tModLoader Mod of Redemption

Did you ever actually use Mod of Randomness?

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Hallam! I`ve thinked about your idea (Chicken Invasion) and I have some ideas!

You know enemies Chicken and Chickman Cultist.
There will be the Chicken Beast! It spawns when you hit it`s first phase (looks like a chicken). HP: 550 (pre-hardmode), 2000 (hardmode), 5000 (post-moonlord).

Xeno Infected Chicken appears after Xenomite Crystal and shoots into you little xenomite shards. HP: 330 (pre-hardmode), 1230 (post-Infected Eye), 3230 (post-moonlord).

Vlitch Chicken Robot appears post one of the Vlitch Overlords. (It looks like a Vlitch Robot Chicken with propellers) It cah fly and fire Red Lasers into you.
HP: 2000 (post-Vlitch Overlord), 3230 (post-moonlord).

Other enemies I give to you, Hallam.

And I have some questions.
1. Where I can find the "I Support" button?
2. Will you add Corrupted Star God and his items and Town NPS in your mod? And when?
At the top-right, go to your username and click Signature (2nd one down)

Then just copy the "I support" banner image in the text box

I am planning on adding the Corrupted Star God and his items and NPC, maybe when 0.7 is out, which could be in December or January, i dont know.
When i do the chicken invasion ill remember to add your ideas.
Thanks, Hallam! And yes, I have new addition to idea.
There will be the King Chicken versions of Xeno-Infected Chicken and Vlitch Chicken Robot.
They will spawn post-moonlord.
Hallam! First, I have question for you. When is new update? You have a exact date?:rslime:
Second, I have new, big idea!:gslime::joy::gslime:
ENTS! They will spawn after Eye Of Ctulhu will be defeated.
There will be:
Wood Ent
Boreal Ent
Cactus Ent
Mahogany Ent
Unhappy Ent
Xenomite Unhappy Ent
Palm Ent
Pearlwood Ent
Unhappy Ents.png

The sprites of Unhappy Ents.

Wood Ent; HP:320 (420 in expert) Attack:10 Drops: Acorn Stave, Ancient Wood Stave, Living Wood Stave, Acorn, Wood Piece of Seal.

Boreal Ent; HP:230 (300 in expert) Attack:30 Drops: Boreal Stave, Acorn, Boreal Piece of Seal.

Cactus Ent; neutral, shoots Cactus Thorn when angry; HP:400 (450 in expert) Attack:5 Drops: Living Cactus Stave, Cactus, Cactus Piece of Seal.

Mahogany Ent; HP:400 (500 in expert) Attack:40 Drops: Mahogany Stave, Acorn, Mahogany Piece of Seal.

Palm Ent; HP:500 (600 in expert) Attack:60 Drops: Palm Stave, Acorn, Jungle Piece of Seal.

Pearlwood Ent; neutral; HP:1200 (1300 in expert) Attack:120 Drops: Pearlwood Stave, Acorn, Pearl piece of Seal.

Unhappy Ents and Xenomite Unhappy Ent; passive; HP: 320 (Unhappy), 520 (Xenomite). Drops nothing.
Unhappy Ents can be catched with Bug Net and put in the Terrarium.

What`s the Piece of Seal?
Pieces of Seal can be turned in The Ancient Drudic Seal on Botanist Station.
The Ancient Druidic Seal summons new boss: Daddy Ent...
Hallam! First, I have question for you. When is new update? You have a exact date?:rslime:
Second, I have new, big idea!:gslime::joy::gslime:
ENTS! They will spawn after Eye Of Ctulhu will be defeated.
There will be:
Wood Ent
Boreal Ent
Cactus Ent
Mahogany Ent
Unhappy Ent
Xenomite Unhappy Ent
Palm Ent
Pearlwood Ent
View attachment 213972
The sprites of Unhappy Ents.

Wood Ent; HP:320 (420 in expert) Attack:10 Drops: Acorn Stave, Ancient Wood Stave, Living Wood Stave, Acorn, Wood Piece of Seal.

Boreal Ent; HP:230 (300 in expert) Attack:30 Drops: Boreal Stave, Acorn, Boreal Piece of Seal.

Cactus Ent; neutral, shoots Cactus Thorn when angry; HP:400 (450 in expert) Attack:5 Drops: Living Cactus Stave, Cactus, Cactus Piece of Seal.

Mahogany Ent; HP:400 (500 in expert) Attack:40 Drops: Mahogany Stave, Acorn, Mahogany Piece of Seal.

