PC In game issue with Mob Spawn Rate


In the recent update the patch notes mentioned a change to the interaction between summoned minions and neutral creatures.
Recently, it seems like neutral creatures like birds, lady bugs, scorpions, etc. count against the max number of mobs that can appear on screen at one time.
I'm just curious if some property assigned to neutral creatures accidentally got changed that would make them count towards that max number of mobs???

I'm in Journey mode, spawn rate set to 10x, time rate set to 1x (not frozen), mod difficulty set to expert, in the desert (to prevent mobs from spawning underground), at night, in a sandstorm and 1 mob spawns every 3-5 seconds, but I am swarmed by neutral scorpions. If I kill the neutral creatures, the mob spawn rate increases for a very brief time before the neutral scorpions have swarmed again.

Or is there some cache somewhere on my PC that maybe at it's limit? I don't know? I can only speculate and report my problem.
Welcome to the forums canemuto!
Critters and enemies both count equally towards the number of creatures allowed on-screen at a time (spawn cap). Being near town NPCs increases the chances of getting a critter spawn (instead of an enemy spawn). In your scenario, you are probably located near a few town NPCs, and those NPCs are what is causing critters to spawn instead of enemies.
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