Mobile Minimap broken?


Your Terraria Device
iPhone 7 Plus
Mobile OS
iOS 14.4.2
About a week or two ago i was playing terraria regularly until it crashed the app and i had to go on it again. Turns out it corrupted because of low storage so i freed up storage, loaded up my back up world and it still wouldn’t load so i disabled my minimap and that seemed to work. i didn’t mind it until now with pylons which needs the minimap. however when i enable the minimap it gets stuck at settling liquids 50%. is there a possible solution to this?

for people who might have the same problem i’ve found a solution however i do not know if it will 100% work so use at your own risk. you make a new character, use a file editor, go into terraria, players, your new character files, and find the file that ends in map. replace your broken map file with the new file and it will work fine. though you’d have to explore everything again it certainly is a fix.
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