Palm Ent; HP:500 (600 in expert) Attack:60 Drops: Palm Stave, Acorn, Jungle Piece of Seal.

Pearlwood Ent; neutral; HP:1200 (1300 in expert) Attack:120 Drops: Pearlwood Stave, Acorn, Pearl piece of Seal.

Unhappy Ents and Xenomite Unhappy Ent; passive; HP: 320 (Unhappy), 520 (Xenomite). Drops nothing.
Unhappy Ents can be catched with Bug Net and put in the Terrarium.

What`s the Piece of Seal?
Pieces of Seal can be turned in The Ancient Drudic Seal on Botanist Station.
The Ancient Druidic Seal summons new boss: Daddy Ent...
I don't know exactly when the next update will come out, but it will be soon. Maybe 3-4 days from now?
Ents are basically living trees, and I already have Forest Golems which are kinda the same thing.
Nice! a mecha boss!
Now it would be cool if we had a mecha mount in Terraria..would fit all this gundam bgm i just got in it.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! The new update!:D:dryadgrin::merchantgrin::nursegrin:~:D`:cool::joy:
And yes, Hallam, don`t forget about these subtleties (About Corrupted Star God):

First Phase: Spawns with phrase: "You`re challenged me... I`m impressed. But first, beat my pet."
Corrupted Star God is stationary, and you can`t hit him.
His pet - Giant Star Serpent will fly around you shooting MANY projectiles,
or chase you.

When you beat Giant Star Serpent, he will turn into a little star,
which you can`t hit and will disappear.

Second Phase: Corrupted Star God will say: "You`re stronger than my pet, but I`m stronger than you."
He`s stationary (again), but he`s teleporting around and shooting
MUCH MORE projectiles. At least you can hit him.:dryadconfused:

Third phase (final phase): Corrupted Star God will say: "You`re very tenacious, BUT I`LL STRIKE YOU DOWN!!!"
You can`t fly in this phase (debuff), all attacks of Star God will be faster and he will
create illusions of himself (like Brain of Ctulhu).:dryadeek:

:hoppinjack:TOWN NPC:hoppinjack:
Town NPS - Star God. NPS has 1000 xp.
Names: Asriel Dreemur (referense to Undertale), Kirillus, Starshine, Nightshine, Bob.
The new Town NPS Star God will literally drop from the Corrupted Star God (like Slicer from Dark Slime:bslime:).
His defend weapon will be Nebula Arcanum (like Guide`s Wooden Bow).

His replies:
"Hello... Just want to say: Thank you, Terrarian for saving me and my pet from Evil Corruption!" (right after beating the Corrupted Star God)
"It`s a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming..." (During a day)
"Night... Very dangerous, but so many stars... Isn`t it?" (During a night)
"Do you know a person, named Chara? Me - not." (If name is Asriel Dreemur)
"So... You killed the Moonlord, right? At least, you let him out of his misery..."
"Hey, pal... I have some starrish items, you don`t wanna buy?"
"Moonlord? Yep, he is my elder brother."
"Hello! Have a nice night!"
"(name of merchant) seems to think the moon is made of cheese. That's silly." (If the merchant is present)
"These Vlitch Overlords seems to be very villianous..." (If the Vlitch Overlords have been defeated)
"Did you knew about the legendery being, named The King Chicken? He is very strong, scary and evil." (If the King Chicken has been defeated)
"These Mechanical creatures seems to be soulless and strong. (If the Mechanical Bosses have been defeated)
"Oh, you saved my pet too? That`s wonderful! He seems to like you." (If the Player has a Suspicios Looking Star in his inventory)

Drops: Mask and Trophy, (summon weapon), Blazing Star (thrown weapon),
SDFERMG (range weapon), Magic Wand (magic weapon) and Star Tree Seedbag (druidic weapon).
He will have his own music box.

That`s all.:dryadcool:
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! The new update!:D:dryadgrin::merchantgrin::nursegrin:~:D`:cool::joy:
And yes, Hallam, don`t forget about these subtleties (About Corrupted Star God):

First Phase: Spawns with phrase: "You`re challenged me... I`m impressed. But first, beat my pet."
Corrupted Star God is stationary, and you can`t hit him.
His pet - Giant Star Serpent will fly around you shooting MANY projectiles,
or chase you.

When you beat Giant Star Serpent, he will turn into a little star,
which you can`t hit and will disappear.

