Console Help With getting the Rod of Discord?

Rod of discord Is quite a rare drop from Chaos Elementals...Maybe build an AFK Farm with Lihzard Traps or Lava...?Im not sure but try looking Up Happy Days...(I don't know if he made a video on This topic but...Try anyway)
As with any rare drop, find these things and build accordingly:

• drop rate
• hazards
• location

I believe they come from chaos elementals.. so,
• 1/500
• underground hallow
• will not spawn in lava, or near player placed walls. Also, immune to a couple debuts.

I recommend clearing out a 100x80 block area,
Leaving several 4 block tall rows,
With a box in the center to keep safe (small box, or they can teleport inside. 3blocks away from plater at most.),
And lava on the floor.
Water candles, battle potions, and some onscreen traps would help too. I say onscreen because you don't want the drops to be offscreen where you'd miss them.

Good luck
As with any rare drop, find these things and build accordingly:

• drop rate
• hazards
• location

I believe they come from chaos elementals.. so,
• 1/500
• underground hallow
• will not spawn in lava, or near player placed walls. Also, immune to a couple debuts.

I recommend clearing out a 100x80 block area,
Leaving several 4 block tall rows,
With a box in the center to keep safe (small box, or they can teleport inside. 3blocks away from plater at most.),
And lava on the floor.
Water candles, battle potions, and some onscreen traps would help too. I say onscreen because you don't want the drops to be offscreen where you'd miss them.

Good luck
I'd take his advice if I were you.Nice Work DEATH.
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