Mobile News Update - Online Multiplayer Revealed!

What is the probability that I will get a beta test?how many participants on the beta test?
(sorry for the wrong english)
tbh with u.. idk whats the probability of the chances ur getting picked.. but... most of us is likely to get and try the beta... cuz if ur not lucky enough this month.. theres still nxt to come :piratewink::pirategrin::piratewink:
So I know you guys probably don’t have a release date yet. But what month are you aiming to complete 1.3
I’m hoping for August or September, but I’m not the devs. so I don’t know. They will most likely not know that answer, but we’ll see:clothierhappy:
If we're getting multiplayer for mobile then why not cross platform?

I wanna play with a console player
Console manufacturers have yet to agree on how to make this happen broadly. Aside from a select handful of games, they don't permit this right now, even if developers and players want to do it.
Hey all, I lost my character today. I don’t know what happened, but I lost it. Is there anyway to recover it (I’m on IOS and the character wasn’t connected to the cloud)? Also, hyped for the update and I hope it comes soon and I get picked for Beta!
Hey all, I lost my character today. I don’t know what happened, but I lost it. Is there anyway to recover it (I’m on IOS and the character wasn’t connected to the cloud)? Also, hyped for the update and I hope it comes soon and I get picked for Beta!
Unless you made a backup prior to losing it, there’s no way to recover your character I’m sorry to say.
Hey all, I lost my character today. I don’t know what happened, but I lost it. Is there anyway to recover it (I’m on IOS and the character wasn’t connected to the cloud)? Also, hyped for the update and I hope it comes soon and I get picked for Beta!
I feel bad Ik this feeling it's like getting ur effort put in a bin,it's a horrible feeling I hope u catch up
Aw man:merchantcry:. Ok, thanks!
I feel bad Ik this feeling it's like getting ur effort put in a bin,it's a horrible feeling I hope u catch up
Sorry you lost you character, it’s just a good reminder to make backups of all data that you care about - whether it’s photos and documents on a computer or characters and worlds on Terraria. :guidesmile:
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