Official Let's hear your forum improvements!

A suggestion related to
  • Client/Server Mods & Tools Released section and Works-in-Progress section combined into the newly named Mods & Tools section, which is now under its own Modding section
  • General Mod Discussion renamed Modding Help
  • Player-Created Maps and Resource Packs (both Release and Works-in-Progress for each) combined into the Maps & Resource Packs section
  • General Map Discussion and General Resource Pack Discussion combined into the Map & Resource Pack Help section
I think that area shouldn't be labeled Modding and instead have a name that also shows it includes maps and resource packs.
been using this place for a bit and the new loadout is a little confusing
i know it can be more convent for newer users just a little help would be nice
I have a few things in regard to changing the wording in the current layout. (Since I doubt any changes will be reverted even though the previous layout was, at least in my opinion, better for the most part. (I do like like custom content not just being part of the general PC stuff area, as well as trading and people finding threads being all in one section.))
"Game Help" doesn't quite sound right, but I'm not sure what would be a better way to put it as calling it "In Game Help" might lead some people to believe others would join them to help in game.
"Technical Help" even more sounds wrong to me, so I think it should have just stayed as technical support.
"Modding (PC Only)" includes other custom content than just modding, the area name should in my opinion reflect that.
There currently is no prefix for games in the off topic section, even though I feel there should be since the other games section was combined into it.
There currently is no prefix for games in the off topic section, even though I feel there should be since the other games section was combined into it.
It's there now. Keep in mind that although everything looks finished, there are still some things that are in flux and not everything is finalized yet. :)
Announcement regarding the Mature Discussions section

Hello Terrarians, as we’ve gone through streamlining and simplifying the forum‘s layout and sections, we took the opportunity to re-look at some of the sections that may not be enriching the forums anymore. As we strive to make this the best place to discuss and talk about the game, as well as making it a safe haven to just hang out and chat with other Terrarians, the Mature Discussions section is falling into neither of those categories.

We love when Terrarians from around the world come here to talk about one of their favorite games, and it’s a treat when they stick around to keep discussing it, or stick around because they found a group of Terrarians to hang out with here, and that includes all of you reading this. :)

So while we continue to focus on building a site that keeps the spotlight on Terraria discussions, and having a quaint corner of the forums dedicated to keeping the neighborhood and community feel alive (profiles and Non-Terraria Topics section), we are going to have to let the Mature Discussions section go.

This decision wasn’t made quickly or lightly. It’s been a discussion point behind the scenes for years, and we feel that now is the right time to move forward with it, as there are much more suitable places than these forums for the discussions of polarizing and controversial topics.

So what’s next? For now, the Mature Discussions section has been closed to new threads and new posts. At the end of the week, it will be removed, and going forward we’d like to keep the focus on Terraria and community, making this your friendly neighborhood Terraria hangout. With that in mind, topics that are controversial or polarizing should be taken off forum, and discussed elsewhere.
Announcement regarding the Mature Discussions section

Hello Terrarians, as we’ve gone through streamlining and simplifying the forum‘s layout and sections, we took the opportunity to re-look at some of the sections that may not be enriching the forums anymore. As we strive to make this the best place to discuss and talk about the game, as well as making it a safe haven to just hang out and chat with other Terrarians, the Mature Discussions section is falling into neither of those categories.

We love when Terrarians from around the world come here to talk about one of their favorite games, and it’s a treat when they stick around to keep discussing it, or stick around because they found a group of Terrarians to hang out with here, and that includes all of you reading this. :)

So while we continue to focus on building a site that keeps the spotlight on Terraria discussions, and having a quaint corner of the forums dedicated to keeping the neighborhood and community feel alive (profiles and Non-Terraria Topics section), we are going to have to let the Mature Discussions section go.

This decision wasn’t made quickly or lightly. It’s been a discussion point behind the scenes for years, and we feel that now is the right time to move forward with it, as there are much more suitable places than these forums for the discussions of polarizing and controversial topics.