Second Phase: Corrupted Star God will say: "You`re stronger than my pet, but I`m stronger than you."
He`s stationary (again), but he`s teleporting around and shooting
MUCH MORE projectiles. At least you can hit him.:dryadconfused:

Third phase (final phase): Corrupted Star God will say: "You`re very tenacious, BUT I`LL STRIKE YOU DOWN!!!"
You can`t fly in this phase (debuff), all attacks of Star God will be faster and he will
create illusions of himself (like Brain of Ctulhu).:dryadeek:

:hoppinjack:TOWN NPC:hoppinjack:
Town NPS - Star God. NPS has 1000 xp.
Names: Asriel Dreemur (referense to Undertale), Kirillus, Starshine, Nightshine, Bob.
The new Town NPS Star God will literally drop from the Corrupted Star God (like Slicer from Dark Slime:bslime:).
His defend weapon will be Nebula Arcanum (like Guide`s Wooden Bow).

His replies:
"Hello... Just want to say: Thank you, Terrarian for saving me and my pet from Evil Corruption!" (right after beating the Corrupted Star God)
"It`s a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming..." (During a day)
"Night... Very dangerous, but so many stars... Isn`t it?" (During a night)
"Do you know a person, named Chara? Me - not." (If name is Asriel Dreemur)
"So... You killed the Moonlord, right? At least, you let him out of his misery..."
"Hey, pal... I have some starrish items, you don`t wanna buy?"
"Moonlord? Yep, he is my elder brother."
"Hello! Have a nice night!"
"(name of merchant) seems to think the moon is made of cheese. That's silly." (If the merchant is present)
"These Vlitch Overlords seems to be very villianous..." (If the Vlitch Overlords have been defeated)
"Did you knew about the legendery being, named The King Chicken? He is very strong, scary and evil." (If the King Chicken has been defeated)
"These Mechanical creatures seems to be soulless and strong. (If the Mechanical Bosses have been defeated)
"Oh, you saved my pet too? That`s wonderful! He seems to like you." (If the Player has a Suspicios Looking Star in his inventory)

Drops: Mask and Trophy, (summon weapon), Blazing Star (thrown weapon),
SDFERMG (range weapon), Magic Wand (magic weapon) and Star Tree Seedbag (druidic weapon).
He will have his own music box.

That`s all.:dryadcool:
I'm still planning on adding that boss so don't worry
Hallam! I played in new version of the mod and there`s some BUGS!
Girus Core doesn`t work normally, there`s ugly sprite and bugs with animation!
What`s that?:bslime::cslime: Fix it, please!
Ok, I tested, there`s no animation of it. At all. At previos versions of the mod it looked normally and there
was animation.


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'Mod of Redemption' is a remastered version of 'Mod of Randomness', never heard of that mod? I'm not surprised, because it no longer works.

Spriters needed pls! Join the Discord server if you wanna sproot.

Latest Version Download:

This is on Mod Browser, so download it there.

Main Devs:

- Hallam | Creator/Spriter/Coder


- Tied | Spriter Boi
"What the eggplants does this mod add?" I here you not asking, well, look at the spoiler!

Check out MabiVsGames' Terraria Modpack, he really needs more attention.
Also, I would highly recommend watching his other non-Terraria videos, because he's been playing the game for ~5 years and he's really getting tired of it, but he has to continue playing because that's the only thing his viewers wants.


By my friend who is very good at art. (Not done)

By @Tied

Also by @Tied


- Anti-Crystallizer Band
- Gas Mask
- Grain
- Icar's Fire
- Icar's Frost
- Icar's Elements
- Ironfur Amulet
- Necklace of Sight
- Rusty Shield
- Strange Skull
- Wooden Buckler
- Xenomite Wings
- Kanite Hook
- Radium Digger Hook
- Holoshield
- Heart Insignia
- Prismite Heart Necklace
- Pouch Belt
- Large Seed Pouch
- Master Druid's Charm
- Druid Emblem
- Golem Watering Can
- Power Cell Wristband
- Spirit of Life
- Terraria's Will (Boots)
- Forest Shackles (Dawn/Midnight/Dusk)
- Lotus Horseshoe (Dawn/Dusk/Midnight)
- Druid Charm (Dawn/Dusk/Midnight)
- Tainted Necklace
- Bloody Collar
- Skeleton Watering Can
- Creation Wings
- Crown of the King
- Blooming Luck (Shield)
- Rope Hook


