Hallowed BArsz...


I beat the destroyer (After MANY tries) and i got hallowed bars what should i do with them Armour Weapons Picks bows etc? Thanks Peace,
Depend on your play style.
Pickaxe should not be able to make so far(you need 1 of each souls).
The hallowed bar should not be enough to make a set of armor so far.(You could save up later or just use Frost/Titanium armor).
So, you could made a spear/sword or a repeater depending on your play style.
Alternatively, you could collect some soul of light for some light disc (stacked up to 5).
Good idea although i have an arena queen spider and agile spider staff along with a nimbus rod minishark and i can barely beat it. I got lucky this time since the damage i took was barely any. (By that i mean i wasn't at like 70-200 hp most of the match.)
Unless you plan on not using guns, make the Megashark with some of the leftover Might Souls. It's a great weapon to take against the other mechanical bosses and Plantera.
Just make hallowed armor from beating him 3 times. Then make the megashark. I much prefer the Deadalous stormbow but that's just me
Just make hallowed armor from beating him 3 times. Then make the megashark. I much prefer the Deadalous stormbow but that's just me

Depends on what style you go. If you're Melee and you have access to Titanium, Hallowed is not very attractive:


Defense: 50/49/50
Melee Damage: 14%/0/10%
Overall Damage: 6%/7%/6%
Overall Crit Chance: 4%/6%/7%
Melee Crit Chance: 7%/8%/10%
Movement Speed: 5%/6%/8%
Set Bonus: 18% Movement And Melee Speed/Invulnerability Buff/19% Melee and Movement Speed

So when you compare them... they all have identical defense just about (1 point less for Titanium), Adamantite gives you more Melee Damage, and Hallowed barely wins in the Crit (by a mere 3%) and the Melee Speed is only noticed if you are still using actual "swing" weapons (many players switch over to Yo-Yos these days about this point in the game).

This is why I've been saying that Hallowed Armor needs a buff to make people actually care about it. Adamantite gives you:

-Same Defense
-Same Overall Damage
-4% more Melee Damage
-3% less Overall Crit Chance
-3% less Melee Crit Chance
-4% less Movement Speed
-1% less Melee Speed

And is acquired much earlier than the Mech Bosses if you happen to have Adamantite in your world (or don't mind fishing it up).

I honestly can't say that 6% crit, 4% melee damage, and 4% movement speed is worth upgrading when you can just grab the Pickaxe Axe and head over to the Jungle and have a suit of Turtle Armor which is unquestionably superior in about 30 minutes' work digging ore and fighting some turtles.

I can't comment on Magic/Ranged, though... but for melee, yeah... Hallowed just ain't worth messing with.
Make the armor first, don't bother with the Excalibur sword till you want the Terra Blade. The bow and spear are nice but the armor is your best option.
I've just always made hallowed because of it's cool effect too, and that it makes me look cooler.
But I can say you are right in this respect, Adamantite is indeed superior stat-wise.

I also made hallowed because overall I thought it was better. Guess it does need a buff.
To be honest, I won't bother about the armor if I had enough Adamantite/Titanium bars. I think they're better, especially the second one, which gives you a great buff (dodges one attack for a short amount of time). Just get some of these ores and create this, they have almost the same stats and better buffs.

Leave some Hallowed for the Pickaxe Axe. You can use the rest for weapons (repeater, spear, light discs, Twins minions, Excalibur). For armor just skip to the post-Plantera alternatives once you defeat that boss.
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