Skeletron Prime
Yeah that wouldn't make any sense maybe like Post-Golem if they are ambitious. There really aren't that many categories of progress though as Duke, Empress, OOA, Frost Moon, Pumpkin Moon, and Queen Slime considered optional although useful. In Hardmode otherwise there's pre Mech, post Mech, post Plantera, post Golem, and Endgame.
Completed my Master Mode playthrough of 1.4.4!
World: Classic, Medium, Crimson.
Deaths: 107
Auto-swing was not on.
Notable highlights-
Brain of Cthulhu: Beaten using Starfury, Flinx Staff
Aiming stars toward the bottom of the screen allowed them to shred through the eyes, as they had essentially infinite piercing. Is that intentional? Flinx Staff, being a summon, helped to identify the correct brain illusion.
Night's Edge:
Night's Edge feels like a mini-Zenith. That said, like Zenith, it feels like it makes you want to play melee since nothing else from any other class can compete with it. Previously, I'd have used the Phoenix Blaster after the Dungeon, but with its nerf, it doesn't feel nearly worth it when Night's Edge just goes insane-o. Absolutely tears apart Queen Bee, and Wall of Flesh's hungries and worms just can't get past it.
The Uzi:
One benefit of Night's Edge being so powerful is that it lets you more easily farm the Uzi in the jungle now. Previously you were dependent on Dark Lance to hit Trappers in the walls, but Night's Edge just slices and dices. The Uzi got me through up until the Destroyer.
Of course, there are alternatives, such as the dart guns, rare drop bows, etc, so this seems pretty healthy. Fun to be able to more easily pick up an Uzi for a run!
The Flamethrower:
An unexpected powerhouse! I was struggling against the Destroyer with the Uzi- couldn't deal with probes fast enough, etc. So I tried out the Flamethower and... What Night's Edge did for WoF, the Flamethrower did for Destroyer. Probes? What Probes? Literally instantly melted. It was pretty insane. Stormbow levels of insane, but easier to aim, easier to get ammo for.
And then... what I didn't expect. Plantera got quite fittingly burnt up by the Flamethrower. Uzi for phase 1 single target, then in Phase 2, Flamethower was incredible for handling all the mini plants and still doing significant damage. I'm not sure there's any real competition there except for maybe True Night's Edge? I didn't try it, as I forgot the true swords no longer require broken swords anymore. New Venus Magnum is incredible, by the way. Very much the upgrade to the Uzi it always wanted to be! The included auto-fire takes it from never used to something I'll want to try for in gunner playthroughs.
And then, something very fun- My Golem room was the size of a literal walnut. I could not dash between the head and body in phase 2 without getting contact damage, and being unable to deflect fists made things much more challenging. So I tried something.
I was able to use the Flamethrower + Venus Magnum combo to take down the Pumpkin Moon, and a significant amount of the Frost Moon (enough to get a Chain Gun and a couple Frost Queens, at least, which let me pick up a pre-Golem Duke Fishron.), as well as an incredibly comfy farm of Defender Medals from Tier 2 Old One's Army for post-golem armor.
And it also made Solar Eclipses a breeze to pick up the Terra Blade.
The Flamethrower is seriously incredible now.
And then finally, Terra Blade.
There doesn't seem to be any real competition with this thing. From Golem up til Moon Lord, Terra Blade annihilates everything in its path.
I even tried my favorite bow, Eventide, with a ranged set up. Nah. Terra Blade just feels so much better. Only thing that beat it out at the end was Possessed Hatchet for very long range melee against Empress, and Daybreak for a Moonlord kiting through the skies strat.
I wasn't able to take down Betsy, but I've not been able to do that single player before Moon Lord before, anyway. Still, was able to get to Wave 7 with an untouched crystal.
Final verdicts:
Night's Edge and Terra Blade feel like mini-Zeniths in every way. They absolutely dominate, to the point where there's often no reason to use the other classes or weapons at all, besides very long range. Melee gets the best defense and offense with these. Of course, you can always just choose not to use them, and Terra Blade was pretty crazy before, anyway, so it hasn't changed too much. However, Wall of Flesh options seem a bit more limited now, as all other weapons at least struggle a little with it, but not Night's Edge.
Flamethrower may be just a bit busted. It was definitely my go-to option for mid-hardmode, and I'm not sure what could compete with it besides maybe Tsunami with piercing arrows?
All in all, it was a fun playthrough, and I got to use some options I've not really tried before! I'm already looking forward to my next!
World: Classic, Medium, Crimson.
Deaths: 107
Auto-swing was not on.
Notable highlights-
Brain of Cthulhu: Beaten using Starfury, Flinx Staff
Aiming stars toward the bottom of the screen allowed them to shred through the eyes, as they had essentially infinite piercing. Is that intentional? Flinx Staff, being a summon, helped to identify the correct brain illusion.
Night's Edge:
Night's Edge feels like a mini-Zenith. That said, like Zenith, it feels like it makes you want to play melee since nothing else from any other class can compete with it. Previously, I'd have used the Phoenix Blaster after the Dungeon, but with its nerf, it doesn't feel nearly worth it when Night's Edge just goes insane-o. Absolutely tears apart Queen Bee, and Wall of Flesh's hungries and worms just can't get past it.
The Uzi:
One benefit of Night's Edge being so powerful is that it lets you more easily farm the Uzi in the jungle now. Previously you were dependent on Dark Lance to hit Trappers in the walls, but Night's Edge just slices and dices. The Uzi got me through up until the Destroyer.
