I'm not pacitularly familar with the building meta, could use some help


So I've picked up the game for the first time in years and I would like to hear your opinions on my starter house. How could I do better later in the game?
For a first attempt you did reasonably well 👍
>> Regarding the improvement - check my building thread, there is a section called "Tutorials" right after the major builds on the first (main) page:
PC - TerraMonolith's 1.4 Journey builds (vanilla Terraria, no mods)
The tutorials you will want to see are numbers 16 and 17, and they cover the main aspects of building a base in the first 5 days. It also takes into account the possible expansion even in the beginning stages of HM, and that particular design is a good middle ground between style and functionality.
>> If you are interested in improving just the design of the house, check the second post in that same thread - there is a section called "Starter houses - no paint, no actuation, starter resources, ... ". They are simple designs and easy to incorporate in a bigger build (also, using the basic starter resources only).
>> Finally - here are some links to building threads from my personal inspiration list. These are the people that I learned how to build from:
PC - ~Pellaeon's creations~
PC - Ballin' houses by Eiv
PC - Khaios' Build Spectacle
In addition to the links above, you can check Khaios's and BlueJayT's channels on Youtube - both have excellent tutorials on houses/constructions and many other types of builds.

Good luck, have fun and keep experimenting 🙂
P.S. Feel free to ask any additional questions about any kind of design, even if I can't show you a particular example, at the least I will send you a link to someone else's work on the topic.
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