Empress of Light
This mod is ded.
Remastered Mod Here:
lol this mod bad oof
Some sprites were made by a fabulous guy called @Tied .
@Eldrazi gave me lots of help with the code.
This mod adds lots of stuff! Both Fantasy-type things and Sci-Fi type things. Hopefully it will soon be a lot more popular than it is now.
It currently has:
• 14 Buffs/Debuffs
• 3 Walls
• 42 Tiles
• 77 NPCs
• 219 Items
This is my first mod on Terraria, I would like to have some constructive criticism or maybe someone who can help me.
What I need to find out:
- How to make a boss change the colour of the background.
- How to make a boss move out of view and despawn if player is killed.
- How to make a minion that can move on tiles (Like the pirate minion)
Remastered Mod Here:
lol this mod bad oof
Some sprites were made by a fabulous guy called @Tied .
@Eldrazi gave me lots of help with the code.
This mod adds lots of stuff! Both Fantasy-type things and Sci-Fi type things. Hopefully it will soon be a lot more popular than it is now.
It currently has:
• 14 Buffs/Debuffs
• 3 Walls
• 42 Tiles
• 77 NPCs
• 219 Items
- A retexture or two.
- Custom death messages when killed by debuffs
- Animated items!!
http://imgur.com/a/2q8QB <--- Preview here
- Xenomite Crystal now has a 2nd phase, and made it smaller.
- Changed the Adventurer NPC to Squire.
- Changed the name of the Violin String to Violin Bow.
- maybe some nerfs or something.
- Ancient Tools/Weapons
- Living Wood Sword
- Living Wood Hammer
- Living Wood Bow
- Xenomite Glaive
- Petrified Wood
- Evergreen Wood
- Xenium Bar
- Moonflare Bar
- Sandai Kitetsu
- Shusui
- Evergreen Greatsword
- Ethereal Armour!
- Living Wood Armour
- Xenomite Steel
- Xenomite Steel Wall
- Ethereal Wanderer (Extra Spoopy)
- A retexture or two.

- Custom death messages when killed by debuffs
- Animated items!!
http://imgur.com/a/2q8QB <--- Preview here
- Xenomite Crystal now has a 2nd phase, and made it smaller.

- Changed the Adventurer NPC to Squire.
- Changed the name of the Violin String to Violin Bow.
- maybe some nerfs or something.
- Ancient Tools/Weapons

- Living Wood Sword

- Living Wood Hammer

- Living Wood Bow

- Xenomite Glaive

- Petrified Wood

- Evergreen Wood

- Xenium Bar

- Moonflare Bar

- Sandai Kitetsu

- Shusui

- Evergreen Greatsword

- Ethereal Armour!

- Living Wood Armour

- Xenomite Steel

- Xenomite Steel Wall

- Ethereal Wanderer (Extra Spoopy)

- The 3 Pre-Hardmode 'Infected' enemies will only spawn after the Xenomite Crystal boss has been defeated.
- Retextured some enemies.
- Nerfed Vlitch Gigipede.
- Balanced out some stuff.
- I donno, other stuff
- Living Wood Yoyo
- Living Leaf
- Living Wood
- Wado Ichimonji (OP Katana)
- Stone Sword
- Stone Tools
- Stone Armour
- Lots of shields (Rimmed Shields & Plated Shields)
- Rotting Staff
- Mysterious Skull
- Potato Chips (Noice)
- Mysterious Tablet (Summons the Xenomite Crystal)
- Girus Mask
- Portal Mask
- Ancient Stone (And wall)
- Ancient Stone Brick (And Wall)
- Portal Trophy
- Stone Golem
- Forest Golem
- Ancient Stone Golem
- Molten Golem
- Rotting Wizard
- Shielded Zombie
- Xenomite Crystal (Pre-Hardmode Boss)
- Xenomite Fragment
- Xenomite Piece
Town NPCs:
- Adventurer
- Nerd
- Noob's Blessing
- Tiedemies
- The 3 Pre-Hardmode 'Infected' enemies will only spawn after the Xenomite Crystal boss has been defeated.
- Retextured some enemies.