Of course, there are alternatives, such as the dart guns, rare drop bows, etc, so this seems pretty healthy. Fun to be able to more easily pick up an Uzi for a run!
The Flamethrower:
An unexpected powerhouse! I was struggling against the Destroyer with the Uzi- couldn't deal with probes fast enough, etc. So I tried out the Flamethower and... What Night's Edge did for WoF, the Flamethrower did for Destroyer. Probes? What Probes? Literally instantly melted. It was pretty insane. Stormbow levels of insane, but easier to aim, easier to get ammo for.
And then... what I didn't expect. Plantera got quite fittingly burnt up by the Flamethrower. Uzi for phase 1 single target, then in Phase 2, Flamethower was incredible for handling all the mini plants and still doing significant damage. I'm not sure there's any real competition there except for maybe True Night's Edge? I didn't try it, as I forgot the true swords no longer require broken swords anymore. New Venus Magnum is incredible, by the way. Very much the upgrade to the Uzi it always wanted to be! The included auto-fire takes it from never used to something I'll want to try for in gunner playthroughs.
And then, something very fun- My Golem room was the size of a literal walnut. I could not dash between the head and body in phase 2 without getting contact damage, and being unable to deflect fists made things much more challenging. So I tried something.
I was able to use the Flamethrower + Venus Magnum combo to take down the Pumpkin Moon, and a significant amount of the Frost Moon (enough to get a Chain Gun and a couple Frost Queens, at least, which let me pick up a pre-Golem Duke Fishron.), as well as an incredibly comfy farm of Defender Medals from Tier 2 Old One's Army for post-golem armor.
And it also made Solar Eclipses a breeze to pick up the Terra Blade.
The Flamethrower is seriously incredible now.
And then finally, Terra Blade.
There doesn't seem to be any real competition with this thing. From Golem up til Moon Lord, Terra Blade annihilates everything in its path.
I even tried my favorite bow, Eventide, with a ranged set up. Nah. Terra Blade just feels so much better. Only thing that beat it out at the end was Possessed Hatchet for very long range melee against Empress, and Daybreak for a Moonlord kiting through the skies strat.
I wasn't able to take down Betsy, but I've not been able to do that single player before Moon Lord before, anyway. Still, was able to get to Wave 7 with an untouched crystal.
Final verdicts:
Night's Edge and Terra Blade feel like mini-Zeniths in every way. They absolutely dominate, to the point where there's often no reason to use the other classes or weapons at all, besides very long range. Melee gets the best defense and offense with these. Of course, you can always just choose not to use them, and Terra Blade was pretty crazy before, anyway, so it hasn't changed too much. However, Wall of Flesh options seem a bit more limited now, as all other weapons at least struggle a little with it, but not Night's Edge.
Flamethrower may be just a bit busted. It was definitely my go-to option for mid-hardmode, and I'm not sure what could compete with it besides maybe Tsunami with piercing arrows?
All in all, it was a fun playthrough, and I got to use some options I've not really tried before! I'm already looking forward to my next!
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Skeletron Prime
Wouldn't the defense stat of Melee be solely relevant with Mages and Summoners? Seeing as for the most part, Range and Melee have the same defense interactions in Master Mode against Bosses although Invasions may be the deciding difference. My take would be to make enemies great again. Revert the nerfs to the jungle creeper as it frankly doesn't make sense to make them weaker than Black Recluses as the Jungle is meant to be dangerous. While I applaud the nerfs to chattering teeth bombs and Desert Spirits, some enemies just didn't need to be touched.
Edit: my bad you said best defense and offense okay yeah but like it feels nice to be able to catch dragon hornets on the switch with Terrablade and swarms up
Edit: my bad you said best defense and offense okay yeah but like it feels nice to be able to catch dragon hornets on the switch with Terrablade and swarms up
I don't know if this is the proper place to mention this, but I posted a suggestion (that was moved as I posted it in the wrong place, oops lol) about the Peddler's Satchel.
I'll mention it in here, and if I am wrong to do so, maybe delete it or something, but here goes:
RNG is good, up to a point. It adds variety and randomness to a game, so that it isn't rote and the same thing over and over again. However, RNG by nature, without any sorts of protections, can rear its ugly head and produce utterly ridiculous situations.
I've talked with my friends, and even on a few youtube discussion threads that no amount of buffing the Travelling Merchant's available slots will do much good if a player can go 5, 10, 20 days without seeing the Merchant.
My current playthrough, which is in Early Hardmode, has only seen the TM about 6 times and it's not like I speedran Pre-Hardmode, either. I took my time, perhaps not quite as much time as I normally would, but I was rather slow in getting the fishing quests going, due to a lack of having stuff built up for that (I started a celebrationmk10 world). And even then, I got the Angler's Pants the day after I killed the WoF.
I am only 1/4 of the building accessories, and I am still missing a stopwatch.
Not only do you have to roll a lottery to even get the TM to spawn, but you also have to roll a lottery as to whether or not he will sell you anything useful. I have seen him sell a DPS Meter four times and a cement mixer twice. But yet I've not seen him sell a single stopwatch, nor any of the other items.
The Peddler's satchel could potentially help with this, but what was he selling the next time he spawned, 5 days after I obtained it?
... a DPS Meter and a Cement Mixer. yay.
Of course this is anecdotal testimony, but I'm sure plenty of players have gone through this, and I can testify to going through this very thing on a number of playthroughs over the years. Rolling the RNG for his inventory isn't so much the problem, except for the fact that one game day (without the Sundial use) is 24 minutes, so if you go on a huge dry spell, say, 20 days as I'm sure plenty of players have seen, that's ten hours of play without having any chances at all at getting these items.
