PC Heart Statue Problem


Dungeon Spirit
tried connecting a 5-second timer to a heart statue but that didn't work, next tried a switch. it worked the first time I clicked it but after it wouldn't spit out any more hearts.

any solutions to this?
As ZeroGravitas said, there's a limit on how many hearts can exist in a world.

There is also a limit to how often a heart statue can produce a heart. I think it's one heart every 10 seconds. So even if you connect it to a 1 second timer, it's not going to produce more hearts. Linking more than one statue to the same timer will also not work; only one statue at a time will produce a heart.
You can help produce more hearts by having multiple statues linked to separate timers, but the world/local limit still applies. 1.3 also further restricted/nerfed the number of hearts available from statues, though I'm not too sure of the details.
The hard limit for hearts is 3 hearts within 18.75 blocks, 6 within 50 blocks, and 10 for the entire world. So if you say killed off a boss that drops a lot of hearts (BoC, EoW, Destroyer, WoF) and didn't pick up all the hearts than they can easily cap out the limit and produce nothing else. I honestly find it much easier to wire together 3 (at max) heart statues and have them keyed to a couple pressure plates, one on each side. That way you can land and run across for a quick heal from any direction.
1.3 also further restricted/nerfed the number of hearts available from statues, though I'm not too sure of the details.
It used to be that each tile a statue occupied served as an individual trigger point with individual cooldowns, so you could get up to six hearts/mana stars/slimes/etc out of a single statue, with three per timer activation. 1.3 changed it so that the entire statue is just a single activation point, limiting you to one activation per cooldown period.
Really, have you checked a tutorial to see how to build one? If not, please do, then try it again (carefully). If not still. Contact customer service.
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