Mobile Is paladin, corruptor, or floaty gross spawning??

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I think that they were all really rare before the post-2015 Easter update, as u almost NEVER saw them( corrupter like one time and the others 0) , but now tons of corrupt its are spawning and I have the paladin shield and hammer
Have you checked that your dungeon has marching bones banners and brick walls? Cuz Paladins only spawn in dungeon areas with the marching bones banner and brick walls not the tiled walls
I have farmed Corruptors and the Dungeon. Got Vitamins from a Corruptor, and got several Paladin spawns in the dungeon, including a Godly Paladin Hammer drop. Also, I have finally seen Gold Mimics and Ice Mimics. I now have some Frost weapons and a cute Snowman pet! :D I also saw some Wolf mobs, and got a Wolf Banner drop. The only mob I've looked for and haven't seen is the Lac Beetle, which drops the Violet Husk for Violet dye. So if anyone on iOS sees any Lac Beetles, I'd love to know!

The Lac Beetles are in iOS. I killed one this weekend for a husk. Seem to be a rather rare spawn though.
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