OOC Mayhem Quest - A Terraria RP (OOC)

Note: Not how Gareth actually looks, but what he is based off of (other note: this one has different gear compared to the Gareth being used in this RP)
I would join this, but the no crossover rule

I have exactly 2 non-crossover characters

A dragon, and a horrible amalgam from hell
Character Name: EXODUS-13

Character Nickname: EXODUS

Character Gender: is a female robot, a female plant, a male demon, and a male lich

Character Age: both a few months old, and also thousands of years old

Character Appearance: a humanoid robot with light foliage, has no visible signs of having 4 minds

Character Species: Amalgam from the pits of hell

Character Height: 6' 11

Character Weight: 1790 pounds (they're a robot made of some incredibly heavy materials, with some heavier foliage)

Character Personality: Depends on who's talking

Character Equipment: a halberd, a magical staff, and some spellbooks

Character Abilities: the foliage on EXODUS can lash out and do things like strangle people, EXODUS can use mag-lev tech to control the halberd from afar, and can weave spells easily.

Character Quirks: Talks in multiple personalities at once, and usually has one person controlling them

Character Flaws: will get completely disabled if they come in contact with water, flame damages a lot of their systems

Extras/Trivia: EXODUS was merged from a glitch in the robot's system.
i've made some concept art of a custom light pet that Esther could obtain when she repairs the broken pylon.
Schermopname (4).png
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