So what’s next? For now, the Mature Discussions section has been closed to new threads and new posts. At the end of the week, it will be removed, and going forward we’d like to keep the focus on Terraria and community, making this your friendly neighborhood Terraria hangout. With that in mind, topics that are controversial or polarizing should be taken off forum, and discussed elsewhere.
I find it good that the controversal section will be deleted now, for several reasons:

Firstly for every new user, no matter if they said they were over 18 or not, the mature discussion section was visible. To get blocked off of that section you had to specifically ask the moderators to block you off of that section. I wanted it because I had a hard time and also back then before Aug 21 2022 was only 17 and did not want to get unblocked even if I turned 18.

That option was somewhat hidden for new members. I found that option only in a small text in the category info and was lucky I found that, because I had to help refugees who stayed at our home for some weeks. If I did not find that option I would be overwhelmed due to the back then ongoing discussions about 1.4.4 and school.

Having an opt-in mode would have not solved that as outside of that category there would be talks about that section going on and real terraria topics would have sunken under the question of "how to enter controversal topics section?". Thus with an opt in option the forums would have gotten out of control.

The requests of getting blocked off of the controversal section have used up not a small amount of mod time, which could have been used for things like helping new users to find the right category and answering other questions, like bug reports or crash issues.

Another point is that normally the forum does not encourage controversal discussions it was strange to have a channel where you can do that which sometimes tempts people to carry controverse discussions on to outside the controversal topic section. Now if someone registers and does not see the controversal section they are less tempted to engage controversal discussions anywhere on the forum.

All in all I think this was a good decision.

Thank you for reading this.
With all of Terraria discussion centralized into the Terraria General Talk section currently, we decided it was a good time to do some house cleaning on this section. In our efforts to streamline common discussion topics, and address Terraria's evolution from when the Forums 1st started, the following actions have been taken.
  • Any Thread in Terraria General Talk that is 8 years or older (in other words, from July 2015 or older) has been locked. The very most ancient threads have been archived so they are Read-Only.
  • Several common discussion topics have had a new central thread designated. Some of this is from combining PC/Console/Mobile threads that used to be in their own general talk section into one thread for all platform discussion. Or depending on the topic, if the changes Terraria has gone through up to 1.4 are relevant, newer threads for the 1.4 era and beyond have been designated as new central threads, while threads from 1.3 or older for the topic have been archived.

This is still a work in progress, and we are working on a case by case basis for some of these threads. So it may not be fully complete for awhile as there are over 400 pages worth of threads to comb through in Terraria General Talk, which has all threads that the Crossroads, PC/Console/Mobile General Talk used to have.

We still desire that members utilize the search function to locate threads for a topic they wish to discuss before creating a new thread. It is preferable to resurrect an older thread (the practice is also known as "necroing") over creating a new thread for the same topic. However, if you have used the search function and can't find a similar thread for your topic, or you find that such a thread has been locked and there are no others available, you may then proceed to create a new thread for an older topic that has been locked.

Other than that, a few threads have been designated as "hotspots" for common discussion topics. They are threads that have been merged with a couple of other threads for the same topic, which is why the older discussions within them may appear a little disoriented. We will continue to monitor for new threads fitting into these topics and merge them into these threads to ensure discussion continues smoothly and to make an effort to avoid more duplicate threads. As well as looking out for thread topics that had their own version in PC/Mobile/Console, and merging them into one thread.
Why did you first come to the Terraria Community Forums? (example: to report a bug, find other players to play with, figure out why your house isn't valid, etc.)
I came to TCF out of curiosity for the beta tests. Having realized I lurked a fair bit on Terraria Online, I wouldn't wanna miss out on actual site participation! `:D
When you were a newcomer, what do you remember was easy to navigate, and what were you confused about?
As a newcomer, I think everything was wasy to navigate. Because I studied the help fora, I felt little confusion about everything.
What works well? What functions of the forums do you like, what do you think is fine the way it is, what's your favorite part of the forums?
Everything works well, but I really appreciate profile posts and Forum Games. The former are quite useful for on-demand discussions of one-off subjects that could risk derailing a thread while the latter offer an avenue for other members to chill out and have Fun.
What could be improved upon? What features do you wish were here, what would make things easier, what isn't working as well as it could?
Enforcing Fun. Of key themes making up the Culture of Re-Logic Communities, I believe there's more that can be done to assure fun. There have been occasions (like the console equivalents of PC update releases and States of the Game) where things turned overly dramatic. Similar courses of action, as done with the Game Suggestions subfora, could be apropos.

