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Mobile How To: Frost Moon Event

TerraNova Gaming

Official Terrarian
TerraNova Gaming here! Welcome Mobile Terrarians and Terrarians every where! I am back with another guide, this time, the ridiculously hard event, The Frost Moon.

Now this event is really harder than the Pumpkin Moon event, but can be defeated in almost the same manner. Want those drops? Or the money?.....or both? Here is how. Keep in mind this Melee guide, if you dont feel like reading this or you like this, give this a like and what the thread with your friendly terraria friends and heeeeeere we go!

1. Offensive Capabilities:
Sometimes defense is not the name of the game, you will need to defeat enemies before they even see you. A perfect way to do this to get the Horsemans Blade. Yup, from the Pumpkin Moon Event.

2. Beetle Armor (Scail Mail)
This is important as it is perfect with the Horsemans Blade, allowing for many of the Projectiles to come out and deal damage, increasing DPS. Also, the more attacks that connect including the projectiles, you will increase Damage and Melee Speed.

3. Accessories:
Celestial Stone - Menacing
Avenger Emblem - Menacing
Moon Stone - Menacing
Ankh Shield - Warding
Star Cloak - Menacing
If you want to know how to get these, message me.

4. Statues:
3 Goldfish and Bat Statues. Every time the Horsemans Blade hits a mob, including with one swing, projectiles spawn. So imagine 6 mobs getting hit almost at the same time. Yeah.

4. Arena and Position
Now, for this trick to work, you need a super long amd flat arena. No fancy shmancy. Fill all caves below you. Now, you need to build a small platform that can support you, the statues, and other beneficial things. Build it till your bottom screen is 3 blocks above ground, where you can barely see a zombies head. This way, most enemies will spawn right under you, including the Bosses (excluding the Frost Queen). Also on that platform, you need a Campfire, Heart Lantern, Heart Statue, and a 2 Block wide small pool for ONLY one bucket of honey. For the wiring, connect all statues to Pressure Plates. I will show a picture for this. The Statues will be directly above you on wooden platforms. You will place pressure plates directly below them. So you will run back and forth, spawning the mobs faster than a 1 Second Timer.

6. Potions:
Ironskin (Daybloom, Iron Ore, Bottled Water)
Endurance (Armored Cavefish, Blinkroot, Bottled Water)
Wrath and Rage (Ebonkoi/Hemopirahna, Death weed, Bottled Water)
Ichor Flask (5 Ichor, Bottled Water)
Greater Healing Potions

7. Optional
Vampire Knives, Spooky Wings, Moon Shell, Warrior Emblem, Horn O' Plenty, North Pole (explained soon), Regeneration Potion.

8. Begin
Good luck players. Leave a like and follow if you liked it. If you didnt, drop a like. Questions ands comment are welcome.
Well I went full offensive and then yoloed frost moon,with my own way I made it to final wave(solo),but it was super close to day though,can your way be able to reach final wave?

And this is my prove of making it to final wave.(btw no potion was used ^_^)
I did all waves plus waves after the Bonus Waves. From then on it just sapwns Everscream, Ice Queen, and Santa-NK1. I did this with the Razorpine, Avengers Emblem, Sorcerer Emblem, Celestial Cuffs, all accessories to do +4 Damage, and full Spectre Gear (Hood)
Hey terranova, good strat you got going there. Ive basically got that, but much higher quality. Here are some photos:






(Only the stuff on the bottom row in the next pic)





So yeah basically just an upgraded version of yours. Top statue is is a chest statue, bottom is a crab. This will guaranteed get you to wave 19, 20 if youre lucky with RNG. As you can see, it got me reindeer bells. With this arena, you dont need any defensive potions, because the crabs are spawning so rapidly they block you from the frost moon damage. You will occasionally get hit, but with heart lanterns and campfires you will easily regen to full again. Hope this helps someone. Have an awesome day :guidewink:
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Well,i just feel like one chest isn't that enough...(3 for yolo :3)also,i would change the avenger emblem for the mechanical glove for more melee speed,btw,why did you needed the repeaters?
[DOUBLEPOST=1456304277,1456304168][/DOUBLEPOST]Well,at least I hand it to you that you don't lose too much loots during frost moon(i barely got 5 loots even wave 20)
You mean the floor? If you meant the floor, then it's because without that distance, monsters will not spawn on the spawn area, and so the arena is made like that so mobs can spawn and our pumpkins can hit them,what you see on the picture is the perfect demonstration of the theory.
That's why we couldn't see the rest.
[doublepost=1481447747,1481447670][/doublepost]Although,what's below the picture is simple:lava and 12-18 blocks(used for the platform)
I heard that crit beats damage, (aka lucky it supposedly is actually +4 crit. And boosts your chance for massive damage
It's actually possible to use a dungeon farm method for this (not in the dungeon, of course) a dungeon farm consists of a large, flat area below you with teleporters 5-10 blocks apart on a 1 second timer, each teleporter leads to a box below you with traps of your choice. At player level there will be the "Volcano trap" (2 ramps that mobs walk on, leading to lava. To defeat the mini bosses and the ice queen, simply put rows of spear and flame traps around the entire farming area. It works, and it efficient.
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