Casual How did you get your TCF name?

Ooh, story time!

Milt was the name of my first OC, created when I was in the 1st or 2nd grade. I adored him, and still do partially to this day. Now, in 3rd grade, we were expected to make an email address (don't remember why). So I chose Milt, but that was already taken, so I added the number 69466, which was my old id number. And bam, Milt69466 was created, and has become my internet alias. If you ever see that name, there is a 99% chance it's me. So naturally, that was my name on TO, and here on TCF.
Why does she have a bandaid on her knee?

...It can't be that one overused meme, NO! IT CANT BE THAT ONE OVERUSED SKYRIM MEME. ;_;
the irony is the saying was about marriage
edit: somewhat on topic heres a screenshot from the first forum i ever used this username on back when i used to make bots pictures like 3 years old a little blurry...
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Similar to Milt, Matsutsu T. was the name of my first, and still primary, OC made when I was in around 1st grade. I made the character on an RP forum my brother ran with some of his friends and the name has stuck ever since. Once I started using it for other stuff I got rid of the space and became MatsutsuT (my primary online alias) with Matsu being a nickname.

Every online alias I use incorporates Matsu into it somewhere. So odds are if you find a Matsu or MatsutsuT it's me.

Many years later, I looked into it and found out Matsu is Japanese for "pine tree"...and is a girls name. It is also the name of a series of islands in China.
Well. Here we go. Skye is my most recent RP character name, and for the longest time, I used Ahri the Kitsune as my IGN for Terraria, well, now my IGN is Skye, and I decided to mix the two!
My name is composed of letters that rhyme and letters that are close together on the keyboard.
Queue-Doubleyou-too. Simple & Easy! %:D
English is weird.
I mean, most of the letters don't even have their own sound when you say these letters.
Like W.
And Q (Which is always followed by a "u")
And a "U" makes an ew sound.
Remove the ew sound, and you get a really short "k".
I made it up for my first email account back in 1996 I think. I've kept it ever since. It has absolutely no meaning whatsoever.
...honesty time, Chard was the name of my fursona back when I used to hang with furries. I've considered getting my name here changed to Rough Draft, but I don't know how name changes work, and that's probably taken anyways.
...honesty time, Chard was the name of my fursona back when I used to hang with furries. I've considered getting my name here changed to Rough Draft, but I don't know how name changes work, and that's probably taken anyways.

You can easily change your own username from your profile. Its under personal details then username change. It will have to be approved by a mod first of course.
Everyone always tells me I'm not worthy, good enough, worth a damn, good at anything, etc.

So I adopted the name Axios which means 'I am worthy'.
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