ok I will analyize your crafting recipe list and see if it needs changes...
#1: band of starpower should take a mana crystal and a chain..not a band of regen..
#2: throwing knives should take 1 iron/lead bar and 1 silk for 50 instead of 3 iron/lead bars and 1 silk for 10
#3: the Arkhalis should be more expensive..i say make it 5 of each pre-hardmode bar/gem aside from diamonds maybe?
#4: the enchanted sword should take an enchanted boomerang instead of a normal boomerang
#5: sandstorm in a bottle should take 25 sand blocks like the other bottles take 25 of their material
#6: change the breathing reed to 5-7 silk..that would be 35 or so cobwebs at 5 which is what I think it deserves
#7: maybe increase the crimson heart/shadow orb recipies to 5-7 bars each?
#8: change the shuriken to 1 chain 1 iron/lead bar for 50
#9: add a blue flare recipie with ice torches and make the flare gun craftable with either flare type also increase the ammo amount you get from crafting from 10 to 20-30
#10: add a single torch to the wand of sparking recipe..because it's sparking

#11: add a golden key to the shadow key crafting recipie and lower the cost to 10 demonite/crimtane bars
#12: add a single hellstone ore to the dark lance recipe and decrease the cost to 20 demonite/crimtane bars
#13: add in a craftable picksaw..I can never get that darn thing

..maybe 1 lizhard power cell and the drax?
#14: make hardmode drills/pickaxes reversible too?
#1337: this list is finally over
#9001: IDEA! make higher tiered gems craftable with 1 lower tier gem and a bar of the corresponding type: to make 1 amythist or whatever you need 1 topaz and 1 copper/tin bar..and so on..but for diamonds go ahead and make it 1 of every other gem for..2-3 of them because why not?