How do you explain Terraria to other people?

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Me: "Hey, you heard of terraria?"

Friend: "oh, you mean that minecraft rip-off?"


Basically, they don't give a flying Crap.
"It's like Minecraft except it's 2D and less pretend-to-be-survival and more tier-progress-and-punch-stuffs"

At least if they know what Minecraft is. If they don't I doubt really have to explain them in the first place, I don't know a single gamer who doesn't know it. Lel.
I hate it when people say it's "like 2D Minecraft".

I usually explain that it's a 2D platform sandbox game with multiple bosses. I say it almost has classes with 4 main weapon types: Melee, Magic, Summon, Ranged.
I hate it when people say it's "like 2D Minecraft".

I usually explain that it's a 2D platform sandbox game with multiple bosses. I say it almost has classes with 4 main weapon types: Melee, Magic, Summon, Ranged.
To be honest, you'd be lying if you said it had no similarities to Minecraft. People don't call it 2D Minecraft for no reason, getting mad at them for it regardless makes no sense.
i once told it to my home mentor

i showed her the basics of a new char and new world:
chopping trees,
making houses,
getting NPC's,

then i told that the game is a bit violent. and the i killed a bunny.
you'd to see her laugh XD
To be honest, you'd be lying if you said it had no similarities to Minecraft. People don't call it 2D Minecraft for no reason, getting mad at them for it regardless makes no sense.
By what I said, I mean people don't go that in depth with it. They establish that it has some similarities by calling it 2D Minecraft, but they don't explain it more. It's more than just a 2D Minecraft, IMO.
I'd say it's like Minecraft, but not totally and that it's more RPG and it's way better than Minecraft. Then I say it's 2D and they say it's crap. /o
"You know that game minecraft?"
"Well it's like that but 2D, has 50 times more content and created by people who care about making a good game rather than a ton of money."
"So like a rip-off"
"No. Terraria was released before minecraft and both took inspiration from each other. But one took more from the other. >.>"
"Sounds terrible. So it's a survival sandbox?"
"Terraria is more oriented on combat and creation, whereas minecraft focuses more on exploration and survival."
"Hm... Have you heard of Starbound?"
"Excuse me while I kill myself."
Happen to like mammoth-sized skeletons that shoot frickin' laser beams and have a place in your heart for flying aquatic dragons? No? Well, you won't like Terraria then.

Not really that much of an explanation, though it kind of indirectly does explain some bits.
Explained once to a friend, did not understand a thing, so i told him it was like Minecraft. In the end, he did not like it, now he is no longer my friend. :D
Me: "think zelda II, but with giant pig fish dragon thing, and an assload of other stuff, like, 3000 other things"
Friend: "i want"
Simple version for me would be:

"Its like squishing Mario and Minecraft into the same game, with some RPG elements."
I usually tell people it's a game full of adventure, creativity, sense of accomplishment, challenges and most of all, hours of fun :D
Um...... 2D Minecraft with more stuff is off the table... so..
2D Adventure game with more stuff, ores, and cthulus!
'You can, like, build and stuff... There's lots of content, like items, armour, weapons, potions and stuff, armour, ect. It has magic and summojust :red:ing buy it already'
-Me, the last time I tried to describe Terraria to my friends.
I tell people Terraria is a sand-box game that has exploration, adventure, platforming, combat, loot hording, mining, fishing and building all in one. The great thing about this is you don't have to do all those things but you can if you want. There is enough variety in the systems and content available to provide players with a wide variety of viable options to have fun. To close the deal I tell them the game is $2 to $10 based on deals and is more than worth the chance.
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