If you could have any Terraria item in real life...

Shrimpy truffle.
Everyone will look up at a flying pig-fish-dragon thing with me on it ~:cool:
Now that you mention it, I'd take the cosmic car keys everywhere I went. "Everyone always chooses flight as their superpower..." Well, it's true, because flight would really be great!
Stardust Dragon!

Oh, wait.........
Master ninja gear. Here are my 5 reasons why: -Wall jumping is cool. -dashing is cool. -dash jumping is awesome. -dodging stuff is useful. -This would be very useful in a fight.
The ankh shield.

Think about it, being unable to be hurt by hot things, unable to be slowed by cold water, immune to being poisoned, I'll never be blinded, confused, bleed, or get weakened!

Edit: Or 999 platinum coins
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