With new items like the Hand of Creation that very much make building better relying upon them, it's annoying to want to complete the set, but you can't even try to work on it as there's no way to get him to spawn faster, there's no actions a player can do other than wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
For God-Knows-How-Long until he might finally show up, only to sell yet another DPS Meter and Cement Mixer, or a Katana, or another yo-yo, or what-not instead of something useful.
The Peddler's Satchel should, at the very least, increase his spawn rate. 30%? 50%? maybe a max of 5 days with no spawns?
I'll mention it in here, and if I am wrong to do so, maybe delete it or something, but here goes:
RNG is good, up to a point. It adds variety and randomness to a game, so that it isn't rote and the same thing over and over again. However, RNG by nature, without any sorts of protections, can rear its ugly head and produce utterly ridiculous situations.
I've talked with my friends, and even on a few youtube discussion threads that no amount of buffing the Travelling Merchant's available slots will do much good if a player can go 5, 10, 20 days without seeing the Merchant.
My current playthrough, which is in Early Hardmode, has only seen the TM about 6 times and it's not like I speedran Pre-Hardmode, either. I took my time, perhaps not quite as much time as I normally would, but I was rather slow in getting the fishing quests going, due to a lack of having stuff built up for that (I started a celebrationmk10 world). And even then, I got the Angler's Pants the day after I killed the WoF.
I am only 1/4 of the building accessories, and I am still missing a stopwatch.
Not only do you have to roll a lottery to even get the TM to spawn, but you also have to roll a lottery as to whether or not he will sell you anything useful. I have seen him sell a DPS Meter four times and a cement mixer twice. But yet I've not seen him sell a single stopwatch, nor any of the other items.
The Peddler's satchel could potentially help with this, but what was he selling the next time he spawned, 5 days after I obtained it?
... a DPS Meter and a Cement Mixer. yay.
Of course this is anecdotal testimony, but I'm sure plenty of players have gone through this, and I can testify to going through this very thing on a number of playthroughs over the years. Rolling the RNG for his inventory isn't so much the problem, except for the fact that one game day (without the Sundial use) is 24 minutes, so if you go on a huge dry spell, say, 20 days as I'm sure plenty of players have seen, that's ten hours of play without having any chances at all at getting these items.
With new items like the Hand of Creation that very much make building better relying upon them, it's annoying to want to complete the set, but you can't even try to work on it as there's no way to get him to spawn faster, there's no actions a player can do other than wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
For God-Knows-How-Long until he might finally show up, only to sell yet another DPS Meter and Cement Mixer, or a Katana, or another yo-yo, or what-not instead of something useful.
The Peddler's Satchel should, at the very least, increase his spawn rate. 30%? 50%? maybe a max of 5 days with no spawns?
This was a big problem with rng-related spawns that don't have a manual summon, until the recent patches blood moon spawns where down to the game saying yes, and the summon for blood moons was locked behind getting a blood moon. I think the merchant is the only rng spawn the player cant force now.I don't know if this is the proper place to mention this, but I posted a suggestion (that was moved as I posted it in the wrong place, oops lol) about the Peddler's Satchel.
I'll mention it in here, and if I am wrong to do so, maybe delete it or something, but here goes:
RNG is good, up to a point. It adds variety and randomness to a game, so that it isn't rote and the same thing over and over again. However, RNG by nature, without any sorts of protections, can rear its ugly head and produce utterly ridiculous situations.
I've talked with my friends, and even on a few youtube discussion threads that no amount of buffing the Travelling Merchant's available slots will do much good if a player can go 5, 10, 20 days without seeing the Merchant.
My current playthrough, which is in Early Hardmode, has only seen the TM about 6 times and it's not like I speedran Pre-Hardmode, either. I took my time, perhaps not quite as much time as I normally would, but I was rather slow in getting the fishing quests going, due to a lack of having stuff built up for that (I started a celebrationmk10 world). And even then, I got the Angler's Pants the day after I killed the WoF.
I am only 1/4 of the building accessories, and I am still missing a stopwatch.
Not only do you have to roll a lottery to even get the TM to spawn, but you also have to roll a lottery as to whether or not he will sell you anything useful. I have seen him sell a DPS Meter four times and a cement mixer twice. But yet I've not seen him sell a single stopwatch, nor any of the other items.
The Peddler's satchel could potentially help with this, but what was he selling the next time he spawned, 5 days after I obtained it?
... a DPS Meter and a Cement Mixer. yay.
Of course this is anecdotal testimony, but I'm sure plenty of players have gone through this, and I can testify to going through this very thing on a number of playthroughs over the years. Rolling the RNG for his inventory isn't so much the problem, except for the fact that one game day (without the Sundial use) is 24 minutes, so if you go on a huge dry spell, say, 20 days as I'm sure plenty of players have seen, that's ten hours of play without having any chances at all at getting these items.
With new items like the Hand of Creation that very much make building better relying upon them, it's annoying to want to complete the set, but you can't even try to work on it as there's no way to get him to spawn faster, there's no actions a player can do other than wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
For God-Knows-How-Long until he might finally show up, only to sell yet another DPS Meter and Cement Mixer, or a Katana, or another yo-yo, or what-not instead of something useful.
The Peddler's Satchel should, at the very least, increase his spawn rate. 30%? 50%? maybe a max of 5 days with no spawns?
This was a big problem with rng-related spawns that don't have a manual summon, until the recent patches blood moon spawns where down to the game saying yes, and the summon for blood moons was locked behind getting a blood moon. I think the merchant is the only rng spawn the player cant force now.
