Console Gyroscopic Cursor Control & Hold to Disable Smart Cursor


Just recently got Terraria on Switch and the flexibility of the control scheme immediately impressed me, especially coming from keyboard & mouse controls.

While I can more-or-less handle controlling the cursor with the right analog stick, I feel providing the option of gyroscopic cursor control (motion controls) would significantly close the gap of precision between mouse and stick. Given that this is implemented as an option, and not a requirement, I can't see how this could be a bad thing.
As a frame of reference, it would be comparable to IR aiming on Wii, or motion-enabled aiming on many Switch shooters.

Also, another option that couldn't hurt: Alongside the smart cursor options to hold or toggle, there can be a third option called "Hold to disable." Someone like me who uses smart cursor more often than not, would really benefit from this.

Thanks for your time!
I love both of these ideas, and would like to add on one thing.
I'd love a way to sort of have a "static" smart cursor, where it stays in place like the regular cursor, but does automatic placement like smart cursor does. The main reason being that there isn't a very comfortable way to place platforms easily, in the current control scheme.
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