- Nerfed Vlitch Gigipede.
- Balanced out some stuff.
- I donno, other stuff
- Living Wood Yoyo

- Living Leaf

- Living Wood

- Wado Ichimonji (OP Katana)

- Stone Sword

- Stone Tools

- Stone Armour

- Lots of shields (Rimmed Shields & Plated Shields)

- Rotting Staff

- Mysterious Skull

- Potato Chips (Noice)

- Mysterious Tablet (Summons the Xenomite Crystal)

- Girus Mask

- Portal Mask


- Ancient Stone (And wall)

- Ancient Stone Brick (And Wall)

- Portal Trophy

- Stone Golem

- Forest Golem

- Ancient Stone Golem

- Molten Golem

- Rotting Wizard

- Shielded Zombie

- Xenomite Crystal (Pre-Hardmode Boss)

- Xenomite Fragment

- Xenomite Piece

Town NPCs:
- Adventurer

- Nerd

- Noob's Blessing

- Tiedemies

- Infected Giant Worm spawns after EoC is defeated.
- Changed Infected Eye texture.
- Some other things I obviously forgot.
- Energy Xenomite Armour
- Light Xenomite Armour
- Newb Set
- Rusted Sword Fragments (Used to make a rusty sword)
- Chicken Egg (CHICKENS!!!)
- Corrupted Starlite Bar (Used with Corrupted Xenomite)
- Energy Xeno-Glove (Throws energized shurikens)
- Energy Xenomite
- Ethereal stuff (Post-Moonlord)
- Ethereal Crystal
- Forsaken Amulet (Summons... )
- Forsaken Blaster
- Forsaken Handgun
- Forsaken Emblem
- Pile o' Grain (Summons a pet CHICKEN!!!!)
- Light Xenomite Plasma Cannon
- Light Xenomite
- Light Xenomite Energy Bullet
- Light Xenomite Railgun
- Light Xenomite Repeater
- Luminite Power Absorber
- Magic Metal Polish (Might shiny metals with magic!)
- Mutator Powercell
- Lexi's Knife
- Chara's Knife
- Odd Fragment
- Old Tophat
- Warden's Bow
- Reinforced Warden's Bow
- Rusty Noble's Sword
- Noble's Sword (Different materials)
- Rusty Zweihander (Needs a bit of a polish)
- Xeno DNA-Mutator Fragments
- Xeno DNA-Mutator
- A Jolly Madman
- Chicken (CHICKEN!!!!)
- Dark Soul (Not-so-subtle reference)
- Space-time Gravity Rip
- Space-time Reality Rip
- Space-time Void Rip
- Skelemies
- Infected Bunny (After Infected Eye is defeated)
- Infected Bird (After Infected Eye is defeated)
- Infected Chicken (NOOOOO!!!)
- Infected Slime (After Infected Eye is defeated)
- Portal To Another World
(Not actual size)
- Skeleton Warden
- Armoured Skeleton Warden
- Skeleton Noble
- Armoured Skeleton Noble
- Xenomite Ore (After Infected Eye is defeated)
- New buffs/debuffs
- Infected Giant Worm spawns after EoC is defeated.
- Changed Infected Eye texture.

- Some other things I obviously forgot.
- Energy Xenomite Armour

- Light Xenomite Armour

- Newb Set

- Rusted Sword Fragments (Used to make a rusty sword)

- Chicken Egg (CHICKENS!!!)

- Corrupted Starlite Bar (Used with Corrupted Xenomite)


- Energy Xeno-Glove (Throws energized shurikens)

- Energy Xenomite

- Ethereal stuff (Post-Moonlord)

- Ethereal Crystal

- Forsaken Amulet (Summons... )

- Forsaken Blaster

- Forsaken Handgun

- Forsaken Emblem

- Pile o' Grain (Summons a pet CHICKEN!!!!)

- Light Xenomite Plasma Cannon

- Light Xenomite

- Light Xenomite Energy Bullet

- Light Xenomite Railgun

- Light Xenomite Repeater

- Luminite Power Absorber

- Magic Metal Polish (Might shiny metals with magic!)

- Mutator Powercell

- Lexi's Knife

- Chara's Knife

- Odd Fragment

- Old Tophat

- Warden's Bow

- Reinforced Warden's Bow

- Rusty Noble's Sword

- Noble's Sword (Different materials)

- Rusty Zweihander (Needs a bit of a polish)

- Xeno DNA-Mutator Fragments

- Xeno DNA-Mutator


- A Jolly Madman

- Chicken (CHICKEN!!!!)

