Health Auto-Replenishment Machine (designed for more challenging boss battles)


Brain of Cthulhu
Here's a guide to my latest hoiktronics mechanism! It's a health replenishment machine designed to boost your health up to the maximum during boss fights. All that you need to do is step onto the teleporter to automatically refill health. I built this because after finishing the game on expert mode you might want to try more difficult challenges such as fighting multiple bosses simultaneously (including enraged versions of Plantera and Fishron). The machine can be turned off via a lever if you don't want to have it available during boss fights.

Here is the machine in action (this is a gif so press play at the bottom):

The teleporter is flanked by two actuated half-blocks, with a pressure plate in between. When the green light is on, the teleporter is accessible, and will teleport the player into a hoik track that will release 24 hearts along the way (so long as there aren't more than 7 hearts on the ground elsewhere in the world). However, when the player enters the track, the two half blocks flanking the pressure plate become deactuated, so that further access to the teleporter is blocked temporarily, and the lights switch from green to red. A 10 second cascade timer is also activated, and when the timer reaches the end, it teleports a dummy ghost into another hoik track to both switch the lights back to green and to actuate the flanking half blocks around the pressure plate.

This way, when fighting bosses in the arena, you can tell when the machine is available for use based on whether the green or red lights are on. Furthermore, if the red light is on while the heart statues are in cooldown, you don't have to worry about accidentally stepping into the teleporter.

I built this machine because I have some big fights scheduled for my upcoming videos - expert mode fights against all the hardmode bosses simultaneously, including the Moon Lord and enraged Plantera and Fishron. Such challenge runs are almost impossible without some health replenishment because with so many bosses it becomes very difficult to dodge attacks!

Here are the schematics of the machine:


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Just a note. This setup appears only to work reliably with a hoik track running leftwards (right to left). A mirror image build is unreliable, failing to pick up about 1 in 9 of the hearts, on average. These will accumulate on the floor and block the machine's operation. (Of course a simple bodge in such a situation would be to sit the heart statues in a pool of lava deep enough to burn the dropped hearts.)
Gif slow motion and pan lock using Mechmod.
The problem appears to arise from the fact that rightwards (horizontal) top-hoiks move the player sideways a non-integer number of tiles each step, not aligning to the edge of a tile, unlike with the leftwards. Moving over 2 tiles sideways (possibly equal to player height?). A phenomena that causes weird little issues in many hoik applications, it seems.

Otherwise, a lovely 'little' build and tutorial. I imagine the 1.3.1 will allow you to remove the need for the dummy ghost, too (with logic gate forwarding, or suchlike). :)

Edit: oh yes, I was testing this out for an 'educational' gif, that OK if I show this off, possibly? Perhaps also a copy of your mob auto-farm teleporter collection system. (I know you'll say yes. ;))
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Just a note. This setup appears only to work reliably with a hoik track running leftwards (right to left). A mirror image build is unreliable, failing to pick up about 1 in 9 of the hearts, on average.

Interesting. I never investigated going left to right, so it was rather fortuitous that I ended up chooing the correct direction :). Nevertheless going right to left still doesn't guarantee the pick-up of all the hearts, but the percentage of hearts you end up not picking up doesn't impact this machine in an actual fight - if it did I would have added lava.

Edit: oh yes, I was testing this out for an 'educational' gif, that OK if I show this off, possibly? Perhaps also a copy of your mob auto-farm teleporter collection system. (I know you'll say yes. ;))

Of course, go for it!
You could do it in a day if you wanted to if you're using endgame gear for farming new worlds.
UFO mount with lunar pickaxe, though the better option would be the Drill mount.
1. Create a new map.
2. Check the map with any map editor to see where you have heart statues.
3. "Ram" through the map to appropriate positions and retrieve the heart statues, not caring what you destroy along the way.

For me it took minutes to get to them, but depends how many you would like to have, because i hardly stacked more than a couple :)
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