Short Story Martians

Alamandra Vonn Pravus

Dungeon Spirit


She pulls it from his grasp quickly and peeks around the corner. One right outside.

"Gun out."

Looks around the corner again. Breath held. Crack.

It whips around, some sort of metal pack on it's back spewing white smoke. A flickering blue aura appears for a moment then vanishes. It's still alive though.


She pulls her gun and head back inside and wipes her sweaty palms on her pants.

"Not hit."


This time it's his turn as he twists around the door and unloads one, two, three, four, five bullets into the thing.

"It's down."


Sigh of relief.

He ducks back.

They take turns looking out through the door and the holes in the wall.



On the nearby hill perches a metal hull with three metal legs poking out of it.

She sighs again, this time frustrated.

Wipes hands.

Takes aim.



It's turning.


"Miss. Give me your gun. Load mine."

He tosses it to her.


One, two, three.

The bullets bounce off.

Breaths in.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

It's facing the house.

"Give me the gun!"

"It's not loaded!"





She crawls along the floor.

The rifle is snapped in two.

He's dead.

The tripod looms over the smoking house.
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