I feel like a better idea would be to have a setting for that because some players would like to fight with them. but hey I'm not a dev i don't know how that would work.Can you make stand abilities not affect other players? Its kinda broken and makes stands useless.
There's a MEGA link at the end of the main post that'll give you the most recent (Mod Browser) version.Can I have a manual download please? My Tmod Dosent feel like working.
It's a stand that was once used for testing, it's unusable for the unworthy. (Non-devs)how do i use the test stand? i want to mess around with it but it says that im not worthy. please help
The version on TMod is the most recent version of the mod, though it hasn't been updated it a long while. To get Sounds you can get JoJoStands Sounds, which gives your stands pose quotes, barrage cries, and some extra death sounds.If I have the steam version of tModLoader how do I go about downloading the more recent version of this mod and installing? Cause doing it off tModLoader the stands don't have sounds and I'd like to try it out
Hey developer I would like to tell you that there has been couple of bug (for example barrage and pose not working properly) in multiplayer but all of them is related to the sounds mod because whenever I remove the sounds mod the bug disappear.JoJoStands is a mod where we're trying to implement many stands and items from 1-7.
Content Overview:
Stands: Star Platinum, The World, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, King Crimson, Sex Pistols, Aerosmith, Sticky Fingers, Killer Queen, Killer Queen: Stray Cat, Magicians Red, Hierophant Green, Tusk, The Hand, Whitesnake, Lock, Dolly Dagger, and Grateful Dead.
View attachment 252293View attachment 252294View attachment 252295
How to obtain Stands:
- Small chance to spawn with a stand upon creating a new player (Inheritance)
- Asking Jotaro for an Arrow Shard, in which you stab yourself with it and wait an in-game day for it to wear off
- Viral Meteorite, a meteor that drops after Skeletron has been defeated (Use it to craft an arrow)
If you have a stand idea or feel like contributing to the mod, you can join the JoJoStands server on Discord: Join the JoJo Stands Discord Server!. Or you could look at the JoJoStands Wiki if you need to find something. This is my first experience with code, if you want to help out, just know we aren't professionals at this.
CHANGELOGJoJoStands v2.2 (Sounds Update) Changelog
- Reworked Tusk Act 3's Shadow Nail (Now is a mount-like projectile which allows travel through ground)
- Previous Tusk Acts are strengthened when you're using higher Tusk Acts
- Added a red screen effect during Foresight (Also boosted the amount of afterimages that appear)
- Added a UI for Sex Pistols
- Added Right-Click for Sex Pistols, kicks bullets toward the mouse
- Slow Dancer actually runs now
- MANY MANY balance changes, like Star Platinum recipes and Aerosmith shoot cap
- Added Viral Steak
- The Hand can now scrape players
- Fixed lots of bugs
- Sounds support
- Buffed Road Roller even more (Now does 4x damage against bosses)
- Sheer Heart Attack now hunts down 5 enemies instead of 1, and flies when the enemy is in the air
- Bites the Dust now bombs all enemies
- Magicians Red now shoots 2 hurricanes in T4
- Ranged Stands now deal critical hits
JoJoStands Sounds v1.1 Changelog
- Added ORA ORA for Star Platinum
- Added MUDA MUDA for The World
- Added ARI ARI for Sticky Fingers
- Added MUDA MUDA for Gold Experience and GER
- Added ORA ORA for Tusk Act 4
- Added THE WORLD when The World timestops
- Added Star Platinum: The World when Star Platinum timestops
- Added KING CRIMSON when King Crimson timeskips
- Added BITE THE DUST when Killer Queen: BtD rewinds time
- Added Pose Quotes (User quotes that play during a pose)
- Added Config Option to choose wether you want to hear Sub or English Dub versions of the Pose Quotes
- Added lots of extra sound effects for certain actions
- Added Kira Theme deathsound (#6)
Yes, it's multiplayer compatible!
Download link for v2.2 (Sounds Mod included): MEGA
YouTube link to VM theme:
The link to the server is in the main post. (Join the JoJoStands Discord Server!)does this mod have a discord server? if so can I get the link if possible? also, how is development going?
It's not meant to be used by people who aren't devs.what are the requirements for test stand?