- Empty Core
- Ancient Core ("Roam the caverns of the ancient world")
- Demonhollow Core ("Burn with the fury of the demons")
- Forest Nymph's Core ("Become one with nature")
- Thamor Core ("The sands will rise")
- Gathic Core ("Fight with the honor of the Iron Realm")
- Ithonic Core ("The oceans will guide you")
- Nightshade Core ("Become one with the night")
- Niric Core ("Feel the cold of the Arctic Realm")
- Infected Core ("Carnivorous crystals grow inside you")
- Omega Core ("The corrupted machine controls you")
Full Sets:

- Kanite Set
- Ancient Brass Set
- Living Wood Set
- Pure-Iron Set
- Xenomite Set
- Hikarite Set
- Shining Hikarite Set
- Petrified Wood Set
- The Keeper Set
- Corrupted Xenomite Set
- Girus Heavy Set
- Ancient Wood Set
- Dryad Set
- Ebondruid Set
- Shadedruid Set
- Gloom Druid Set
- Lost Soul Set
- Wandering Soul Set
- UV Set
- Forest Druid Set
- Dragon-Lead Set
- Coldblooded Druid Set
- Blossom Druid Set
- Sapphire Set
- Scarlet Set
- Creation Druid Set
- Girus Tactical Set
- Sky Squire Set
- Girus Techmancer Set
- Girus Overseer Set

Vanity/Single Pieces:

- Android Head
- Archcloth Robes
- Dewitt's Wig
- Flatcap
- Infected Mask
- King Chicken Mask
- Nestori's Mask
- Old Tophat
- Prototype Silver Head
- Rayen's Tophat
- The Keeper's Mask
- The Keeper's Crown
- Tied's Mask
- Ye Olde Hat
- Girus Mask
- Tied's Marvelous Suit
- Tied's Marvelous Leggings
- Intruder's Mask
- Intruder's Body Armour
- Intruder's Armoured Pants
- Druid's Hat
- Sunset Helm
- Flower Crown(s)
- Hardmode Ore Garland(s)
- King Slayer Mask
- Bland Gold/Platinum Crown
- Skull Digger's Mask
Living Wood:

- Living Wood Bow
- Living Wood Hammer
- Living Wood Sword
- Living Wood Yoyo


- Kanite Axe
- Kanite Bow
- Kanite Hammer
- Kanite Pickaxe
- Kanite Pistol
- Kanite Shortsword
- Kanite Sword

Ancient Wood:

- Ancient Wood Sword
- Ancient Wood Hamaxe
- Ancient Wood Bow

Ancient Brass:

- Ancient Brass Battleaxe
- Ancient Brass Cleaver
- Ancient Brass Pickaxe
- Ancient Brass Warhammer


- The Dirt Shortsword
- The Dirtsword
- The Dirt Longsword
- The Dirt Greatsword
- The Scrubsword


- Chikyu Katana
- Kasai Katana
- Kuki Katana
- Mizu Katana
- Norowareta Katana
- Sandai Kitetsu
- Shusui
- Wado Ichimonji


- Warden's Bow
- Reinforced Warden's Bow (Iron)
- Reinforced Warden's Bow (Lead)
- Reinforced Warden's Bow (Silver)
- Reinforced Warden's Bow (Tungsten)
- Reinforced Warden's Bow (Gold)
- Reinforced Warden's Bow (Platinum)
- Rusty Noble's Sword
- Iron Noble's Sword
- Lead Noble's Sword
- Silver Noble's Sword
- Tungsten Noble's Sword
- Gold Noble's Sword
- Platinum Noble's Sword

The Keeper:

- Bow of the Fallen
- The Keeper's Claw
- The Keeper's Knife
- Staff of the Fallen
- The Keeper's Staff


- Pure-Iron Battleaxe
- Pure-Iron Bow
- Pure-Iron
- Pure-Iron Staff
- Pure-Iron Sword
- Pure-Iron Warhammer


- Dragon Slayer's Greatsword
- Dragon Slayer's Greatbow


- Xenomite Blade
- Xenomite Hamaxe
- Xenomite Pickaxe
- Xenomite Plasma Pistol
- Xenomite Scepter
- Xenomite Drill
- Xenomite Chainsaw


- Ultra-Heated Flamethrower
- Nanobot Launcher
- Slayer's Rocket Fist
- Hyper-Tech Blaster

Corrupted Xenomite:

