Braven: "I think he's fine."*he addresses the group:*
What do you all think of him? The skeleton?
*Tethin wakes up due the the sudden rise in temperature, thinking he's back in his home world, in his cave next to his siblings. He jumps up, exited to embrace them again, only to realize he's still in the animal tent. He looks outside and sees the rapidly melting snow. He also sees he is still in the strange world, with the strange people from other worlds. He sighs before quickly grabbing armloads of still solid snow and stuffing them into sacks made from animal skins, planning on using it to preserve the food and meats. He also grumbles to himself about the soon rise in insects that will pester the group. He may have an exoskeleton, but in between the plates he's flesh. He is, also, grateful to be out of the cold.*[The snow begins to melt, and it becomes.... strangely hot. Like 100+ Degrees fahrenheit.]
"I ain't got a problem with you." *Tethin says with an unusually deep and gravely voice. "Now come use those bones and help me stitch this stuff closed for later. Rope, come here as well and make yourself useful."*Tom, watching in the distance, wondering how the group will react.
*Tethin momentarily stops packing the snow and meat into the bags and goes to Chis, picks her up and places her in a tent so she doesn't get sticky from the moisture that's soon to come before going back to making and stitching the bags.*Even though Chis sleeps at night, they exit their shell due to the heat, thinking it's day.
Thank god that snowstorm passed-
Chis looks up at the moon.
Chis jumps back in their shell.
"Dont mind if I do." *Tom picks up the bones he's made so far and walks over*"I ain't got a problem with you." *Tethin says with an unusually deep and gravely voice. "Now come use those bones and help me stitch this stuff closed for later. Rope, come here as well and make yourself useful."
Chis, sensing them being lifted up, looks over at Tethin after poking their head out of their shell.*Tethin momentarily stops packing the snow and meat into the bags and goes to Chis, picks her up and places her in a tent so she doesn't get sticky from the moisture that's soon to come before going back to making and stitching the bags.*
This gets both Braven and Mirror on edge.It's a solar eclipse.]
*Tom drops his bones, and looks at the eclipse with awe* "It's... it's wonderful... I don't think I ever want to go back underground."Chis, sensing them being lifted up, looks over at Tethin after poking their head out of their shell.
...You can just.. do that? How?
[The sun arises. It gets hotter, and hotter, and when you think you're about to melt... it suddenly gets a lot cooler. The sky goes dark. You look up. It's a solar eclipse.]
...Woah...*Tom drops his bones, and looks at the eclipse with awe* "It's... it's wonderful... I don't think I ever want to go back underground."
(I'm pretty sure Tethin had already put Chis in a tent, so they wouldn't be getting carried right now)...Woah...
...Put me the hell down. I need a better look.
(tom didnt pick you up?)...Woah...
...Put me the hell down. I need a better look.
(I'm pretty sure Tethin had already put Chis in a tent, so they wouldn't be getting carried right now)
(misclick)(tom didnt pick you up?) many bones do you need?*Tom picks up his bones and moves them over to the camp, and conjures another before returning to look*
[yes]"I mean... can you really ever have too many?" *tom goes back to the camp and tries making something* (should i roll for it?)