Furthermore, I believe that requirements for the Official Terrarian title could see revision incentivizing exploration of TCF's features, such as posting an introduction thread and a status update. After all, don't knock it 'til you try it?
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With the new direction the forums are taking to be a more wholesome community, I understand that removing Mature Discussion is a step forward to end some controversy and malice among users in the forum. Despite this however, many introspective, mature and meaningful conversations have taken place in Mature Discussions, of people talking about the world they live in in some of the more grim aspects, yet understanding and moving forward as people.

Rather than delete the area, archive it and remove the ability for others to comments or make new threads, maybe place it into a subcategory that isn't displayed on the frontpage like Off Topic or make a new category like Archives.
With the new direction the forums are taking to be a more wholesome community, I understand that removing Mature Discussion is a step forward to end some controversy and malice among users in the forum. Despite this however, many introspective, mature and meaningful conversations have taken place in Mature Discussions, of people talking about the world they live in in some of the more grim aspects, yet understanding and moving forward as people.

Rather than delete the area, archive it and remove the ability for others to comments or make new threads, maybe place it into a subcategory that isn't displayed on the frontpage like Off Topic or make a new category like Archives.
i honestly disagree with this i think it should keep open for the ppl who use it
i think some kinda key to access it like asking a mod or admin to allow users to post would be a better solution that way ppl who frequent the area can still access it but new ppl cant post unless they have a key from a mod
Announcement regarding the Mature Discussions section

Hello Terrarians, as we’ve gone through streamlining and simplifying the forum‘s layout and sections, we took the opportunity to re-look at some of the sections that may not be enriching the forums anymore. As we strive to make this the best place to discuss and talk about the game, as well as making it a safe haven to just hang out and chat with other Terrarians, the Mature Discussions section is falling into neither of those categories.

We love when Terrarians from around the world come here to talk about one of their favorite games, and it’s a treat when they stick around to keep discussing it, or stick around because they found a group of Terrarians to hang out with here, and that includes all of you reading this. :)

So while we continue to focus on building a site that keeps the spotlight on Terraria discussions, and having a quaint corner of the forums dedicated to keeping the neighborhood and community feel alive (profiles and Non-Terraria Topics section), we are going to have to let the Mature Discussions section go.

This decision wasn’t made quickly or lightly. It’s been a discussion point behind the scenes for years, and we feel that now is the right time to move forward with it, as there are much more suitable places than these forums for the discussions of polarizing and controversial topics.

So what’s next? For now, the Mature Discussions section has been closed to new threads and new posts. At the end of the week, it will be removed, and going forward we’d like to keep the focus on Terraria and community, making this your friendly neighborhood Terraria hangout. With that in mind, topics that are controversial or polarizing should be taken off forum, and discussed elsewhere.
i think if ppl want to talk about that stuff i think privet convs would be great might remake a few in convs to be invite only
With the new direction the forums are taking to be a more wholesome community, I understand that removing Mature Discussion is a step forward to end some controversy and malice among users in the forum. Despite this however, many introspective, mature and meaningful conversations have taken place in Mature Discussions, of people talking about the world they live in in some of the more grim aspects, yet understanding and moving forward as people.

Rather than delete the area, archive it and remove the ability for others to comments or make new threads, maybe place it into a subcategory that isn't displayed on the frontpage like Off Topic or make a new category like Archives.

i honestly disagree with this i think it should keep open for the ppl who use it
i think some kinda key to access it like asking a mod or admin to allow users to post would be a better solution that way ppl who frequent the area can still access it but new ppl cant post unless they have a key from a mod
Hi both,

I've moved your posts here into the main discussion thread to keep it all together.

We definitely do not play on allowing current users to keep posting; keeping it around for existing users would both defeat the point of closing it, and be unfair to new members of the forum.

Users are perfectly welcome to archive any content from there that they wish to, but I don't believe keeping it around has much benefit. It's not as if it contains guides or information that may be useful to read over in the future so I cannot imagine keeping it in a read only state serves much of a purpose - it's not as if people are going to be going back into old, locked discussions on topics just to read them when you're not able to continue the discussion.
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