Game Mechanics Let's hear your best suggestions for seed combinations!

As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

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Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
hear me out, drunk seed and only up makes it so that gravity is always flipped
How about an 'inverse' world from Drunk and Celebration

Rare spawns are common, and common are rare. Example the world spawns in pinky in place of green and blue slimes. But because of this their drop rate is 1/10 of normal

The Sound track is switched so it's constantly playing boss music, the jungle would be playing Plantera at night and Queen Bee at day, but the moment you enter a fight with either it's underground jungle

Rare drops are easy to come by but the common ones aren't, Souls are more than halved but can't move for biome keys

The higher the luck the less lucky you have, so this one would work negatively

NCPs would be in a better mood in biome's and with other NPCs they disliked or hated, though text would stay the same.
Item's that would normally be cheap now aren't while the expensive items are a lot cheaper.

And critters do contact damage, the bunny, goldfish and penguin spawn in the worlds evil unless it's a bloodmoon

Cutting down trees shakes free fruit, critters, money, but the tree only gives a little wood.

This would mean that you would start in the world and the hardest part would be setting up, next to no gel, wood, rope, touches, health potions, but an army of baby slime wands
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I would like a seed with no caves and tiny shrines for heart crystals (I don't know if this would actually be fun but you could see where you dug over the course of the playthrough (finding the temple would be a pain though))
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!

As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Combining For the Worthy and The Constant should make deerclops randomly spawn while exploring the ice biome and eye of Cthulhu spawn randomly if your in the forest.
Suggestion: get fixed boi + NOT THE BEES = NOT THE TROLLS!
Where not only larvae spawns even in hell , and world being honney (as expected) but iether your first 10 or so npc's will be shimered guide(aka , your majesty , sir red) or half of the npc's will be abcent with shimered guides taking their place , or every NPC will have a texture of the shimered guide.
+maybe dinomite bunies as pasive creatures near towns, but that feels a bit out off place.
Still i am surprised bunnies are still safe on Get Fixed Boi.
Edit:Also , maybe in one of the seeds , maybe in | celebration+for the worthy + constant/get fixed boi | , all the npc's will have angler-like quests , instead of normall shop , while angler will be the only one selling stuff.
(I hope this would be simple enough , path this mechanics are already there , but on the other hand no new code , may make this a borring thing to implement.
(Just had a brainwave while thinking of simplifyed npc relationship implementation , that would be easy to add , and may be a funny easter egg to troll people that wanted it , but would get it in secret seed combo , as a total replacements to all shops.)
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As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Combining no traps with for the worthy should make even more traps appear, breaking Blocks have a guaranteed chance of it becoming a boulder (the boulder drops the original Brock upon being destroyed) and every enemy having a 50% chance of turning into a nymph upon aggroing on you (retaining the enemies drops but with nymph health) and mimics more common and being able to be found in pre Hardmode (dropping nothing in pre Hardmode)
Combining Skyblock and Don’t Dig Up should give the player a permanent gravitation potion effect that can only be reversed that the potion itself

Another suggestion is that combining FTW with Drunk worlds should make the mechanical bosses only drop ONE of their respective souls. “Yeah, good job killing all three mechs, now if you want the true nights edge, you’ll do it twenty more times EACH! Have fun!😘
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our Final Fantasy 6 mod sounds like a labor of love! I took a look at your thread and the animations are impressive. It's clear you've put a lot of effort into it. While I'm not well-versed in coding for Final Fantasy mods, I'm sure there are communities or forums dedicated to modding where you could find help.

On another note, I couldn't help but notice your mention of Dota 2 MMR boosting. It seems unrelated to your modding project, but if you're looking for assistance with that, I'd advise against it. Not only is it against the terms of service of most gaming platforms, but it can also lead to negative consequences for your account. It's always best to improve your skills organically through practice and dedication!
Any celebrationmk10 seed has Confetti replacing rain.

Red = Crimson rain
Blue = Corruption, Normal, Mushroom rain
Yellow = Desert, Beach, Hallow rain
Green = Jungle rain
White = Snow rain

idk if someone's said this, but It could be a little change, included with others :3
CelebrationMK10 + No Traps makes all the traps "fun"

Dart Traps become party poppers, Volcano Traps shoot out confetti and tiny fireworks, Boulders break like piñatas when they fall (no damage, may contain good things), Explosive traps explode into harmless fog, Spikes are rainbow colored and don't hurt, Rolling Cacti also become piñatas, Antlion Eggs and Hives create harmless larvae/bees with party hats, Thin Ice idk haha, Dead Man's Chests spawn a banner saying "Congratulations!" and are surrounded by friendly "traps", and the Dungeon and Lizard traps also change but I couldn't think of anything for them

Probably said before, not sure
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Let's do new seed, where we can find new costums, for example fursuits, Minecraft`s Steve, full NPC costums and more?
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
For the Celebration, For the Drunk, No Celebration, Constantly Worthy, Don't Dig Up The Worthy, Trap The Worthy, Not The Worthy.

For The Celebration - A combined version of Celebrationmk10 and For The Worthy. Makes the place look beautiful at first, but slowly turns more creepy as you beat each boss (optional bosses are not required).

For The Drunk - A combined version of For The Worthy and Drunk. Gives the dizzy debuff (makes your screen blur out or wiggle) for as long as you are in the world with this seed.