- Vlitch Blade
- Corrupted Xenomite Pickaxe
- Corrupted Xenomite Hamaxe
- Corrupted Xenomite Scepter
- Corrupted Xenomite Yoyo


- Hikarite Sword
- Hikarite Staff(s)
- Hikarite Repeater

Druid - Seed Bags:

- Seed Bag
- Blinkroot Seed Bag
- Vilethorn Seed Bag
- Sky Flower Seed Bag
- Gloom Shroom Bag
- Corpse Flower Seed Bag
- Deathweed Seed Bag
- Crimthorn Seed Bag
- Fireblossom Seed Bag
- Glowing Mushroom Bag
- Heal Shroom Bag
- Icar's Flower Seed Bag
- Shiverthorn Seed Bag
- Waterleaf Seed Bag
- Daybloom Seed Bag
- Moonglow Seed Bag
- Moss Seed Bag
- Eye Stalk Seed Bag
- Martian Tree Seed Bag
- Adamantite Lily Seed Bag
- Titanium Bloom Seed Bag
- Creation Rose Seed Bag
- Death's Grasp Seed Bag
- Golden Orange Tree Seed Bag
- Xenomite Canister
- Gloop Container
- Duality Seed Bag - Liquid Flames
- Duality Seed Bag - Sun and Moon
- Duality Seed Bag - Common Ground

Druid - Staves:

- Acorn Staff
- Ancient Wood Stave
- Boreal Stave
- Ebonwood Stave
- Living Wood Stave
- Mahogany Stave
- Palm Stave
- Pearlwood Stave
- Petrified Stave
- Demonite Stave
- Crimtane Stave
- Donjon Stave
- Hellstone Stave
- Grass Stave
- Lunar Crescent Stave
- Hallowed Stave
- True Hallowed Stave
- True Lunar Crescent Stave
- Terra Stave
- Mystic Thorn Stave
- Forest Druid's Stave
- Great Skies Stave
- Crystal Stave
- Soul-Guiding Stave
- Cobalt Stave
- Palladium Stave
- Mythril Stave
- Orichalcum Stave
- Adamantite Stave
- Titanium Stave
- The Belrose(s)
- Moonflare Stave
- Pleasure (O-02-98)-W
- Angelic Stave
- Plantera's Stave(s)
- Stave of Life
- Xenomite Stave
- Elegant Marble Stave
- Sunshard Greatstave
- Wall's Claw

Druid - Spirit Bottles:

- Spirit Bunny in a Bottle
- Spirit Wyvern in a Bottle

Druid - World Staves:

- Ancient World Stave(s)
- Gauche World Stave
- Starbound World Stave (1)
- Mechanical World Stave
- Starbound World Stave (2)
- Lihzahrd World Stave
- Portable Martian Shield Generator

Other Druid:

- Druid Dagger
- Seed Grenade
- Angelic Fan
- Bonfire Dagger
- Crystal Dagger
- Garden of Madness
- Creation Hamaxe
- Creation Pickaxe
- Druid Dagger Cluster
- Bonfire Dagger Cluster
- Crystal Dagger Cluster
- Brynildra
- Magnetic Soulbound

Other Weapons:

- Ancient Novice's Staff
- Bronze Greatsword
- Corpse-Walker Staff
- Egg Staff
- Chillblood Staff
- Old Gathic Waraxe
- Old Rapier
- Rusted Longspear
- Rusted Warrior's Cleaver
- Rusty Zweihander
- The Infected Eye
- The True Violin
- The Violin
- Violin Bow
- Worn Dagger
- Xenomite Eyeball
- Xenomite Glaive
- Xenomite Staff
- Xenomite Yoyo
- Zweihander
- Chara's Knife
- Bone Leviathan Wand [UNOBTAINABLE]
- Folded Shotgun
- Plasma Saber
- Bone Leviathan Flail
- Xenomite Boulder
- Sludge Spoon
- Vlitch Double Rifle
- Vlitch Annihilator
- Infected Golem Egg
- Lunar Shot
- Corrupted Paladin's Hammer
- Ophos' Forgotten Greatsword
- Black Gloop Launcher
- Flak Cannon
- Girus Dagger
- Plasma Jawser
- Bindeklinge
- Parthius
- Final Art: Dance of Blades
- Brave Lance
- Hero Sword
- Girus Lance
- Moby Digg
- Barrel Bombarder
- Chilli Powder Spray
- Gloop Gauntlet
- Bronze Wand
- Gilded Sea Axe
- Sword of the Forgotten
- Radioactive Launcher
- Wraith Slayer
- Skull Digger's Skull Digger
- Zombie Slayer's Tactical Bow
- Dungeon Warhammer
- Three-Headed Skeletal Warhammer
- Ghost Cutlass
- Steam-Cog Minigun
- Crystal Heart Scepter (Gold)
- Crystal Heart Waraxe (Gold)
- Crystal Heart Scepter (Platinum)
- Crystal Heart Waraxe (Platinum)
- Shining Heart Scepter
- Shining Heart Waraxe
- Pumpkin Wand
- Ghastly Cutlass
- Tranquility


