Casual How did you get your TCF name?

mangos are good
lots of letters make things better
lots of a in mango make mango better
then I got infused with SIVA and became perfection of a already amazing fruit
It was an accident, originally. I got an Xbox one for my six or seventh birthday, and when picking my username, I wanted to be notch2, since I was into Minecraft at the time. Obviously, the name wasn’t available, but it had suggested me other similar names. Being the impulsive 7 year old I was I saw ricketynotch2, misread it as just notch2, and picked it. By that point it was too late, since you need to pay money to change your name. So I stuck with it. And since I’m usually too lazy to create new profile names, I use this most of the time.
So my first username TheNotVeryEpicness I got because I wanted something not epic, the The Not and Ness came because bigger is better. My second username TheMaybeNotEpicness came after a friend told me to change my name because it was to 'negative'. My third and current username TheEpicSylveon was made when another friend of mine didn't want to change their pfp to a sylveon so I changed my name and pfp to a sylveon instead
I can't exactly remember what my first TCF username was, but I know it's one of the usernames mentioned in my signature. My username on basically everything was changed as I suddenly gained obsessions with different things, and eventually it got to TerraBreak, which I intent to stick with.
I commonly use the name 'redeyedslime' on the internet and other places (because my youtube profile pic was a dragon quest slime with red eyes), but even more
commonly use its shortened version, 'redslime', which sometimes sparks confusion because my profile picture isn't, well, red. simple story.
Our teachers always played kahoot with us (yeah, I had cool teachers last year). They would also let us make custom names and I never knew what to put my name as until my friends told me to put chickenqueen.and yeh I kinda just stuck with it and used that name for most of my accounts. Yeh,but like I changed it to queenofchickens cus why not
6 feet is the average burial depth, and I thought it would sound cool.
But all my previous usernames were just horrible attempts to make me sound somewhat interesting.
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