PC imp drops a plumber hat?

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i got into hell (in endgame) and finds an imp. kills it and gets a plumber hat????? was he making pipes down in hell for the lava? or a mario-wanabe?
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That is incredibly freakin' rare.

As with the fellow gentlemen said before me, it's a sneaky reference to Mario's fireballs.

So, yeah, it ain't a bug.
yeah it is pretty lucky to get plumber hats, but have you ever gotten a KO cannon from the imps fireball? because i have and also don't ask for a screenshot how was i supposed to know that it was going to drop it?
what is the item just underneath the ice sickle in your inventory?i don't think I've seen it before but i might just be an idiot
Best hat in the game, because you can paint it to make it look kind of like a beret and everyone knows berets are awesome.
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