Resolved [Mobile] The Corruption key won't drop.


i have beaten king slime 11 times and the EoW 8 times, alongs with 2 day's worth of solar eclipse enemies, all of which happened in the corruption, and post-plantera. can anyone help me with getting the key, any form of aid like advice and links will be highly appreaciated. this is irritating that after defeating over 2.5k enemies, i still don't have the corruption key. *just my luck right?*

P.S. if you know what enemies drop the compass, i would love to know that.
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also 1 thing to note is that i have had this same issue, but on pc with the crimson key instead. my issue is frustrating, but not as much since I've dealt with this kind of inconvenience before.
It's just bad luck. You can use Water Candles and Battle Potions to speed things along, but there isn't anything that will guarantee you get it.
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