- Aki's Claws
- Daerel's Silverwood Bow
- Death's Claw
- Falcon
- Golden Edge
- Lightbane
- Living Wood Rapier
- Peacekeeper
- Vepdor's Silver Rapier
- Zephos' Sword Slicer
- Victor Battletome


- Old Xenomite Blade
- Daerel's Dark-Steel Bow
- Mysterious Artifact
- Hallam's Steel Sword [UNOBTAINABLE]
- Dusksong, Bond of Dark Souls
- Blind Justice, Demon's Terror
- Mythril's Bane
- Godslayer, Promise of Slaughter
- Honor's Reach, Edge of the East
- Whisperwind, Bow of Blight
- Spellsong, Core of the West
- Midnight, Defiler of the Prince
- Ukko's Stave


- Nestori's Violin
- Last Redemption [UNOBTAINABLE]
Consumables/Boss Summons:

- Anti-Crystallizer Serum
- Corrupted Worm Medallion
- Egg Crown
- Geiger Counter
- Corrupted Hero Sword
- Mysterious Tablet (Corrupt)
- Mysterious Tablet (Crimson)
- ???
- Xeno Eye
- Xeno Solution
- Chicken Egg
- Mini-Nuke
- Druid Essence
- Anti-Xeno Solution
- Cyber Tech
- Fried Egg
- Spices (Blue/Green/Orange/Red/White)
- Explosive Barrel
- Omega Radar
- Moonflare Arrow
- Nightshade Seeds
- Grand Larva (Bait)
- Fly (Bait)
- Nightshade Potion
- Charisma Potion


- AI Chip
- Ancient Brass Ore
- Ancient Brass Bar
- Ancient Gold Coin
- Anglonic Mystic Blossom
- Archcloth
- Artifical Muscle
- Blackened Heart
- Rusted Sword Fragment (1)
- Rusted Sword Fragment (2)
- Carbon Myofibre
- Strange Contract
- Gold Chicken Egg
- Coast Scarab Shell
- Corrupted Starlite Bar
- Corrupted Xenomite
- Dark Shard
- Gathic Cryo-Crystal
- Girus Chip
- Icar's Flower
- Infected Lens
- Kanite Bar
- Kanite Ore
- Hikarite Alloy
- Living Leaf
- Living Wood
- Lost Soul
- Magic Metal Polish
- Mk-1 Capacitator
- Mk-1 Plating
- Mk-2 Capacitator
- Mk-2 Plating
- Mk-3 Capacitator
- Mk-3 Plating
- Mysterious Flower Petal
- Pure-Iron Bar
- Small Lost Soul
- Starlite
- Starlite Bar
- Tree Bug Shell
- Xenomite
- Xenomite Shard
- Black Gloop
- Xen Chomper
- Scrap Metal
- Vlitch Battery
- Vlitch Scale
- Leather Pouch
- Broken Hero Stave
- Gloom Mushroom
- Soul of Bloom
- Dragon-Lead Chunk
- Dragon-Lead Bar
- Moonflare Fragment
- Forest Core
- Sapphiron Ore
- Sapphire Bar
- Scarlion Ore
- Scarlet Bar
- Creation Fragment
- K.I.N.G Core
- Cyber Plating
- Obliterator Brain
- Nightshade


