Portfolio/Multi-Topic ITFP: Introduction and Basic Ideas

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Welcome to ITFP! ITFP is an acronym for

A series of threads where members of the TCF can pitch small ideas to add to an "ideal" terraria. Some things that may be in it:
Many new bosses including
A mech brain (yes I am fully aware this isn't encouraged but it will be in depth and a motherboard rival might be interesting to work on please spare me)
Mabye a snow / desert boss

Boss improvements (but why don't the mech bosses blow up?)

New weaponry

Biomes, ores, materials and more!

I'm not sure if this kind of thing is allowed or if this is in the right place, but I will post this and see the reception.
Reply if you're in!
By the way, the exploding mech bosses is a visual effect for their death and could be turned off in settings.
First post is mine. Ha.
Hello ThereGoesExcalibur,

The Suggestion Section is for members to post their own ideas in Threads. It is not for other members to post their ideas in the Threads of other members. Members can make their own Threads for their own ideas.

Because this Thread appears designed for other members to post their ideas. This Thread has been locked. Unfortunately these kinds of Threads are not the kind that we allow overall. If you have questions about this, you can PM myself or any Staff member.
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