Weapons & Equip Magic Ring

Korok 🪓

A ring sometimes dropped by enemies in the marble biome or in the granite biome. Upgrades magic damage by 10% and lowers mana cost by 5%. Is able to be obtained early to mid hardmode.
A ring sometimes dropped by enemies in the marble biome or in the granite biome. Upgrades magic damage by 10% and lowers mana cost by 5%. Is able to be obtained early to mid hardmode.
its sort of out of place in those two biomes i feel, and it is quite a big buff for just killing enemies. This is also outclassed by the sorcerer emblem, obtained earlier in the game. if this accessory did something unique alongside the buffs then it would be viable, but then it would be op. Mage damage stacking doesn't really need an upgrade
Mage already has a good enough amount of damage accessories. This addtion doesn't seem to add anything meaningful to the game.
A ring sometimes dropped by enemies in the marble biome or in the granite biome. Upgrades magic damage by 10% and lowers mana cost by 5%. Is able to be obtained early to mid hardmode.
A ring sometimes dropped by enemies in the marble biome or in the granite biome. Upgrades magic damage by 10% and lowers mana cost by 5%. Is able to be obtained early to mid hardmode.
Instead of buffing magic damage how about
The item creates a ring of ancient symbols around the player that attacks with your magic weapons
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