This is what is confusing me, to be honest.
Re-Logic obviously understands (rightfully so) that pure RNG without any player power is a bad thing.
They changed all of them. I remember when Solar Eclipse was pure RNG, and they added Tablets.
Then, after I think it was either Thorium or Calamity added Blood Moon Spawners, Re-Logic said "hey, great idea!" and put them in 1.4.
But .... they didn't touch the TM? At all?
I find that weird.
EDIT: Before anybody suggests this, I understand why you can't shimmer the info/builder accessories: One could just buy 4 of any of them and get the whole set in 30 seconds.
I think infinite bait with Old Shoe, Seaweed, Tin Can + Extractinator is overpowered.
Unless this is intended:
1.) Find any bait (1 is enough in almost all case)
2.) Build a lake as small as possible
3.) Fish Old Shoe, Seaweed, Tin Can
4.) Convert it to new bait with Extractinator
5.) Repeat
If intended why Flower boots can't do infinite bait anymore?
possible fix ideas:
- Always use the bait if one of those 3 was caught
- or extract something else
Shimmer fall through needed? Any usage intended? Most likely exploits possible with boss fights (partly patched), events or entering the Temple.
I) Maybe some light version instead?
Player falls to the ground, can't attack or use items and is slowly drowning. To escape he need to exist just by walking (with Climbing Claws as bonus).
II) Or the player is changing to its spectral form with 0 defense and no other equipment buffs but gets additional 42% damage
III) Or does some fusion with the current active minion. After this the player controls it (like Lilith's necklace but no item)
IV) Or slowly looses max HP (new life crystals, life fruits needed after this)
Unless this is intended:
1.) Find any bait (1 is enough in almost all case)
2.) Build a lake as small as possible
3.) Fish Old Shoe, Seaweed, Tin Can
4.) Convert it to new bait with Extractinator
5.) Repeat
If intended why Flower boots can't do infinite bait anymore?
possible fix ideas:
- Always use the bait if one of those 3 was caught
- or extract something else
Shimmer fall through needed? Any usage intended? Most likely exploits possible with boss fights (partly patched), events or entering the Temple.
I) Maybe some light version instead?
Player falls to the ground, can't attack or use items and is slowly drowning. To escape he need to exist just by walking (with Climbing Claws as bonus).
II) Or the player is changing to its spectral form with 0 defense and no other equipment buffs but gets additional 42% damage
III) Or does some fusion with the current active minion. After this the player controls it (like Lilith's necklace but no item)
IV) Or slowly looses max HP (new life crystals, life fruits needed after this)
You can kill him. He has the chance to spawn again. Small gain. But at least something.My current playthrough, which is in Early Hardmode, has only seen the TM about 6 times and it's not like I speedran Pre-Hardmode, either. I took my time, perhaps not quite as much time as I normally would, but I was rather slow in getting the fishing quests going, due to a lack of having stuff built up for that (I started a celebrationmk10 world). And even then, I got the Angler's Pants the day after I killed the WoF.
there's no actions a player can do other than wait.
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Tibithia Σ
I'm not entirely sure how that justifies it in the slightest, because normally you don't kill NPCs to re-roll inventories, and I can't think of a reason you should have to.You can kill him. He has the chance to spawn again. Small gain. But at least something.
Besides, considering the period for him spawning is about 7 and a half minutes, likely not enough time to build a death trap for them (not everyone has Rotten Eggs just on hand), it's probably easier to just wait. Indefinitely more boring, yes, but still easier. Doesn't fix the issue at all though.
I mean, it kinda sucks already that you need to kill him to get the Satchel to begin with, and I don't really like murdering innocent people in games. It's just not something I like doing, and I hate having to do that for the hat to begin with, I don't wanna be doing it every single time for a tiny chance of him respawning in the same day which has even less chance than him spawning naturally (as you already spent a bunch of time having him spawn once, getting to him, checking his inventory and then killing him) and when the whole window is 7 minutes, you could easily blow 2-3 minutes of that just doing the above.
So, you have like a half of the usual chance of getting him to spawn again in a certain day, that's even more terrible odds.
So, you have like a half of the usual chance of getting him to spawn again in a certain day, that's even more terrible odds.
Old Man
Not only that, but in order for killing him to reroll his inventory to even be an option, he has to show up in the first place, bringing us right back where we started with this issue, which is what do you do when he's just not showing up?I'm not entirely sure how that justifies it in the slightest, because normally you don't kill NPCs to re-roll inventories, and I can't think of a reason you should have to.
Besides, considering the period for him spawning is about 7 and a half minutes, likely not enough time to build a death trap for them (not everyone has Rotten Eggs just on hand), it's probably easier to just wait. Indefinitely more boring, yes, but still easier. Doesn't fix the issue at all though.
The only ounce of control anyone has at all is jacking up the timer speed in Journey Mode. Which works, but obviously, is only helpful to people who use that mode, which isn't most people.
I feel like some of the sword changes feel counterintuitive.