- Dark Soul (Not-so-subtle reference)

- Space-time Gravity Rip

- Space-time Reality Rip

- Space-time Void Rip

- Skelemies

- Infected Bunny (After Infected Eye is defeated)

- Infected Bird (After Infected Eye is defeated)

- Infected Chicken (NOOOOO!!!)

- Infected Slime (After Infected Eye is defeated)


- Portal To Another World

- Skeleton Warden

- Armoured Skeleton Warden

- Skeleton Noble

- Armoured Skeleton Noble

- Xenomite Ore (After Infected Eye is defeated)
- New buffs/debuffs

- Decreased the spawn rate for Infected Giant Worms (Your welcome, MabiVsgames)
- Re-textures!
- Some other stuff that I always forget.
- Android Head
- Flatcap
- Prototype Silver Head
- Rayen's Tophat
- AI Chip (Used for machines
- Anti-Crystallizer Band (Expert mode only!)
- Anti-Crystallizer Serum (Finally a way to become immune to Xenomite!)
- Artifical Muscle (It's stronger than you
- Carbon Myofibre (Used to make the Artifical Muscle)
- Robotic Arm (Slap enemies with a robot's arm)
- Corrupted Robotic Arm
- Rusty Robotic Arm
- Icar's Flower (Used to make some accessories)
- Icar's Fire & Icar's Frost (Good accessories)
- Icar's Elements (Super good accessory)
- Infected Eye Treasure Bag!
- Light Xenomite (Currently unobtainable)
- Capacitators (Mk-1 to Mk-3)
- Microbot Factories (MK-1 to Mk-3)
- Plating (Mk-1 to Mk-3)
- Mysterious Flower Petal (Used to make Icar's Flower)
- Noobite Greatsword (The Newb's strongest weapon)
- The Violin (Smash it in zombies faces!)
- Violin String (It seems to be indestructable)
- The True Violin (Music will destory all)
- Vlitch Annihilator (Boom boom)
(Texture for Vlitch Rail Assulter has changed)
- Xenomite Wings (ye)
- Corrupted T-Bot
- Rogue T-Bot
- Space Paladin (Pretty tough)
- Unstable Portal (Drops many things)
Town NPCs:
- Newb (King of all Noobs)
- Friendly T-Bot
- New buffs for the accessories
- Decreased the spawn rate for Infected Giant Worms (Your welcome, MabiVsgames)
- Re-textures!
- Some other stuff that I always forget.
- Android Head

- Flatcap

- Prototype Silver Head

- Rayen's Tophat

- AI Chip (Used for machines

- Anti-Crystallizer Band (Expert mode only!)

- Anti-Crystallizer Serum (Finally a way to become immune to Xenomite!)

- Artifical Muscle (It's stronger than you

- Carbon Myofibre (Used to make the Artifical Muscle)

- Robotic Arm (Slap enemies with a robot's arm)

- Corrupted Robotic Arm

- Rusty Robotic Arm

- Icar's Flower (Used to make some accessories)

- Icar's Fire & Icar's Frost (Good accessories)

- Icar's Elements (Super good accessory)

- Infected Eye Treasure Bag!

- Light Xenomite (Currently unobtainable)

- Capacitators (Mk-1 to Mk-3)

- Microbot Factories (MK-1 to Mk-3)

- Plating (Mk-1 to Mk-3)

- Mysterious Flower Petal (Used to make Icar's Flower)

- Noobite Greatsword (The Newb's strongest weapon)

- The Violin (Smash it in zombies faces!)

- Violin String (It seems to be indestructable)

- The True Violin (Music will destory all)

- Vlitch Annihilator (Boom boom)

- Xenomite Wings (ye)

- Corrupted T-Bot

- Rogue T-Bot

- Space Paladin (Pretty tough)

- Unstable Portal (Drops many things)

Town NPCs:
- Newb (King of all Noobs)

- Friendly T-Bot

- New buffs for the accessories

- I dunno.
- A new trophy for a new boss
- Black Gloop (Ew....)
- Corrupted Excalibur (Spoopy)
- Corrupted Night's Edge (Edgy
- Corrupted Worm Medallion (Summons a super tough boss)
- Liquified Corrupted Xenomite (To make Black Gloop)
- Total Corruption (Te moist powerful swod in te wurld!)
- Vlitch Bullet (Ammo for...)
- Vlitch Rail Assulter (Super powerful)
- Vlitch Devastator (Laser Beam!)
- Xenomite Staff (Summons a friendly Xenomite Eye)
- Android
- Android (But with a weapon)
- Prototype Silver
- Corrupted Worm (Doesn't spawn anywhere)
- Living Black Gloop (Err...)
- Vlitch Gigipede (Tough BOSS, One of Vlitch's Overlords)
- I dunno.
- A new trophy for a new boss

- Black Gloop (Ew....)

