Little Gems From the Wiki Episode 2: The Saga Continues

Something I found shortly after the 1.3 update, didn't think to take a screenshot but I did share it in a Skype chat with a few friends.

Battlecart strategy: once upon a time, two idiots sat there and had the mechanical cart and a bunch of rails. they thought "since the cart shoots lazers and goes really fast, why don't we build a tower and connect rails to it and turn the ends to bumpers and go back and forth." They soon applied this to the moon lord. They wrecked him so hard the only way to save himself was to open his heart to them, but that killed him too. In other words, ride back and forth on a long bumper track and pelt him with bullets as a strategy.
This is from wiki?
I came across something very rare.

The world generating a Crimson chamber over another Crimson chamber.

If you look closely, one of the hearts generated exposed. Here's that heart up close (plus the two floating altars above it).

On an unrelated note, while building some housing, when I placed a spare table so it wouldn't take up inventory space, the Guide jumped up on it a couple seconds later.
What this haves to do w/ wiki?
I came across something very rare.

The world generating a Crimson chamber over another Crimson chamber.

If you look closely, one of the hearts generated exposed. Here's that heart up close (plus the two floating altars above it).

On an unrelated note, while building some housing, when I placed a spare table so it wouldn't take up inventory space, the Guide jumped up on it a couple seconds later.
@Juno Brier this is the wrong thread!
Boss pages are great for finding gems. Like little lumps of poop that need ten thousand years, exposure to magma and compression under multiple layers of rock in order to become a diamond.

Today's gem is brought to you by the Slimy Saddle:
Eye of Cthulu:
Slime 1.png

Hmm. This seems suspicious. I think the Slimy Saddle is overpowered. Let's see how it fares against the Eater of Worlds:
Slime 2.png


Brain of Cthulu gets no love. Of course, since the Slimy Saddle is so clearly OP, it can probably kill the Brain during its first stage.

Moving on, can I use it on Skeletron?
Slime 3.png

I guess not. Thanks for the advice Wiki.

But it's OK. Skeletron and the Moon Noob are BFFs when it comes to cheesing. Just different flavours of cheese, like Swiss and cheddar.

Confirmed: Skeletron is OP and needs cheesing like the Moon Noob. Good to know that once I've finished building a long track to cheese Skeletron, I can reuse it for the Moon Noob. Is it coincidence the Old Man and Lunatic Cultists both spawn at the dungeon? I think not! There's an ulterior motive here.

One last boss gem Treasure Bag:
Queen Bee:
Queen Bee.png
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