Official Let's hear your forum improvements!

Ok i have some more...

Being able to pin a comment on your profile, for example Red recently posted that he is not taking suggestions so he can finish 1.4.5, that would help a lot! 😊
Gonna be honest, I do not like this change.
I've actually not replied to this before, huh? Let's change that:

Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums? (example: to report a bug, find other players to play with, figure out why your house isn't valid, etc.)
When I joined Terraria Online (The old TCF), I was drawing stuff for Terraria and I've wanted to share this to a more relatable audience.
Honestly, I can't quite remember how I found out about TO, I probably might have been visiting it occasionally without an account, because the news and other Questions/suggestions was shared there too.
When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?
I remember that I posted my first profile post after I joined, and immediately I was welcomed by fellow members of the community (along with the out-of-nowhere random nonsense post)
The forums (the tab) were well ordered, and found I it easy to find the right location to post a thread.
What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?
The new profile posts is my usual hangout, seeing what fellow people were up to, but I enjoy checking out the new post section as well.
Back when there were many artists around, the new profile posts were usually filled with friends posting their drawings, back when it was usually relied on an external site.
So I think the image upload feature on the new profile post section, along with all other BB formatting in these posts and comments, might have been one of my favorite features since then.
What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?
I'm fairly happy with the forum overall, but the one thing that I feel is missing is been able to search more precise. Like been able to search in sentences instead of only seperate words.

This message has popped more often than not, often resulting in just accepting that it's not findable:
Gonna be honest, I do not like this change.
View attachment 413954
Yeah, that does seem out of place...

I do often worry about a lot of streamlining attempts with any service, as not having enough subcategories can lead to more clutter over time.
There does come a point where the problem moves from the service itself to the people using it. Like, I still see people posting threads about getting technical support in the forum feedback section, despite the several messages informing someone otherwise. I'm honestly not sure how to best go about making more or less a TCF tutorial though.

Something that I have just thought about however, is I would like to know if non-native English speakers found any wording confusing. As TCF is mostly in English, I do wonder if someone whose English skills aren't as strong would find things more difficult to understand.
Also, not sure where else to put this but I've never really understood why there even is a section to trade in game stuff. Like, this isn't a game where good stuff is just super rare or hard to get, with the exception of one single item (RoD).
Also, not sure where else to put this but I've never really understood why there even is a section to trade in game stuff. Like, this isn't a game where good stuff is just super rare or hard to get, with the exception of one single item (RoD).
I don't get it myself either, but it may be possible that there were once many posts like these mixed in a general category, and that instead a new category is been made to filter these out.

From the 180+ pages, I can say it's well used regardless.
So, I've been thinking how a person new to TCF would find their way around, and then I remembered, I had one.
My mother has never been on TCF before, so I had her sit down and asked her to find specific things. In general, she seemed to do decently, but the first thing she did for each thing I asked her to find was use the search function.

Afterwards, didn't see too much of an issue of her actually navigating the main pages, but the search did seem to have certain issues.
One thing that came up in particular was when you add words to a search, I believe right now it looks for posts containing all of them, and I don't know if it's possible to instead make a search for posts containing one word or another word.

But in general, I feel like one of the more consistent issues I've heard so far is with the search function, though I'm also not certain what is and isn't possible to change there.

Also, does the automated conversation done by the Guide does not seem to highlight what the help button does on the bottom bar, and the terms and rules down there seems more legal than anything, and seems to provide no path to the TCF Rules and Culture which actually goes into detail.
Also, not sure where else to put this but I've never really understood why there even is a section to trade in game stuff. Like, this isn't a game where good stuff is just super rare or hard to get, with the exception of one single item (RoD).
Some people just seem to enjoy the mechanic of trading things.

It's been popular since the earliest days of TerrariaOnline, and we decided to keep it.
Well I'm honestly just not a fan of the idea of AMAs and introductions being in the same area as more discussion type of threads (just doesn't feel right to me) though I do see the logic of putting them there. And also I honestly found it easier to find threads with the separate categories for other games and other media.
Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums?
* There was this contest everyone was posting on, I decided to join
When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?
* Clicking on (pages; Forums, for example) eighter opens a folder of sup-pages or opens an entirely new page, otherwise, I think it was quite accessible!
What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?
* The first questions can be answered "Yes!" in a way I did in my previous answer...
What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?
* I'd really like a
font in the forums!
For the first point, there's the textbox that appears when you press the report button. Why not explain reports there?
Second, why would you need the whole staff team to answer it?
Third, again, I don't see why you'd need the whole staff team, and only like one or two situations where it might not be better to just make a bug report thread. (Since they're public.)
Incase of explaining a report or having rule questions or reporting a game breaking bug in PMs
If you want to explain a report, you can always re-report the original post: your new report gets added to the file and we'll have all the details together nicely! :)

As for game breaking bugs, it is actually better to file a report in the Bug Report section of the forums: the forum staff is not directly involved with the development on the game, and posting the bug in public makes it both easier to bring issues to the attention of the developers and allows others with similar experiences - or those who can explain what is going on and why the bug is not a bug :p - to weigh in and give more details.
Something else I wanted to ask for, some way to filter out threads like how there's ignores for users.
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