See, a lot of people complained there wasn’t enough true melee and too much dependance on the projectiles. 1.4.4 aimed to fix this, as is clear by the more short-range buffs to the early weapons technically adding projectiles but they feel more melee than a beam flying through the sky. However, the nerf to their base damage kinda acts against this change, and the starfury received no nerf at all, so it tears apart the competition. Its star does much more than the blade’s base damage, so there’s little point using it. It actually is more powerful since you can better direct its projectiles vertically now. Given how easy it is to get, it was literally my first sword after platinum, the others that are arguably harder to get dont really compare. The light’s bane is fine, it just cant quite go against the starfury, but i guess its good. Id buff the projectile damage a tad but thats it. The enchanted sword feels pointless. Starfury does what it does better and its easier to find. It makes finding the enchanted sword easier, but at that point dont bother. The beam is slow and its damage is all around worse. Plus the beam has no pierce at all, while the starfury gets one pierce and tile piercing. the blade of grass is way too weak with how tough it is to survive the jungle without shadow armor or better. The blade has significantly worse damage than other weapons at this point and the leaf only piercing an enemy or two really hurts it. Its still just worse than the starfury. The muramasa seems good enough, but again, starfury better.
Two ways id fix this, first one is bring back the locks on the sky chests so these honestly busted items once again require you beat skeletron to access them. Theyre just so strong and i dont feel like it gives the other weapons a fair shot. Second, buff the blade and only the blade damage of the other swords and give the enchanted sword weak piercing and some speed. The enchanted sword just doesnt hold up really. Also nerf the star damage so it does only a little more damage than starfury’s blade, not like twice it.
Now, the next sword that suffers from the counterintuitive tweaks is the Terra Blade. Honestly this has such confusing tweaks that contradict each other. So the massive swing radius might encourage you to get closer, but the new base damage sucks, its the second lowest its ever been. The projectile now has increased damage and fires way faster, and pierces infinitely, and is way bigger. The cost? Pierce damage fall off, i guess. Im gonna be real this just encourages melee speed builds for the projectile instead of using the blade’s new reach. This might be argued to be to use it for crowd control, but why do we need another crowd control weapon? We have tons of those. The Terra Blade is an icon, basically named after the game and was long generally agreed to be the best melee weapon until the moon lord. It should be a boss shredder. I think the damage of the projectile and the blade should be swapped, furthering its melee functionality and somewhat countering its new projectile focus. Thats really the only change id make. Bring the base damage back to 115 and have the beam do only 95-100~ and after three pierces it quickly drops to 20. This would encourage you to get in close to use the blade and balance out the projectile’s insane speed. Its a sword, it should be used as such. I really like the shifted functionality of the beam, but its high damage compared to the blade’s low damage feels contradictory to making the blade bigger. There’s not really a point to doing that when the blade sucks now. The beam is where all the damage is, though even that feels a tad underwhelming to someone who was good at aiming it previously.
Also, ive heard summoner got some kinda harsh nerfs, but my area of expertise is melee, so id ask some summoners about it and get their thoughts, not mine.
Anyway if you read all that, thanks, if you have any thoughts or criticism definitely feel free to go off, and if a dev read all this, thanks for being so great at listening to us, and thanks for still putting in so much care into this incredible game.
See, a lot of people complained there wasn’t enough true melee and too much dependance on the projectiles. 1.4.4 aimed to fix this, as is clear by the more short-range buffs to the early weapons technically adding projectiles but they feel more melee than a beam flying through the sky. However, the nerf to their base damage kinda acts against this change, and the starfury received no nerf at all, so it tears apart the competition. Its star does much more than the blade’s base damage, so there’s little point using it. It actually is more powerful since you can better direct its projectiles vertically now. Given how easy it is to get, it was literally my first sword after platinum, the others that are arguably harder to get dont really compare. The light’s bane is fine, it just cant quite go against the starfury, but i guess its good. Id buff the projectile damage a tad but thats it. The enchanted sword feels pointless. Starfury does what it does better and its easier to find. It makes finding the enchanted sword easier, but at that point dont bother. The beam is slow and its damage is all around worse. Plus the beam has no pierce at all, while the starfury gets one pierce and tile piercing. the blade of grass is way too weak with how tough it is to survive the jungle without shadow armor or better. The blade has significantly worse damage than other weapons at this point and the leaf only piercing an enemy or two really hurts it. Its still just worse than the starfury. The muramasa seems good enough, but again, starfury better.
Two ways id fix this, first one is bring back the locks on the sky chests so these honestly busted items once again require you beat skeletron to access them. Theyre just so strong and i dont feel like it gives the other weapons a fair shot. Second, buff the blade and only the blade damage of the other swords and give the enchanted sword weak piercing and some speed. The enchanted sword just doesnt hold up really. Also nerf the star damage so it does only a little more damage than starfury’s blade, not like twice it.
Now, the next sword that suffers from the counterintuitive tweaks is the Terra Blade. Honestly this has such confusing tweaks that contradict each other. So the massive swing radius might encourage you to get closer, but the new base damage sucks, its the second lowest its ever been. The projectile now has increased damage and fires way faster, and pierces infinitely, and is way bigger. The cost? Pierce damage fall off, i guess. Im gonna be real this just encourages melee speed builds for the projectile instead of using the blade’s new reach. This might be argued to be to use it for crowd control, but why do we need another crowd control weapon? We have tons of those. The Terra Blade is an icon, basically named after the game and was long generally agreed to be the best melee weapon until the moon lord. It should be a boss shredder. I think the damage of the projectile and the blade should be swapped, furthering its melee functionality and somewhat countering its new projectile focus. Thats really the only change id make. Bring the base damage back to 115 and have the beam do only 95-100~ and after three pierces it quickly drops to 20. This would encourage you to get in close to use the blade and balance out the projectile’s insane speed. Its a sword, it should be used as such. I really like the shifted functionality of the beam, but its high damage compared to the blade’s low damage feels contradictory to making the blade bigger. There’s not really a point to doing that when the blade sucks now. The beam is where all the damage is, though even that feels a tad underwhelming to someone who was good at aiming it previously.
