I don't really believe I need much tips because I've generally got a strategy, but I am still dying a lot, and also if there's anything I can do to spawn prismatic lacewings faster please tell me I hate gathering those- I am really getting off track here. Anyways. The reasons I'm doing this pre-golem is 1, I'm a massive showoff with a high but very fragile ego that can break at the slightest gust of wind. 2, I've beaten her nighttime form no hit in like three tries, 3, I want my terraprisma and 4, I hate golem.
Generally, my biggest struggle with this fight is the first phase. The main reason I die is because at the end of like every attack she flies up above/at my level, which usually hits me because I have a habit of dodging attacks upwards. In phase 2 her attacks become more like rapid-fire, but her annoying tendency to be above me is less frequent and I'm decent at dodging a lot of her attacks (I still do die to dumb mistakes, such as flying all the way to space).
The gear I'm currently using is Spooky Armour, with Berserker Glove, Papyrus Scarab, Amphibian Boots, Master Ninja Gear, Soaring Insignia, and Fishron Wings (all of which are warding... I should reforge those to Menacing, actually), and as for weapons I'm using Kaleidoscope, Dark Harvest and Durendal all with Legendary reforge (mainly Kaleido because I don't have the focus to whip stack) with a Deadly Sphere Staff with Ruthless reforge as my summon.
If there are any specific tips that might help me win this fairly uphill battle (tips that aren't 'just progress' or 'get potions' or something because I refuse to do those) please share, and especially tips that will help me get more of those annoying prismatic lacewings.
Generally, my biggest struggle with this fight is the first phase. The main reason I die is because at the end of like every attack she flies up above/at my level, which usually hits me because I have a habit of dodging attacks upwards. In phase 2 her attacks become more like rapid-fire, but her annoying tendency to be above me is less frequent and I'm decent at dodging a lot of her attacks (I still do die to dumb mistakes, such as flying all the way to space).
The gear I'm currently using is Spooky Armour, with Berserker Glove, Papyrus Scarab, Amphibian Boots, Master Ninja Gear, Soaring Insignia, and Fishron Wings (all of which are warding... I should reforge those to Menacing, actually), and as for weapons I'm using Kaleidoscope, Dark Harvest and Durendal all with Legendary reforge (mainly Kaleido because I don't have the focus to whip stack) with a Deadly Sphere Staff with Ruthless reforge as my summon.
If there are any specific tips that might help me win this fairly uphill battle (tips that aren't 'just progress' or 'get potions' or something because I refuse to do those) please share, and especially tips that will help me get more of those annoying prismatic lacewings.