No Celebration - A combined version of No Traps and Celebrationmk10. This seed makes the world grey, and a ton more traps are added than normal, consisting to even be able to spawn of the surface, along with new traps (Pit trap, spike trap, lava trap, queen bee spawn breaker trap).

Constantly Worthy - Combined version of The Constant and For The Worthy. Increases damage, defense, agility, speed, and time of inflicted debuffs for mobs and bosses.

Don't Dig Up The Worthy - A combined version of Don't Dig Up and For The Worthy. Increases difficulty.

Trap The Worthy - A combined version of No Traps and For The Worthy. Greatly increases the amount of traps and damage of traps, along with inflicted debuffs from traps, including player-made ones.

Not the Worthy - A combined version of Not The Bees and For the Worthy. Increases damage of the hive biome enemies and Queen Bee.

[Edited: Drunk Trap

Drunk Trap - A combination of Drunk and No Traps. Adds in a new trap called the Ale Trap, which will drop a ale onto your character once triggered. If hit, the ale will make your character dizzy. Also increases the amount of traps]
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As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
The big dip a ocean spawnes in the middle of your world and you spawn on a small island and you have to build to get to the main land
¡Lo sabía!
2. ¡La seed CelebeationMK10 mezclada con la seed Not the bees! Te debería dar como resultado: Enemigos de la bendicion y enemigos de la corrupción/carmesí con apariencias selváticas!
not the bees! with 05162020 make it so one middle of the world is corrupted the other middle is crimson and the picture is the normal 05162020 icon with bee surrounding it and bee hive appear around the cave(50% for both biome,only for the well prepared one(keep both ore variant(what are you reading(stop wasting your time(don't you have anything better to do?)))))
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As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
you take 1 damage every 2 seconds that would be very hateful
Celebrationmk10 + For the Worthy
You should spawn in a Sky Island with one tree and try to get on the surface and make the bosses figure much bigger than their normal form.
That would be Awesome and fun to play!
All seed combination
Player spawns at left or right side of the underworld in a desert with a oasis above them.
The ocean is at the center surface of the map and is lime green and inflicts poison on players who swim in it.
The underworld is frozen over with skyblue lava that inflicts frost burn,
Slimes inflict slow.
Goblin archers inflict poison with arrows.
In hardmode goblin sorcerer deflect magic projectiles and warriors deflect ranged projectiles.
Sky islands have a chance to spawn new enemy the shimbus(a shimmer nimbus useful for a skyblock seed so players can get shimmer which drops similar to lava from hellbats) during monsoons that try to yeet you off sky island's by shimmering you.
Trees now drop dynamite or pink dynamite.
During blood moon all enemies spawn up to 3x bigger and the enemies that knock on doors kick them off the hinges and spawn up to 3.5x more enemies.
Having the angler kid in your town causes enemies to spawn less since he has angler vest set on.
Having princess in hallowed biome makes the non boss enemies not attack the player or villagers.
A small patch of hallowed spawns at center of large world with a sword shrine.
In pre-hard mode corruption and crimson still spread and can't be blown up with bombs you have to craft the boss biome summon to get materials to craft pickaxe now before breaking hearts and shadow orbs. (This could lead to problems with world generation and progression so I don't really support this idea fully)
Pincushion zombies now explode like hornets on getfixedboi sending arrows around them, torch zombies set you ablaze, demon eyes inflict blind.
At the center of the underworld a cemetery biome spawns there.
Npc won't spawn unless conditions are meet. Example: Merchant won't spawn until the eye of cathulu is defeated.
On the surface it can rain meteor fragments that do some damage and set you ablaze & stars kill you similar to getfixedboi.
Plague rain inflicts weakness debuff on players walking out in it and causes zombies to have increased spawns during day time (assuming that there is a day time since it will most likely be eternal night like getfixedboi)
The goblin is more likely to screw you over.
Slimes can spawn with mini enemies inside of the dropping them when defeated.
All water in jungle is replaced with honey blocks while all lava in jungle is replaces with charred honey that always leave lava behind.
There are way more traps and statue traps. Moon bolder is a trap now.
Depending on which side your on example east crimson biome west corruption biome the twins will have a element breath. Ichor breath in crimson and cursed fire in corruption.
All biomes are painted a random color example all snow blocks and ice might be green or red when world generates or the jungle spawns painted opposite color depending on the world evil that it spawns inside. Example red jungle in corruption or purple in crimson. You could just swap the color palate of desert and snow biome so white sand and brown snow.
Jungle living trees spawn on surface world in jungle biomes, dead giant trees in evil biome, and autumn trees in regular biomes. Grass is painted orange on surface.
Hardmode enemies move very fast not jumping face monster getfixedboi fast but still fast. All demon eyes on surface are eye of cathulu sized or close,
Slimes break into smaller slimes of self once except golden slime. Slimes are more likely to have loot.
Tim inflict confused.
You can't regenerate health at all unless you have a item that increase health regen like a campfire, potion, or food in. (which you probably will have food in since you still have to eat)
merchant cant sell food item marshmallows until hardmode. dropping a Eskimo torso and pants on the lost Girl makes her a companion like a summon who gives you immunity to chilled or frozen Or another idea into a npc who you can buy potion buffs from that last until you die. Very expensive probably over 10 gold a purchase.
Critters are frenzied and have to be purified before capturing that would be hilarious a frenzied grubby coming at you in the jungle.
Mucho texto XD
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