Also, ive heard summoner got some kinda harsh nerfs, but my area of expertise is melee, so id ask some summoners about it and get their thoughts, not mine.
Anyway if you read all that, thanks, if you have any thoughts or criticism definitely feel free to go off, and if a dev read all this, thanks for being so great at listening to us, and thanks for still putting in so much care into this incredible game.
I REALLY feel like the changes made to the Lucky Horseshoe + Fletchling Wings in terms of chest loot placement was very much so uncalled for and unneeded. Fletchling wings were fine as is, staying as essentially an upgrade to the Horseshoe, which you could then usually find underground. It felt like a much smoother transition than instead just having both obtainable in the same chest. But now, they're secondary loot that isn't even common enough to be reliable to obtain without fishing. And even when you do get them, now the same problem can arise where you just end up getting the wings before even obtaining any form of fall damage immunity! It's an incredibly counter-intuitive change that really did not need to be made.
Locking near essential items behind fishing was never something I was very fond of- the Frog Legs are incredible, sure, but they're locked behind fishing, which I would argue is one of THE weakest mechanics in all of Terraria, mainly because of the often annoying and long grind it ensues. While the Fletchling wings aren't necessarily "locked", they are now incredibly rare to get from skyware chests, which means more times than not you have to end up fishing for the wings. They basically act as if the Skyware Chests they used to be common place in to be vacation homes now, with how low of a chance they even have to spawn in them. Multiplayer is even worse with this too, since everyone's still dying for the same accessories that they need for their progression, which means more farming.
Most would say that this can be fixed just fine by reverting the changes to these items made in 1.4.4, but I think there's a better alternative. Move the Lucky Horseshoe to Gold Chest loot again, but keep the Fletchling Wings as secondary loot, and increase it's chance to be found a significant amount in chests only (1/4? 1/5?). I feel this way there's the best of both worlds, where Lucky Horseshoe doesn't become another entirely obsolete accessory again, and where Fletchling Wings no longer take up other important sky loot, like the Shiny Red Balloon and the Celestial Magnet, and so more players have a better chance at receiving said wings in Multiplayer without the need to constantly fish for said loot!
Locking near essential items behind fishing was never something I was very fond of- the Frog Legs are incredible, sure, but they're locked behind fishing, which I would argue is one of THE weakest mechanics in all of Terraria, mainly because of the often annoying and long grind it ensues. While the Fletchling wings aren't necessarily "locked", they are now incredibly rare to get from skyware chests, which means more times than not you have to end up fishing for the wings. They basically act as if the Skyware Chests they used to be common place in to be vacation homes now, with how low of a chance they even have to spawn in them. Multiplayer is even worse with this too, since everyone's still dying for the same accessories that they need for their progression, which means more farming.
Most would say that this can be fixed just fine by reverting the changes to these items made in 1.4.4, but I think there's a better alternative. Move the Lucky Horseshoe to Gold Chest loot again, but keep the Fletchling Wings as secondary loot, and increase it's chance to be found a significant amount in chests only (1/4? 1/5?). I feel this way there's the best of both worlds, where Lucky Horseshoe doesn't become another entirely obsolete accessory again, and where Fletchling Wings no longer take up other important sky loot, like the Shiny Red Balloon and the Celestial Magnet, and so more players have a better chance at receiving said wings in Multiplayer without the need to constantly fish for said loot!
Unfortunately I have not seen this topic for a long time, because I had a question after the release of the 1.4
Why? What enemy was it weak against? Compared to what weapon was it so weak that it needed to be buffed?S.D.M.G. (Buff)
- Damage increased from 77 to 85
- Chance to not consume ammo increased from 50% to 66%
Also, I agree with the sword balance on this. Starfury became SUPER busted in 1.4.4, and some of the melee nerfs to weapons like the Blade of Grass were a bit odd. However, I'm not sure if bringing back the gold chest locks should be done or not. On one hand, it provides the player a new sword to obtain post-skeletron that has great viability for its stage, however in the same breath you can still get the Night's Edge, which i'd say still out performs the Starfury hard here, especially with the new pierce it gained with the sword slash.I feel like some of the sword changes feel counterintuitive.
See, a lot of people complained there wasn’t enough true melee and too much dependance on the projectiles. 1.4.4 aimed to fix this, as is clear by the more short-range buffs to the early weapons technically adding projectiles but they feel more melee than a beam flying through the sky. However, the nerf to their base damage kinda acts against this change, and the starfury received no nerf at all, so it tears apart the competition. Its star does much more than the blade’s base damage, so there’s little point using it. It actually is more powerful since you can better direct its projectiles vertically now. Given how easy it is to get, it was literally my first sword after platinum, the others that are arguably harder to get dont really compare. The light’s bane is fine, it just cant quite go against the starfury, but i guess its good. Id buff the projectile damage a tad but thats it. The enchanted sword feels pointless. Starfury does what it does better and its easier to find. It makes finding the enchanted sword easier, but at that point dont bother. The beam is slow and its damage is all around worse. Plus the beam has no pierce at all, while the starfury gets one pierce and tile piercing. the blade of grass is way too weak with how tough it is to survive the jungle without shadow armor or better. The blade has significantly worse damage than other weapons at this point and the leaf only piercing an enemy or two really hurts it. Its still just worse than the starfury. The muramasa seems good enough, but again, starfury better.
Two ways id fix this, first one is bring back the locks on the sky chests so these honestly busted items once again require you beat skeletron to access them. Theyre just so strong and i dont feel like it gives the other weapons a fair shot. Second, buff the blade and only the blade damage of the other swords and give the enchanted sword weak piercing and some speed. The enchanted sword just doesnt hold up really. Also nerf the star damage so it does only a little more damage than starfury’s blade, not like twice it.
