version 1.1
Hey guys, I have been working on a texture pack recently that takes the buffs from potions and makes them cleaner and more minimalist.
They are loosely based on the achievements from Terraria.
This pack is work in progress, but eventually I will get every single buff and debuff in the game.
Download is attached below, lemme know if there are any problems.
Cheers! Enjoy the pack!
Discord Server: Join the Minimalistic Buffs Discord server!
v1.0: Released the pack!
v1.1: a few more common buffs.
v1.1: a few more common buffs.
They are loosely based on the achievements from Terraria.
This pack is work in progress, but eventually I will get every single buff and debuff in the game.
Cheers! Enjoy the pack!
Discord Server: Join the Minimalistic Buffs Discord server!
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