- Corrupted Excalibur (Spoopy)

- Corrupted Night's Edge (Edgy

- Corrupted Worm Medallion (Summons a super tough boss)

- Liquified Corrupted Xenomite (To make Black Gloop)

- Total Corruption (Te moist powerful swod in te wurld!)

- Vlitch Bullet (Ammo for...)

- Vlitch Rail Assulter (Super powerful)

- Vlitch Devastator (Laser Beam!)

- Xenomite Staff (Summons a friendly Xenomite Eye)

- Android

- Android (But with a weapon)

- Prototype Silver

- Corrupted Worm (Doesn't spawn anywhere)

- Living Black Gloop (Err...)

- Vlitch Gigipede (Tough BOSS, One of Vlitch's Overlords)

- Changed Xenomite Helmet sprite.
- Xenomite equipment now requires Starlite Bars
- Corrupted Hero Sword (Summons a tough boss
- Corrupted Xenomite (Creates a beastly sword)
- Girus Chip (What is it?)
- Starlite (Used to make Starlite Bars)
- Starlite Bars (Used with Xenomite for the Xenomite stuff)
- Vlitch Blade (Super powerful)
- Corrupted Blade (Kinda like the Enchanted Swords and Cursed Hammers)
- Corrupted Paladin (Pretty tough, drops Girus Chip)
- Corrupted Probe (Pew pew)
- Vlitch Cleaver (BOSS, One of Vlitch's 'Overlords')
- A new buff
- Changed Xenomite Helmet sprite.

- Xenomite equipment now requires Starlite Bars
- Corrupted Hero Sword (Summons a tough boss

- Corrupted Xenomite (Creates a beastly sword)

- Girus Chip (What is it?)

- Starlite (Used to make Starlite Bars)

- Starlite Bars (Used with Xenomite for the Xenomite stuff)

- Vlitch Blade (Super powerful)

- Corrupted Blade (Kinda like the Enchanted Swords and Cursed Hammers)

- Corrupted Paladin (Pretty tough, drops Girus Chip)

- Corrupted Probe (Pew pew)

- Vlitch Cleaver (BOSS, One of Vlitch's 'Overlords')

- A new buff

- Changed the Xeno Forge sprite.
- Boss doesn't drop Xeno Forge, it drops Xenomite, which is used to make the Forge.
- Xenomite Plasma Pistol now have a crafting recipe!
- Probably some other stuff that I forgot.
- Bone Leviathan! (Very rare!)
- Infected Cave Bat
- Infected Giant Worm
- Changed the Xeno Forge sprite.
- Boss doesn't drop Xeno Forge, it drops Xenomite, which is used to make the Forge.
- Xenomite Plasma Pistol now have a crafting recipe!
- Probably some other stuff that I forgot.
- Bone Leviathan! (Very rare!)

