Help with beating expert daytime Empress of Light Pre-Golem


I don't really believe I need much tips because I've generally got a strategy, but I am still dying a lot, and also if there's anything I can do to spawn prismatic lacewings faster please tell me I hate gathering those- I am really getting off track here. Anyways. The reasons I'm doing this pre-golem is 1, I'm a massive showoff with a high but very fragile ego that can break at the slightest gust of wind. 2, I've beaten her nighttime form no hit in like three tries, 3, I want my terraprisma and 4, I hate golem.

Generally, my biggest struggle with this fight is the first phase. The main reason I die is because at the end of like every attack she flies up above/at my level, which usually hits me because I have a habit of dodging attacks upwards. In phase 2 her attacks become more like rapid-fire, but her annoying tendency to be above me is less frequent and I'm decent at dodging a lot of her attacks (I still do die to dumb mistakes, such as flying all the way to space).

The gear I'm currently using is Spooky Armour, with Berserker Glove, Papyrus Scarab, Amphibian Boots, Master Ninja Gear, Soaring Insignia, and Fishron Wings (all of which are warding... I should reforge those to Menacing, actually), and as for weapons I'm using Kaleidoscope, Dark Harvest and Durendal all with Legendary reforge (mainly Kaleido because I don't have the focus to whip stack) with a Deadly Sphere Staff with Ruthless reforge as my summon.

If there are any specific tips that might help me win this fairly uphill battle (tips that aren't 'just progress' or 'get potions' or something because I refuse to do those) please share, and especially tips that will help me get more of those annoying prismatic lacewings.
I'd recommend using the raven staff instead of the deadly spheres, the damage is much higher.

tbh potions aren't the biggest help for daytime empress, I'd probably just go with plenty satisfied (via pumpkin pie) and ale (ale gives melee speed for whips), both of which are very easy to get.

Accessory wise I'd recommend pygmy necklace and necromantic scroll instead of berserker's glove and amphibian boots (glove is obsoleted by the autofire setting and boots aren't really needed with insignia). I'd also recommend the unicorn mount, by dashing and then using it you can get a fair amount of horizontal distance from her which helps in phase 2.

Another option is to use the witches' broom as your mobility, which might help the ravens more consistently deal damage to the boss. I haven't fought EoL with ravens so I'm not actually sure how consistent they are, both with wings and with broom, though I know broom generally helps keep the boss on-screen.

A strat I've used to get quite a few lacewings is to build a platform of pearlstone at the right edge of the world a bit above the ocean (left ocean has offscreen blocks that makes this slightly worse, but tbh either ocean is fine). Make the platform thick enough that it becomes a hallowed biome (easiest way to tell is the water turning pink). Then you can stand at the edge of the world and watch the enemies spawn. When a lacewing shows up just run over and catch it.

Also make sure to have a guide to critter companionship and a lifeform analyzer when hunting lacewings, both help a fair bit. Just make sure to turn off the guide when you want to fight empress.
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Learn how to control Soaring Insignia and Hoverboard. You'll have better horizontal mobility than Fishron Wings can offer which allows you to gain more distance from the more dangerous attacks, and it makes it easier to stay in one place as well when you have a moment of safety.
I'd recommend using the raven staff instead of the deadly spheres, the damage is much higher.

tbh potions aren't the biggest help for daytime empress, I'd probably just go with plenty satisfied (via pumpkin pie) and ale (ale gives melee speed for whips), both of which are very easy to get.

Accessory wise I'd recommend pygmy necklace and necromantic scroll instead of berserker's glove and amphibian boots (glove is obsoleted by the autofire setting and boots aren't really needed with insignia). I'd also recommend the unicorn mount, by dashing and then using it you can get a fair amount of horizontal distance from her which helps in phase 2.

Another option is to use the witches' broom as your mobility, which might help the ravens more consistently deal damage to the boss. I haven't fought EoL with ravens so I'm not actually sure how consistent they are, both with wings and with broom, though I know broom generally helps keep the boss on-screen.

A strat I've used to get quite a few lacewings is to build a platform of pearlstone at the right edge of the world a bit above the ocean (left ocean has offscreen blocks that makes this slightly worse, but tbh either ocean is fine). Make the platform thick enough that it becomes a hallowed biome (easiest way to tell is the water turning pink). Then you can stand at the edge of the world and watch the enemies spawn. When a lacewing shows up just run over and catch it.

Also make sure to have a guide to critter companionship and a lifeform analyzer when hunting lacewings, both help a fair bit. Just make sure to turn off the guide when you want to fight empress.
To be honest, I did once try to beat Empress with Raven Staff, but the ravens were so slow and inconsistent and just generally frustrsting to use that I went back to willingly grind for Deadly Sphere Staff.

I'll keep the accessory and lacewing tips in mind for my next attempt, thanks!
Just looked at some killtime tests, the deadly spheres aren't nearly as bad as I thought they were (in case you're curious, ravens were about 5s faster than desert tiger, 10s faster than deadly spheres, 15s faster than tempest staff, and 30s faster than sanguine/blades). From what I've heard about ravens they deal damage inconsistently but their overall damage is still higher.

Deadly spheres come earlier in progression so it's logical that they'd do worse than the ravens. Might be a decent idea to give the ravens another try but if you want to stick with the spheres they're okay too.
This counts, apparently. I got my cool awesome Terraprisma now. (Now to wait for the Goblin Tinkerer to respawn...) Thanks for all the tips!


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