- Large Lost Soul
- Vepdor's Headgear

- Ancient Dirt
- Ancient Stone
- Ancient Stone Brick
- Dead Rock
- Xenomite Ore
- Kanite Ore
- Vlitch Plating
- Ultra-Violet Plating
- Laboratory Panel
- Ancient Stone Brick Wall
- Ancient Stone Wall
- Ancient Wood Wall
- Dead Rock Wall
- Vlitch Plating Wall
- Ultra-Violet Plating Wall
- Laboratory Panel Wall
- Ancient Wood
- Ancient Wood Bed
- Ancient Wood Chair
- Ancient Wood Chest
- Ancient Wood Clock
- Ancient Wood Door
- Ancient Wood Platform
- Ancient Wood Table
- Ancient Wood Workbench
- "Brothers?" (Painting)
- "Forest Golem" (Painting)
- Gathic Cryo-Furnace
- Infected Eye Trophy
- King Chicken Trophy
- The Keeper's Heart
- Vlitch Overlord Trophy
- Xeno Forge
- Xenomite Crystal Trophy
- Petrified Wood Chair
- Petrified Wood Chest
- Petrified Wood Table
- Petrified Wood Bookcase
- Mk-1 to Mk-3 Microbot Factory
- "Brothers?" (Painting - Alternative)
- Druidic Altar
- Botanist Station
- Lily Rune Banner
- Lotus Rune Banner
- Petrified Wood Dresser
- Petrified Wood Door
- Petrified Wood Clock
- Petrified Wood Bed
- King Slayer Trophy
- Music Box (Wasteland)
- Music Box (Xenomite Crystal)
- Music Box (Infected Eye)
- Music Box (King Slayer III)
- Music Box (Vlitch Overlords)
- Music Box (The Keeper)
- Nightshade
- Archcloth Banner
- Music Box (The Omega)


- Android
- Blobble
- Chicken
- Chickman Cultist
- Corrupted Paladin
- Corrupted T-Bot
- Forest Golem
- Forest Golem (Blooming)
- Forest Golem (Wounded)
- Forest Nymph
- Forest Spider
- Infected Demon Eye
- Infected Zombie
- Living Bloom
- Moonflare Bat
- Prototype Silver
- Rogue T-Bot
- Zombie (Shielded)
- Skeleton Noble
- Skeleton Warden
- Space Paladin
- Tree Bug
- Undead Executioner(s)
- Unstable Portal
- Undead Violinist
- Living Black Gloop
- Ragged Zombie


- A Jolly Madman
- Bone Spider
- Earthworm
- Grand Larva
- Corrupted Cave Bat
- Infected Giant Worm
- Skelemies
- Ye Olde Skeleton
- Skeleton Assassin
- Skeleton Dueller
- Skeleton Wanderer
- Chillblood Sorcerer (Spawns in Ice Caverns)
- Spider Swarmer
- Spider Swarmer Queen
- Stone Golem
- Stone Golem (Wounded)
- Ancient Stone Golem (1)
- Ancient Stone Golem (2)
- Wandering Soul
- Infected Giant Bat
- Infected Digger
- Crusher
- Suspicious Dirt Pile
- Marble Chess Horse
- Granite Cluster


- Coast Scarab (Spawns at the Beach)
- Corpse-Walker Priest
- Sandskin Spider
- Devil's Tongue


- Corrupt Bat


- Blood Worm


- Skeleton Druid
- Death's Gardener


- Bone Leviathan
- Molten Golem

Martian Madness:

- Martian Scam Artist

Pirate Invasion

- Pirate Cook


- Hazmat Skeleton
- Hazmat Zombie
- Xeno Chomper
- Xenomite Golem
- Radium Digger
- Xenon Roller
- Xenomite Gargantuan
- Irradiated Sludge


- Sunken Captain
- Skull Digger
- Strange Portal
- Dark Slime

Other Enemies/Minions:

- Bone Worm
- Vlitch Blade
- Corrupted Probe
- Corrupted Worm
- Dark Slimeling
- Dark Soul
- Dark Soul (Small)
- Fly
- Small Lost Soul
- Lost Soul
- Large Lost Soul
- Omega Mk-2 Droid
- Skeleton
- Sunken Pirate
- Sunken Parrot
- Xenomite Eye
- Xenomite Fragment
- Xenomite Piece
- Gold Chicken

- Fallen
- Squire
- Friendly T-Bot
- Slicer
- Dark Hunter
- Newb
The Mighty King Chicken

"It's literally just a chicken..."

- Eggs
- Grain
- Egg Staff
- Gold Crown
- King Chicken Mask
- King Chicken Trophy
- Spirit of Life [EXPERT]
- Crown of the King

One time an insane sorcerer woke up one day and thought: “Y’KNOW WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA!? INTELLIGENT CHICKENS!” and so he gave pieces of his soul to many chickens. He also thought it would be funny to put a mini crown on one, but that crown held a curse, and it caused that chicken to become extremely cocky. (hehe)

The Keeper

To stop any confusion, I've asked Zoomo if I could use his sprite ages ago, and he said it was okay. I have edited the original sprite.
"An abomination that used forbidden necromancy..."
Hovers to the right of the player, shooting projectiles and summoning Dark Souls.
In Normal Mode, when below 1200 Health, it will shriek, spawning a barrage of Dark Souls and begins to summon Skeletons.
In Expert Mode, when below 1200 Heath, it will shriek, spawning a barrage of Dark Souls and begins to summon Bone Worms.

