a "Reload Gun" keybinding? And, if it's posible, something to indicate the amount of ammo you still have in your weapon to know when to reload. Because of the automatic reload, sometimes they do it in the worst moment posible.

That's really all! Again, your mod is really really cool and I wish you could somehow make it gun-compatible with Overhaul Terraria.

Edit: This is my modlist:

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Is this mod still being worked on? Really cool idea, big fan of the Borderlands franchise so it's awesome that there's a mod like this for Terraria. I will say though, the frequency at which guns drop is really high. Any way to change this? Maybe make guns only appear in chests? I really want to use this mod but I hate for my inventory to be full of its guns, especially when I'm well beyond the point of needing them. Which brings me to my next point, is there any way to make guns scale as you progress in-game, so that they keep being useful? The majority of weapons seem to only be geared towards Pre-Hardmode and the only ones that seem to stay viable are Torgue weapons, full-auto weapons, and slag weapons. Additionally it could use a bit more content, a couple bosses or vendors would be cool. There isn't any real mod (that i'm aware of) that adds Borderlands content other than this one.
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