The Destroyer
"Really? That doesn't sound accurate, though on the other hand, you look like you're used to having much more power than you do currently."*Rope points at Riolu, very angrily.*
I've killed things more powerful than you for lesser insults!
"Let me tell you a story about one of my teachers, Hatchet; once, Hatchet was a member of a mercenary squad. Around that time, Hatchet was invited to a battle tournament, where he fought many enemies. But in the end of the fight, when he was facing his final enemy, he was losing. But his coworkers in the mercenary squad had convinced the entire crowd to cheer for him, and that gave him the confidence he needed in order to defeat the final opponent."
"The moral of the story is this: Having the crowd cheering for you is one of the greatest advantages you can get in a fight. But so far, one of the only things you have done here is insult everyone else. I have no doubt that if we fought, the majority of the people here would want me to win."