Least favorite enemies


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If I die at all during a Lunar Event, it's because of this guy.
Moss hornets, especially when you're trying to make a Plantera arena

As well as gastropods during a blood moon, I swear in the name of all things holy that these guys can go to hell, mainly because there always 10 of them on the screen and as soon as you go outside, you're dead.
I can't pick onebut I can do it per Biome
Purity: The Possessed. The wall crawling thing gets annoying when you have an indoor pit trap, and they move way too fast.
Corruption: Clingers. They like to hide in the walls and peek out to snipe at you.
Crimson: Gods, what don't I hate in the Crimson. Herplings for speed and knockback resistance.
Hallowed: Gastropods. Snipe snipe snipe.
Snow: Ice Golems. It's fun for about a minute, the other nine are kind of vexing.
Ocean: DF doesn't count so, Sharks. Chill out.
Dungeon: Paladins. Apparently they sometimes track you through walls, and can shoot through them. Slightly worse than Diabolists.
Hell: Hellbats. They're like malevolent sand. Getting everywhere and causing pain.
Jungle: Turtles. Their reputation precedes them. Which is hard for something that hurls itself around at mach 2 constantly.
Desert: Desert Spirits. Every tme one shows up I swear to dig up the whole UD and make it flat corridors.
Caverns: Rune Wizard. Chill out.
And of course Wyverns because who doesn't hate Wyverns?
These things can go extinct for all I care.
These are pretty damn annoying.
Yeah, these guys too.
These little turds spawn endlessly whenever I make my WoF tracks/bridges.
A word meaning "Bad", "Annoying" and "Cancerous" can only describe these things.
These things can go extinct for all I care.
These are pretty damn annoying.
Yeah, these guys too.
These little turds spawn endlessly whenever I make my WoF tracks/bridges.
A word meaning "Bad", "Annoying" and "Cancerous" can only describe these things.
You could've just mentioned bats as a whole, instead of posting each one individually.

Btw, you forgot the Lava Bat and the Giant Flying Fox.
You could've just mentioned bats as a whole, instead of posting each one individually.

Btw, you forgot the Lava Bat and the Giant Flying Fox.

Wanted to make a more fleshed out posted then just "Bats".

And I suppose, though I really don't run into those two enough.

Though either Hellbats or Illuminaut Bats have to be my leave favorites out of the bunch.
To me, a truly annoying enemy is this thing:
These things are the banes of my existence.

I'm not a fan of their brothers either.
You could've just mentioned bats as a whole, instead of posting each one individually.

Btw, you forgot the Lava Bat and the Giant Flying Fox.
The GFF is not really that annoying. It has pretty specific spawning requirements, you have to be in the surface jungle at night. So it's not so much of a nuisance.

On that note, if you want something that can harass you underground that is that size with Bat AI, you have no farther to look than Pigron. And they phase through solid walls too so there goes your best bat defense.
Medusa, by far, takes first place. You know, she can go :red: herself. Like, I'm falling down my hellavator when Medusa stones me and I fall and die.
She's is evil incarnate. Next place is the fire imp. In pre-hardmode, they are some of the most go forsaken annoying creatures. Finally, the toxic sludge. When you try to fish and 5 of them come along, smiling stupidly at you. :joy:
-Meteor Heads
-Spiked Normal, Ice, and Jungle Slimes
-Red Devil
-Dark Caster
For me its anything that can give you the Broken armor debuff. At the start of hard mode having your already low defense halved for 5 minutes can get you killed REALLY REALLY quickly. Doesn't help that i'm obsessed with having high defense either.
The necromancer, tortoises, angry trapper, and red devil make me so salty, they're all really annoying to deal with.
Pre-Hardmode.... Jungle Slimes. Absolutely ruthless. "Well, at least I've got the high ground- HEY! STOP SHOOTING UP HERE. OH GOD I'M POISONED NOW."

And of course, bats. Any kind. Need to spend time building or digging? Bats will find you and stop you from doing work. I always have a summon hanging around with me to keep me from having to swing the sword routinely.
I can't say I hate anything, but I find Harpies, Wraiths, Imps, Icy Merman, Deadly Spheres, Vampires, and Tesla Turrets the most annoying
I'm currently getting to hate Nebula Floaters in expert mode. Not only are their shots pretty fast, they teleport around constantly and sneak in hits quite easily. Them being the toughest enemy among all the enemies you face in the lunar event doesn't help much either.
Well, I have two. The jungle crawler (they are useless; they are pretty weak for hardmode monsters and they don't drop anything unique) and the crawltipede.

If any of you happen to run into a crawltipede, I have a message for them...
Why do you have to make our lives miserable!!! First off, it's hard enough trying to survive the lunar events in the air, why make us stay on the ground? I worked extremely hard to get the Martian saucer mount, and I would appreciate it if you would let me use it.
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