Weapons & Equip Meatier Shot & Hemorrhaging


Meatier Shot is a bullet made from puns Crimtane. Hemorrhaging is an upgrade to the Bleeding status effect.


Meatier Shot
9 Damage
3 Knockback
4.5 Velocity
*Inflicts Hemorrhaging for 2-4 seconds (50%)

Station- Anvil
50 Musket Balls
1 Crimtane Bar
Makes 50 Meatier Shot.

Hemorrhaging is a new status effect that works as an upgrade to Bleeding. Along with no health regeneration, it also deals 4 damage per second. All monsters that can currently inflict Bleeding would also get a small chance of inflicting Hemorrhaging.

EDIT- Changed 'Heavy Bleeding' to 'Hemorrhaging'. Thanks for the suggestion, @Kefke
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I love it. xD The name is creative! If it was me, I'd come up with something stupid like "flesh wound". Rofl.

That pun is so bad it hurts my sides.

But the idea is fairly decent, though. A bullet for the Crimson would be nice, especially because the Hearts drop a gun.
False. It has equal strength to On Fire! and is twice as strong as Poison.

Frostburn is better and you can get Frostburn arrows within minutes of playing a fresh play-through. Kind of irrelevant though, as the only way you can inflict Frostburn with bullet weapons is by using Frost Armour.
Shouldacouldawouldabeen Blood Shot. Because it puns better. Should also be able to penetrate enemies to put it on-par with Unholy Arrows. Also, I've been wanting to make Bleeding a viable PvE debuff. At the moment, this behaves almost identically to my Hellstone ammo suggestion, which I happen to be fond of, but there's plenty of room to make this more diverse. I'd rather these inflicted a weaker debuff rather than a stronger one for this reason. If you don't adopt my changes, then I'll just... no wait... actually, I just had a few more ideas, so I'm going to end up doing it anyways. I'm outta here. Off to plot a whole new suggestion thread. :guidesmile: Bye!
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Hello! It's me, the self-proclaimed naming fairy. Love the pun. Heavy bleeding seems a bit too clunky of a debuff name, though. How about "Hemorrhaging" instead? Same meaning, but it's more concise.
Hello! It's me, the self-proclaimed naming fairy. Love the pun. Heavy bleeding seems a bit too clunky of a debuff name, though. How about "Hemorrhaging" instead? Same meaning, but it's more concise.

That's even better. Thanks.
Wouldn´t the Corruption need it´s own type of bullet? Considering that it would (usually) require defeating the BoC or the EoC regularly to use Meatier shots, it would be of a higher tier.
Wouldn´t the Corruption need it´s own type of bullet? Considering that it would (usually) require defeating the BoC or the EoC regularly to use Meatier shots, it would be of a higher tier.

The corruption has it's own arrow type, unholy arrows.
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