Official Let's hear your forum improvements!

My strongest feedback right now is just that while I think it's good that there's no rules against posting in older threads, there will occasionally be a reply to an old thread that has long since run its course - examples being asking for advice in 1.3.1 context, then the reply is in modern JE context - and the OP that's replied to hasn't even been around in ages.

If at all possible, I think after a few months of no activity, there needs to be a second post confirmation screen that tells the person posting that they're about to reply to a thread that hasn't been active in a certain timeframe.

Otherwise, as a more casual user, I think the forums run perfectly fine, and that's not a sentiment I share often. The administrative and moderation teams are stellar.

  • Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums? (example: to report a bug, find other players to play with, figure out why your house isn't valid, etc.)​
  • When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?​
  • What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?​
  • What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?​
  • Was just looking at something about a Chippy and found this place by accident
  • I think the different sections in above and the threads were pretty handy
  • Generally, most things are pretty good. Messaging, threads, personal messages... I'm not sure if my favorite part.
  • As for improvements, there are some minor things.
    • [[RESOLVED]] I think it would be nice if there was some way to share audio files on here, as someone who puts my music on here relatively often it would be nice if I didn't have to upload them to google drive every time. [[RESOLVED]]
    • Second would be people who have left conversations. I think it would be great if people who left conversations didn't take up room in the conversation. That way bigger convos with people who left would still have room for more people. Additionally, some way to reinvite people to a convo they left might be nice.
    • Another one I thought of would be increasing text count on profile posts. I often find myself having to write several posts due to them being too long.
    • And finally, one I'm not too sure about is being able to see other past usernames. I know that this used to be a feature but was removed. I think this was due to privacy reasons, but if this was a toggleable feature then that wouldn't be a problem!
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I came here from the original Terraria Online, where the ads were so bad that the web browser would lock up if you stayed on a page for too long. I don't regret being an early hopper.
I admit I don't use the forums as often as I could be. But that, of course, subject to change.
I do not have any suggestions to alter things at the present. But if circumstances differ, I will provide feedback.
Give us your thoughts!
  • Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums? (example: to report a bug, find other players to play with, figure out why your house isn't valid, etc.)
I came first to the TCF to discuss about 1.4.3 and then 1.4.4
  • When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?
What I found easily is the markdown options, what was hard is to find the correct forum sometimes
  • What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?
What works well is fast staff reply time. When I needed help, staff was available always within 24h. At reports they were even faster: when someone spammed ads for illegal services it got taken down within minutes. Also warnings are clearly written so it won't fail at bad English to understand them
  • What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?
1. Make search actually search for "common words" but cap the results at max. 10.000 so the search terminates.
2. Raise the cap of profile messages on the public wall to 1000 or at least only the replies to profile posts (Can I get banned for bypassing the character limit by posting a screenshot of the long text?). Me be like when trying to suggest a thoroughly thought idea on Red's profile post:

3. Unblock the "You were the last person to post on the thread" restriction if there passed 24 hours after your reply and no one else wrote that.
4. Delete the points display on your profile page as trophies give you no points.
5. Allow making new forum games if your account is over a semester old and the proposed game is approved by a mod
6. Fix the exploit of doing this: Harry Potter (pings actually another person, in this example me).
7. Auto-close threads after 6 months of inactivity to block off necropostings

If you read an idea from someone else and you like it too, be sure to add on and let it be known that you agree, so that we know which ideas are resonating with the community. Thanks so much Terrarians! We'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
I think raising the profile page character limit has been suggested many times
1. Make search actually search for "common words" but cap the results at max. 10.000 so the search terminates.
2. Raise the cap of profile messages on the public wall to 1000 or at least only the replies to profile posts (Can I get banned for bypassing the character limit by posting a screenshot of the long text?). Me be like when trying to suggest a thoroughly thought idea on Red's profile post:
3. Unblock the "You were the last person to post on the thread" restriction if there passed 24 hours after your reply and no one else wrote that.
4. Delete the points display on your profile page as trophies give you no points.
5. Allow making new forum games if your account is over a semester old and the proposed game is approved by a mod
6. Fix the exploit of doing this: Harry Potter (pings actually another person, in this example me).
7. Auto-close threads after 6 months of inactivity to block off necropostings
I think these are all pretty valid. Only one I'd probably disagree with is 6 just because it's just a fun little thing to do and I don't think it's that much of an exploit. I've done it plenty of times.
But I think these are some pretty decent suggestions.
Unblock the "You were the last person to post on the thread" restriction if there passed 24 hours after your reply and no one else wrote that.
This would help roleplays SO much, I swear. There have been times where I ended up needing to ping multiple people just to keep things going because I couldn't poke the character interactions myself.

Edit: just saw 7. PLEASE GOD NO. there's no rule against necroing here and this would do more harm than good.
Gonna post what i said on Red's profile XD 😄

1) Make the "What's New" the main page

2) Have "activate notifications" for when Red announce spoilers and stuff

That would also help people who post their art and need to notify those who turn on notifications.

3) There are too many subcategories, you enter something and immediately several things appear divided

4) In general it would be nice to make the forum a bit more friendly for new people, i only realized it with the people who came from Twitter days ago...

5) Chippy said something like making a exclusive timeline where you can only see people who you follow.

6) More biome themes because why not XD
5. Allow making new forum games if your account is over a semester old and the proposed game is approved by a mod
How long is a semester? Like, all I know is it's a thing people use in reference to education system.
4. Delete the points display on your profile page as trophies give you no points.
I think I've seen it mentioned that it's some software limitation with xenforo that prevents this.

3) There are too many subcategories, you enter something and immediately several things appear divided
What exactly do you mean by this?
2) Have "activate notifications" for when Red announce spoilers and stuff
See above question.
I'd say the one thing the forums has over the other platforms like discord and reddit is that it's PEAK with technical support. I although I wish it was a bit easier finding those threads/getting to those resources so that people can get what they need.
Make official titles for all axe supporters and tree supporters!!!!

But maybe not for tree supporters, Axes for life!
Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums? (example: to report a bug, find other players to play with, figure out why your house isn't valid, etc.)
A XenForo-made forum was my very first internet community, and after having spent much of my younger edgelord years traversing the deeper ends of degeneracy on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, etc., I figured I'd settle down in someplace nostalgic, now that I'm an old man & all. :)
When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?
I have a good bit of experience with this sort of format, so nothing was all that difficult to figure out for me; but in saying that, I can't really speak for anyone who's fresh & new to this kind of thing.
What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?
The part I like most about TCF is that you can properly discuss politics & other sensitive topics without everyone devolving into man-children & igniting a mass flame war/lynch mob; however, with the mass influx of Twitter users, I feel that may not be as much the case anymore... :indifferent:
What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?
All told, the only thing I'd really ask for is more reaction variety. As it currently stands, all we have to react to posts with is this small assortment below:


I feel a bit more variety in expression would help to enchance community interaction here, and the ones I'd personally ask be added to the reaction roster would be "o_O" & ":sigh:".
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