Casual How did you get your TCF name?

Well, a year or two ago, I conceived of a pony OC named Sodapop. I later decided to use Sodapop as an alias, but because of The Outsiders, it was almost always taken. So I just took what Sodapop was, a soda pony, corrupted "pony", and put the two together to get Sodapone.
Sodapop by Juliet.jpg

And yes, that means that Sodapop the Terraria character is named after the pony. I initially conceptualized her as a humanized version of the pony, but she kinda got a personality of her own, and now I see her as fully separate with only the name being the same.
Its my name I use for everywhere I am on the Internet. It was created somewhere around 7-8 years ago when I was thinking about the Northern and Southern Lights, and Metroid Prime 3. These things were cool so I decided to use the name Aurora. And to make it unique, added the number to it that can be divided into my favorite number.
Florence is the name of a character from a web-comic I read. One day i tried to join a server but the name was already taken so I smacked in random numbers until it worked.

The name has kind of stuck with me ever since. Came from TO.
I just kinda like clouds and Nimbus is always taken and I didn't want to put random numbers after it because my memory with numbers is less than ideal so I put a Bolt after it and also I knew terrarians could relate to it because of the angry nimbus mob and yep.
It's from initial of my name, AK. In my language, AK pronounced like... errr... "Uh Kuh" or something like that without the ~h sound(not really know how to write the pronunciation), same like Aka.
I invented my name when i first made a runescape account back when it was extremely popular
never played runescape
im using that username everywhere ever since
A edm artist named savoy, but I wouldn't steal a name so I took a name that was already in Existance and was pretty general
You didn't need to put the warnings, a lot of people here like (or at least tolerate) Minecraft, it's just the fanbase that's stupid.
its becuase i now HATE MINECRAFT for what they did with the mods and making it harder to the point where i still won't touch the web site or any downlode thing to this day
its becuase i now HATE MINECRAFT for what they did with the mods and making it harder to the point where i still won't touch the web site or any downlode thing to this day
Eh, you can still have fun without mods. For me, it's more fun on Console, but that's only because of the easy to set up, non-laggy multiplayer.
When I first came to the forums I simply wanted help on farming Snow Flinx's so my name was "SeekerOfAdvice"
But after I decided I liked the forums I changed it to simply "Seeker"
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