Casual How did you get your TCF name?

A long time ago my dad set theobadeo as my PSN username for some reason. Then it was taken on youtube for somereason so i just added 22 to the end
Originally, my name was DiamondDovah. I like Skyrim, and I liked the alliteration, so. Why not.

Now, I have this name because it fits in with other Skyrim dragons' names being three syllables (for example Al-du-in, Paar-thur-nax, O-dah-viing, etc.)
Loeen - word my teacher saw in my signature, but my real name is Ivan Suvorov. I also use prefixes "John", "Mr." or write "loeen" (with small leters).
My oldest nickname is "Mair Wraitth", also wr_AI#.
Elate, Elated, Elates, Elating.

I'm just such a happy person like that you see?
It's irony, I hate everything.
My little niece would always play in the leaves in fall , and I loved comic books, so I decided to come up one name that involved both of them.
Dug this up from when I answered this on a similar TO thread...
SzGamer227 is a mash-up of two random letters pulled from a distorted verison of my name IRL (you'll never guess what it is :P), my favorite number with an extra 2 (don't ask me why 27 is my favorite number, because i don't know), and the word "Gamer" because there isn't much else I do with my life.
I got my name off of, well...being an unknown site/forum wanderer, a guest, if you may.
Unless i am required to create an account to preform basic things, I'd just be a guest or an anonymous amongst the area.
So i thought up this name, and normally, i don't create an account at all.
I'm quite surprised that the name wasn't taken, considering that i knew of this forum's existence for a good while.
I came up with this name almost three years ago, and pretty much use it for everything. I believe it was spawned in one of the numerous skype calls I had at the time where my friends and I made god awful rap music that was supposed to make fun of the stereotypes that are associated with rap culture.
I like Grimm, episode 18, i was 18, the date was 1- ok, about the date, im not sure xD
tbh i dont even know. :p
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I'm an uncreative :red: and I like Terraria, so the two kinda went together back when I made a profile on TO, and it just kinda carried over here on TCF.
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