At the moment, since we're developing the Part 1 Update, the number of stands in development is small. The ones being made are Hermit Purple, Silver Chariot, Cream, and Bad Company (They got chosen via a Discord vote a long while ago). Most of these Stands are already completed in the Beta, and are just undergoing balance tweaks and bug fixes.Are there any stands currently in development? If there aren't any or you don't want to spoil them then that's okay.
Quando o mod para 1.4 será lançadoJoJoStands is a mod where we're trying to implement many stands and items from 1-7.
Content Overview:
Stands: Star Platinum, The World, Gold Experience, Gold Experience Requiem, King Crimson, Sex Pistols, Aerosmith, Sticky Fingers, Killer Queen, Killer Queen: Stray Cat, Magicians Red, Hierophant Green, Tusk, The Hand, Whitesnake, Lock, Dolly Dagger, and Grateful Dead.
View attachment 252293View attachment 252294View attachment 252295
How to obtain Stands:
- Small chance to spawn with a stand upon creating a new player (Inheritance)
- Asking Jotaro for an Arrow Shard, in which you stab yourself with it and wait an in-game day for it to wear off
- Viral Meteorite, a meteor that drops after Skeletron has been defeated (Use it to craft an arrow)
If you have a stand idea or feel like contributing to the mod, you can join the JoJoStands server on Discord: Join the JoJo Stands Discord Server!. Or you could look at the JoJoStands Wiki if you need to find something. This is my first experience with code, if you want to help out, just know we aren't professionals at this.
CHANGELOGJoJoStands v2.2 (atualização de sons) Changelog
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
- Reworked Tusk Act 3's Shadow Nail (agora é um projétil parecido com uma montagem que permite viajar através do solo)
- Atos de presa anteriores são fortalecidos quando você usa atos de presa mais altos
- Adicionado um efeito de tela vermelha durante o Foresight (também aumentou a quantidade de imagens residuais que aparecem)
- Adicionada uma IU para Sex Pistols
- Adicionado clique com o botão direito para Sex Pistols, chuta balas em direção ao mouse
- Slow Dancer realmente funciona agora
- MUITAS mudanças de equilíbrio, como receitas da Star Platinum e tampa de filmagem do Aerosmith
- Adicionado bife viral
- A mão agora pode raspar jogadores
- Corrigido muitos bugs
- Suporte de sons
- Road Roller ainda mais polido (agora causa 4x de dano contra bosses)
- Sheer Heart Attack agora caça 5 inimigos em vez de 1, e voa quando o inimigo está no ar
- Bites the Dust agora bombardeia todos os inimigos
- Magicians Red agora atira 2 furacões em T4
- Ranged Stands agora lidam com acertos críticos
JoJoStands Sounds v1.1 Changelog
- Adicionado ORA ORA para Star Platinum
- Adicionado MUDA MUDA para o mundo
- Adicionado ARI ARI para Sticky Fingers
- Adicionado MUDA MUDA para Gold Experience e GER
- Adicionado ORA ORA para Tusk Act 4
- Adicionado O MUNDO quando o tempo do Mundo é interrompido
- Adicionado Star Platinum: The World when Star Platinum timestops
- Adicionado KING CRIMSON quando o King Crimson passa de tempo
- Adicionado BITE THE DUST quando Killer Queen: BtD retrocede o tempo
- Adicionadas citações de pose (citações do usuário que brincam durante uma pose)
- Adicionada opção de configuração para escolher se você quer ouvir versões Sub ou English Dub das frases de cotação
- Adicionados muitos efeitos sonoros extras para certas ações
- Adicionado som de morte do tema Kira (# 6)
Sim, é compatível com multijogador!
Link para download para v2.2 (Mod de sons incluído): MEGA
Link do YouTube para o tema VM: [MEDIA = youtube] 01tgb68sOo4 [/ MEDIA]
Are you planing to relase new stands ?
Where can I find the discord server for this mod? And even is there one?
Join the JoJo Stands Discord Server! (By the way, the link is in the main post. Though I should make it stand out more.Are you have a Discord Channel ?
Yep. This limits how much VM you can get but you're also able to spread Viral Meteorite into Meteorite to gain more.Do viral meteors only fall once per world?