- Infected Cave Bat

- Infected Giant Worm

- Noobite Fossil (Use spelunker potion to find it)
- Trophy (For boss)
- Newb Crown (You can be the King of Noobs!)
- Noobite Weapons/Tools (Pre-hardmode, after demonite)
- 3 New nasty debuffs
- Noobite Fossil (Use spelunker potion to find it)
- Trophy (For boss)
- Newb Crown (You can be the King of Noobs!)
- Noobite Weapons/Tools (Pre-hardmode, after demonite)
- 3 New nasty debuffs
- Dirt Sword (Why did I make this?)
- Infected Lens (Used as a material for a boss summoning item)
- Liquified Xenomite (Used to make Xenomite Shurikens)
- Xenomite Blade/Tools (woo!)
- Xenomite Plasma Pistol (YAYA!)
- Xeno Eye (Used to summon the boss)
- Xeno Forge (Forges Xenomite)
- Xenomite (Used to make smexy stuff
- Xenomite Shard (Dropped by Infected enemies)
- Xenomite Shurikens (Xenomite ninja!)
- Xenomite Armour (Great for mages)
- Infected Zombie (Drops Xenomite Shards)
- Infected Demon Eye (Drops Infected Lens)
- Infected Eye (BOSS)
- Dirt Sword (Why did I make this?)
- Infected Lens (Used as a material for a boss summoning item)
- Liquified Xenomite (Used to make Xenomite Shurikens)
- Xenomite Blade/Tools (woo!)
- Xenomite Plasma Pistol (YAYA!)
- Xeno Eye (Used to summon the boss)
- Xeno Forge (Forges Xenomite)
- Xenomite (Used to make smexy stuff
- Xenomite Shard (Dropped by Infected enemies)
- Xenomite Shurikens (Xenomite ninja!)
- Xenomite Armour (Great for mages)
- Infected Zombie (Drops Xenomite Shards)
- Infected Demon Eye (Drops Infected Lens)
- Infected Eye (BOSS)
This is my first mod on Terraria, I would like to have some constructive criticism or maybe someone who can help me.
What I need to find out:
- How to make a boss change the colour of the background.
- How to make a boss move out of view and despawn if player is killed.
- How to make a minion that can move on tiles (Like the pirate minion)
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Empress of Light
You should inculde download, otherwise it's an WIP and will be moved in the Work in Progress Section. Also, what is the boss?
Empress of Light
Well, the mod is on the mod browser on TModLoader, so there is no need for a download. The boss is a boss... What about it?You should inculde download, otherwise it's an WIP and will be moved in the Work in Progress Section. Also, what is the boss?
I think I made a mistake putting it on 'released' because it isn't really complete, as in I will be adding more stuff. ._.
I think he meant How the boss work, like does it work like eye of cthulhu AI? what thing it will shoot?Well, the mod is on the mod browser on TModLoader, so there is no need for a download. The boss is a boss... What about it?
I think I made a mistake putting it on 'released' because it isn't really complete, as in I will be adding more stuff. ._.
Empress of Light
Hey, I made a new video showcasing the new boss! If you for some reason don't want the fight spoiled, then don't watch the video.
Le tromp du Jawa
Eye of Cthulhu
Sad that most things are retextures
I know but the boss is cool!Sad that most things are retextures
What do I do to stop xenomite killing me when I pick it up?
Empress of Light
There isn't really a way yet because I don't know how to make an accessory that will stop modded debuffs yet.What do I do to stop xenomite killing me when I pick it up?
Just... don't hold it?
I'm just a casual player, and looking at it from the surface, this mod looks like it's off to a good start! I know people have lives and don't devote everything to games, but adding more stuff (which I hope you plan to do) would do this mod great favors. Just a few new items every other week or so would make vanilla Terraria way more interesting. Your sprites look pretty good, too (At least the ones you have done yourself). I'll get back to you when I've played it a bit. Keep it up!
Le tromp du Jawa
Eye of Cthulhu
The new update finally makes me wanna install this mod , good job
how do I make thoese pladians spawn that drop the girus chips
Empress of Light
I think this new update (v0.6) is the biggest one yet!
@Smackydafrog There are finally items that make you immune to Xenomite.
@{KSI}SavageKilla The Corrupted Paladins will now only spawn after Plantera is defeated, but they are still very rare.
@Smackydafrog There are finally items that make you immune to Xenomite.
@{KSI}SavageKilla The Corrupted Paladins will now only spawn after Plantera is defeated, but they are still very rare.
Le tromp du Jawa
Eye of Cthulhu
can you maybe like change the name of the mdo ? the mod seems really cool but mod of randomness seems very unprofessional for such a mod like this
Empress of Light
Changing the name of a mod may confuse some people, but anyway, do you have any suggestions on the name?can you maybe like change the name of the mdo ? the mod seems really cool but mod of randomness seems very unprofessional for such a mod like this
Changing the name of a mod may confuse some people, but anyway, do you have any suggestions on the name?
Something simple like the Xenomite mod could work. Seems to be a theme with big mod names. Spirit Mod adds a spirit ore, Thorium adds a thorium ore, Calamity has a couple bosses that play off the word calamity. I'd say tremor, but all tremor does is give you cancer.
Edit: Xenomite shards might need another method or 2 of collecting, right now it's just random chance that a mob that can drop them will spawn .
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Le tromp du Jawa
Eye of Cthulhu
can you make a android summoning thing ?
Also eastereggs would be nice
Also eastereggs would be nice
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