Now, the next sword that suffers from the counterintuitive tweaks is the Terra Blade. Honestly this has such confusing tweaks that contradict each other. So the massive swing radius might encourage you to get closer, but the new base damage sucks, its the second lowest its ever been. The projectile now has increased damage and fires way faster, and pierces infinitely, and is way bigger. The cost? Pierce damage fall off, i guess. Im gonna be real this just encourages melee speed builds for the projectile instead of using the blade’s new reach. This might be argued to be to use it for crowd control, but why do we need another crowd control weapon? We have tons of those. The Terra Blade is an icon, basically named after the game and was long generally agreed to be the best melee weapon until the moon lord. It should be a boss shredder. I think the damage of the projectile and the blade should be swapped, furthering its melee functionality and somewhat countering its new projectile focus. Thats really the only change id make. Bring the base damage back to 115 and have the beam do only 95-100~ and after three pierces it quickly drops to 20. This would encourage you to get in close to use the blade and balance out the projectile’s insane speed. Its a sword, it should be used as such. I really like the shifted functionality of the beam, but its high damage compared to the blade’s low damage feels contradictory to making the blade bigger. There’s not really a point to doing that when the blade sucks now. The beam is where all the damage is, though even that feels a tad underwhelming to someone who was good at aiming it previously.
Also, ive heard summoner got some kinda harsh nerfs, but my area of expertise is melee, so id ask some summoners about it and get their thoughts, not mine.
Anyway if you read all that, thanks, if you have any thoughts or criticism definitely feel free to go off, and if a dev read all this, thanks for being so great at listening to us, and thanks for still putting in so much care into this incredible game.
Perhaps instead, just nerf the projectile damage back down from ~2x damage to just 1x? it would encourage getting closer in on enemies and would actually give the other swords which can be obtained in the same tier a better niche and more of a chance to compete. If this is too harsh of a nerf, then maybe consider a sword size buff like the Bee Keeper and Light's Bane got, just increase the size of the sword a bit to make up for lost damage so it's easier to get in with the weapon without risking too much. Hell, you could maybe consider making the Starfury a magic weapon again! Might be interesting to experiment with, but definitely still think the prior change is better overall.
Blade of Grass definitely needs a sword damage buff though, it's nerf absolutely tanked the weapon, and while it did gain a bit of speed, i still think it's current damage is pretty pitiful. Maybe +5-7 more damage would do it some better?
Light's Bane is so close to being good too, it's got the projectile going for it and everything, but it still just doesn't have the damage output. Give it a small buff to it's damage, and I think it'd be perfect where it is.
*obligatory Volcano is a bad name change for the Fiery Greatsword comment, not much else to be said i just really dislike the name change*
Terra Blade is also in a really weird spot. I think With3r's proposed changes are a good idea here though, cause the weapon feels even more like a ranged weapon than it did before now.
On the topic of summoner though, it honestly wasn't hit too hard. Obsidian armor definitely is a lot more balanced now, having been nerfed so heavily (which was deserved, in all honesty) and lots of the whips have had their damage reduced. It's definitely a lot less OP now though than before, but I welcome the nerfs. The only change I was disappointed with was with the Tiki armor...
I feel like they should've doubled down on the Whip buffs and just reworked the armor into a whip-focused set instead of just giving it some range buffs and that's it. Either that or the Spooky Armor, cause in any case the Spooky Armor set still basically replaces it instantly, so it would give the set a more interesting niche, and if balanced correctly would be a nice alternative, like the Obsidian Armor is now to the Bee Armor.
It was probably just not performing as well as most other ranged weapons in the post-ML category. Plus, why not? The only real case it ends up mattering in is with mods, and if it's that big of a change they can always just change the weapon as needed. It's what Calamity does with the Zenith, so if it's that big of a deal they can do it with the S.D.M.G. too.Unfortunately I have not seen this topic for a long time, because I had a question after the release of the 1.4
Why? What enemy was it weak against? Compared to what weapon was it so weak that it needed to be buffed?
I think it's a great idea that the travel merchant must sale the hat if the player doesn't consume the bagI mean, it kinda sucks already that you need to kill him to get the Satchel to begin with, and I don't really like murdering innocent people in games. It's just not something I like doing, and I hate having to do that for the hat to begin with, I don't wanna be doing it every single time for a tiny chance of him respawning in the same day which has even less chance than him spawning naturally (as you already spent a bunch of time having him spawn once, getting to him, checking his inventory and then killing him) and when the whole window is 7 minutes, you could easily blow 2-3 minutes of that just doing the above.
So, you have like a half of the usual chance of getting him to spawn again in a certain day, that's even more terrible odds.
Yeah, i think maybe if starfury got knocked down a peg with that ridiculous star damage itd feel much more fair. It can easily take on most pre-hm bosses, probably all now that its got that tile piercing. I think if you did that and brought up similar weapons like the enchanted sword to make them comparable then itd be fair.Also, I agree with the sword balance on this. Starfury became SUPER busted in 1.4.4, and some of the melee nerfs to weapons like the Blade of Grass were a bit odd. However, I'm not sure if bringing back the gold chest locks should be done or not. On one hand, it provides the player a new sword to obtain post-skeletron that has great viability for its stage, however in the same breath you can still get the Night's Edge, which i'd say still out performs the Starfury hard here, especially with the new pierce it gained with the sword slash.
