PC IT HAS BEGUN! - Terraria 1.3 Launches Today!

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For all the people who have beaten the moon Lord and gotten really far.
Did you start again or did you make a new character/world??
Actually, 505 arent slow. For starters, they need to wait for Red to pass the code down to them so that they can add it in. Also, they need to make it work on 5 different consoles which all have different buttons, which will delay them whereas all PCs have the same keyboard. Lastly, 505 make more than 1 game, so they wont focus 100% on terraria. So call them slow, but you should really respect the effort 505 put into making console terraria fun.
You must be high. Using the different button as part of yourdefense is the lamest reason possible. You must not understand coding.

Next, they are slow. Evervsince the update released in october or november the game has been horribly broken for a vast amount of users. Although they put out 2 more updates since it has not fixed it and here we are over 8 months later. Their priority should have been fixing the game as soon as possible for all the people who have purchased it. I dont care how many other games they have put out, they are slacking on fixing the broken pile of fecal matter that they put out.
Hi everyone, we at Citadel Servers are now supporting Terraria 1.32, you can order a Terraria server from us running the latest version.

We have a thread here: <link removed by staff>
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Loving the update so far.

Used 3 vacation days so I can stay home and play!

Love the game, and the work put into it!
Hi everyone, we at Citadel Servers are now supporting Terraria 1.32, you can order a Terraria server from us running the latest version.

We have a thread here: <link removed by staff>
You have your dedicated area to advertise your services, please do not advertise outside that area. Thank you.
@Crowno Explain yourself. :dryadwhat:
You must be high. Using the different button as part of yourdefense is the lamest reason possible. You must not understand coding.

Next, they are slow. Evervsince the update released in october or november the game has been horribly broken for a vast amount of users. Although they put out 2 more updates since it has not fixed it and here we are over 8 months later. Their priority should have been fixing the game as soon as possible for all the people who have purchased it. I dont care how many other games they have put out, they are slacking on fixing the broken pile of fecal matter that they put out.
Let me correct myself, they are slow. And yes, the button thing is true, does a PS4 have touchscreen like a ps vita does? No. And Id like to see you try and bring out constant updates when terraria isnt even their main game...

EDIT: Can we please let this topic slip now? Before a moderator takes it into his/her hands
Mediumcore + Expert mode + Granite Elementals + Granite Golems (or whatever they were called) = an entire session of trying to get my stuff back. :guidemad::guidecry: If I recall correctly, we died after we got my stuff back (I was playing multiplayer) I think it was in the jungle. :guidesigh:
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