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They made a mistake with when they announced the next game. Also, life happens. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it.
The game was too buggy (or whatever their reason was) for release anytime soon, so they stopped giving us updates. They would rather have waited until it was much closer, but they didn't know so much was wrong (code-wise) with it. Ask an actual dev about it though, my knowledge is incomplete.
Look, I'm not arguing that they made the wrong decision by not releasing the game too early, because it wasn't the wrong decision. What I'm arguing, is that no matter how near or far this game is to completion, their deafening silence can be felt across time in the harshest of ways.

Want an example?

Here, I'll give you an example:

February 2015, Terraria Otherworld is announced. It is scheduled for release the next year, sometime around early 2016. Hype is through the roof, people are excited about the next installment of such an incredible game. I am among them, eagerly awaiting when the game will be released. I thought it was perfect, it was originally scheduled for release around the same time that I would graduate college! It couldn't be a better gift to myself for working so hard those years to get through college, holding down two jobs and working hard to get the best grades possible.

January 2016 rolls on by, the Winter quarter at college in full swing. Sunday January 30th comes along, and I go with two of my friends to try snowboarding for the first time. I enjoy myself up until the moment that I collapse into the snowbank, slowly dying from a heart attack. I spend the next month recovering (forced to return to work and school the following Tuesday), working through medications making me both tired and nauseated, the doctors are very fond of reminding me that if I were any older (25) I'd be dead. The only things I had to look forward to was finishing college, and Terraria Otherworld.

As you can imagine, I was disappointed. But it wasn't that the game wasn't ready, it was the proceeding months of silence.

I still want to play this game, more than most may know. But a lifetime of events happened to me while I've waited. I survived a Myocardial Infarct, completed college (I ended Winter qtr. with all 4.0s, I felt like a badass), recovered my stolen motorcycle (three separate times, I'm not even joking), moved to a new house, completely upgraded my computer, bought a car, started a new educational path, and changed jobs three times. I get that life happens, but even I have the time to write a post more than once every 6-10 months.
Rough. Sorry that happened.

My point being, they had a reason to stop releasing information, maybe they hadn't made significant progress and things were moving slowly. Yes, they should have been more sure of their target, but we can't blame bugs and errors on them all the time.

But hey, Console 1.3 is coming out soon, so that's good, right?

I could choose not to do my job, too! Knowing someone has a choice does not make them somehow magnanimous for making the choice that aligns with your desires. Sure, they could not make another game, disappointing fans everywhere, but then they're just giving up on a great career move. If I chose to do my work that pays well, I'm not some hero for doing it, it just so happens to benefit someone else. If I were to refuse my work, people would simply find someone who would.

Sure, quality matters. So does actually producing something more than alpha footage after three years. Three years. Hell- even Star Citizen is doing better than Terraria Otherworld in terms of how progress is made and the player base is informed! And they've been working on that game since 2011!
1) Star Citizen was being worked on long before it was announced to the world.
2) For a very long time the game was mostly just faffing about in space, and very little if any progress was being made. During that time the kickstarter funds "ran out" and they asked for at least 2 more rounds of funding from fans by selling ridiculously overpriced digital goods.
3) The only real mistake ReLogic made was getting over excited and telling us Otherworld was being worked on at all.

Games that aren't yearly recycled garbage take years to make, around 4-6 being the average. The expectation that something would be playable by the general public at this point was very idealistic when it was announced. The idea that Star Citizen has done a better job tells me you haven't been paying attention to them for very long.
Meanwhile, I'm here wondering if Re-Logic is finishing up the 1.3.6 update. :/
They are, and they've said through social media that it will be in the new year before it's ready.

Meanwhile, since this sale has passed, I'll lock the thread.
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