Perhaps instead, just nerf the projectile damage back down from ~2x damage to just 1x? it would encourage getting closer in on enemies and would actually give the other swords which can be obtained in the same tier a better niche and more of a chance to compete. If this is too harsh of a nerf, then maybe consider a sword size buff like the Bee Keeper and Light's Bane got, just increase the size of the sword a bit to make up for lost damage so it's easier to get in with the weapon without risking too much. Hell, you could maybe consider making the Starfury a magic weapon again! Might be interesting to experiment with, but definitely still think the prior change is better overall.
Blade of Grass definitely needs a sword damage buff though, it's nerf absolutely tanked the weapon, and while it did gain a bit of speed, i still think it's current damage is pretty pitiful. Maybe +5-7 more damage would do it some better?
Light's Bane is so close to being good too, it's got the projectile going for it and everything, but it still just doesn't have the damage output. Give it a small buff to it's damage, and I think it'd be perfect where it is.
*obligatory Volcano is a bad name change for the Fiery Greatsword comment, not much else to be said i just really dislike the name change*
Terra Blade is also in a really weird spot. I think With3r's proposed changes are a good idea here though, cause the weapon feels even more like a ranged weapon than it did before now.
On the topic of summoner though, it honestly wasn't hit too hard. Obsidian armor definitely is a lot more balanced now, having been nerfed so heavily (which was deserved, in all honesty) and lots of the whips have had their damage reduced. It's definitely a lot less OP now though than before, but I welcome the nerfs. The only change I was disappointed with was with the Tiki armor...
I feel like they should've doubled down on the Whip buffs and just reworked the armor into a whip-focused set instead of just giving it some range buffs and that's it. Either that or the Spooky Armor, cause in any case the Spooky Armor set still basically replaces it instantly, so it would give the set a more interesting niche, and if balanced correctly would be a nice alternative, like the Obsidian Armor is now to the Bee Armor.
It was probably just not performing as well as most other ranged weapons in the post-ML category. Plus, why not? The only real case it ends up mattering in is with mods, and if it's that big of a change they can always just change the weapon as needed. It's what Calamity does with the Zenith, so if it's that big of a deal they can do it with the S.D.M.G. too.
Blade of grass i entirely agree with you on here, i think having that damage boost would help it be more viable and worthwhile. I just dont see a big enough difference in the poison to justify that massive nerf.
Lights bane i think only needs the projectile to get a little damage boost and its perfect.
Im also feeling weird about the Volcano name, it just feels plain and uninspired. It also feels kinda out of place? Like this is the oldest weapon, it was the strongest sword in the earliest version, and now all of a sudden it gets renamed to volcano? Renaming it already feels weird, but i just dont vibe with volcano. Doesnt quite hit like fiery greatsword. Maybe like, Volcanic Greatsword? That feels like a nice middle ground and not as boring as just volcano. Idk.
But yeah, glad you agree on the terra blade. I feel like its not discussed enough with the initial hype around it, id like to get the word out before all the hype dies down so it gets the love it needs, cus how it is now is just what people were complaining about before but even moreso covered up with a fancy effect on it to distract you. I also feel with how old the sprite is it could use some love. I made a resprite that keeps the same feel and shape, just makes the colors nicer mostly. Might post it later. The outlines and colors are just so dated, and im pretty sure now EVERY single material of its has had a touch up now, so i think its past due for a glow up.
Interesting insight on the summoner stuff though, thanks for the info. I only really ever play melee and rarely magic so i dont know a whole lot about what the other classes are like.
Axe of Regrowth is a cool idea, but I'm afraid it might kind of break axe progression. What are your all's thoughts on this? Also, do you guys think Lucy's buff was sufficient?
Breaking axe progression? Excuse me if i'm getting something wrong, but what kind of wood is being locked behind this insane concept that is axe progression?Axe of Regrowth is a cool idea, but I'm afraid it might kind of break axe progression. What are your all's thoughts on this? Also, do you guys think Lucy's buff was sufficient?
Jokes aside though, I think the Axe of Regrowth is fine where it is. It's a very admirable axe upgrade, and I think it should stay that way! However, I do think that the axe of regrowth should maybe gain some sort of herb replanting mechanic. It can replant acorns, why not herb seeds?
Skeletron Prime
Yeah, not saying that clentaminator and terraformer should be within the same tier, but having terraformer be post moon lord kind of limits its usefulness imo. Maybe post plantera or something?I feel like it is weird that you can't decraft healing/mana potions with shimmer. Buff potions already have reduced material return to account for Alchemy Table, and I don't see why this couldn't apply to health and mana potions too. Plus, it would allow gel to be obtained through buying, since lesser healing potions are crafted with gel among other things, which would fix the issue of gel being way too hard to get for an ammo.
Terraformer is literally just better clentaminator, if we don't tier-lock it than what's the point of clentaminator existing when terraformer is just better in every way?
Yeah, not saying that clentaminator and terraformer should be within the same tier, but having terraformer be post moon lord kind of limits its usefulness imo. Maybe post plantera or something?
I agree with this.
Between WoF and Plantera is this "rush" to get Plantera down before too much of the world is corrupted and you have no purity left, and the regular Clentaminator is decent at holding the corruption/hallow at bay and/or making other things that you need for farms and such, but ... if you've ever tried to restore purity, you'll quickly find out that you'll need to dig a bunch of ugly tunnels because if you miss just one block, all of that money and work was for naught, so the Clentaminator was never particularly good at that. It was certainly better than throwing powders, but yet pales in comparison to the new Terraformer.
Therefore, having it be Post-Plantera makes a lot more sense.
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