Sprites Izzabelle's Alternates

I wish Twitch emotes could be used on TCF, because I would PogChamp the FRICK outta this!
gonna speculate some stuff

the last four is obviously the last 4 sigils before the end of days and the first blurred one on the second row is either the rain drop (it looks like it) or something different
which leaves a few more events like the old ones army, rain, solar eclipse, and other misc stuff so im pretty sure some of the sigils are different alts to already alt-existing biomes/events
judging by this, the first row blurred is either a completely different alt or a different desert/sandstorm (notice how the sigils are grouped for same biome multiple alt; theyre next to each other)

on a side note: i cannot wait for the pumpkin moon/frost moon alts
Terraria Community: ,,Will Tides be ready soon?"
Izzabelle: ,,Don't worry, I am almost finished"
*Posts nine more alternates*

Thank you so much for all the work you do for us Izzabelle. Really excited for the new Alternates.
To be fair we knew she still had 8 more in development via the main post of this thread. Still, this wait is killer. It's like waiting for Valve to count to 3 at this point
Very nice analysis GameKarim. I'd like to mention Izza once said there'd be one totally new biome of her own creation, so that can explain one of these probably (though who knows if that's still the plan anymore. It's been a while)
Very nice analysis GameKarim. I'd like to mention Izza once said there'd be one totally new biome of her own creation, so that can explain one of these probably (though who knows if that's still the plan anymore. It's been a while)
To clarify. At some point, I'd really like to just make up my own biomes to suggest. It's more of a wish than a plan.

All of the Sigils and things pertaining to this thread, however, are for certain "Alternates". So don't worry about any purely unique biomes just yet

Oh, cool. Like I said, I was going off a really old post at this point.

That said, my current guesses are (in order) Sword Shrine alt, Blood Moon alt, Mushroom alt, Mini-Biome alt, Sandstorm alt, Eclipse alt, Invasion alt, Old One's alt and Frost/Pumpkin Moon alt. I could be horribly wrong, but judging by their placement among the semi-progression of the biomes and general niches that Izza hasn't tried out yet.
He did it because you people are so fun to mess with...

Maniacal laugh...
Maniacal laugh...
Maniacal laugh...
Maniacal laugh...
Maniacal laugh...
Maniacal laugh...
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