Tip: It will always float directly to the players right, so take advantage of that. Create a shelter around you, the Dark Souls won't get in and the projectile the Keeper fires will disappear when colliding with it. Genius! ... If you're in Expert Mode you could have a hard time with the Bone Worms though.

- Dark Shard
- Heart Insignia [EXPERT]
- Old Gathic Waraxe
- The Keeper's Mask
- The Keeper's Heart
- Bow of the Fallen
- The Keeper's Staff
- The Keeper's Claw
- The Keeper's Knife
- Staff of the Fallen

Deep within the inner Catacombs of Gathuram, far below the surface, a Lost Soul found a host. As the soul fused with the corpse, it awoken as a Fallen. The Fallen only saw darkness, although there was occasional blue lights. The ground was littered with bones and puddles of water. Calling out, the Fallen hoped to hear another voice, but the catacombs were silent; the only sound she could hear was dripping water falling from the ceiling. Hours passed as the Fallen roamed the hushed corridors and rooms. It was all the same, not a soul in sight.

Days had passed, the Fallen was overwhelmed with loneliness and desperation. She found a black cloak which she then wore, she also discovered a wooden rod with an ancient skull on the top. Misery was taking over her, she wished for a second death, but she couldn’t kill herself. A week has passed and she was still alone. Desperate for company, she tried to learn Necromancy to create her own friends. It took months before complete success, and she had finally created a skeleton - she finally created a friend.

The first skeleton - the first friend - only responded to commands, it had neither emotions nor senses. Despite this, she tried to talk to it like another person, but to no avail. Over months of constructing, she had created a dozen skeletons, but they were all the same. To her surprise, the first skeleton seemed to be weakened greatly. She attempted to heal it, but nothing happened.

The passage of time was incomprehensible to the Fallen, she didn’t expect her first friend to revert so soon. Once again, she became only more desperate - she didn’t want to lose her first friend. The skull baton she found had a small amount of mana still inside it, however, the constant Necromancy had diluted it. When she strived to heal her friend again, she felt a numb pain course through her rotten body. The skeleton’s hollow eye sockets lit up with a tiny dot of white light, and a faded light emerged in its ribcage. The skeleton looked at her, the Fallen felt the skeleton’s presence for the first time. For the first time in years, a smile appeared on her face. She asked what the skeleton’s name is, it replied with a quiet voice: “Sk… ull… Dig… ger...”

In only a day, she had become addicted to the Forbidden Necromancy. Red eyes started forming on her black cloak, she became frail, many thin arms grew from her body. But her mind was foggy, she felt nothing, the Forbidden Necromancy had taken control. In this time, her first creation - Skull Digger - had become stronger, he was no longer a skeleton, he had flesh, and a mask of bone had formed on his face.

More and more, she become addicted to Forbidden Necromancy. Then one day, a sudden wave of extreme pain and agony flowed through her, she shrieked. Her skin burned, pieces of rusted metal emerged on her hands, her body distorted and grew into a monstrosity. When it ended, all she felt was a mixture of pain and power.

Xenomite Crystal

"Where did that come from?"
Flies around the player, shooting projectiles that will spawn Xenomite Fragments when collides with a tile.
Will summon many Xenomite Pieces when low heath and in 2nd phase.
Will shatter upon death and 2nd phase begins, with it spinning quickly at the player.

- Xenomite Shards
- Xenomite Glaive
- Xenomite Yoyo
- Infected Mask
- Necklace of Sight [EXPERT]
- Xenomite Crystal Trophy
- Xenomite Canister

Infected Eye

"Unlucky for Cthulhu's other eye to get caught up in the Infection..."
Flies towards the player, shooting projectiles and spawning Xenomite Eyes.
Charges at the player when Health is low.

- Anti-Crystallizer Band [EXPERT]
- Anti-Crystallizer Serum
- Xenomite
- The Infected Eye
- Xenomite Staff
- Tied's Mask
- Tied's Marvelous Suit
- Tied's Marvelous Leggings
- Infected Eye Trophy

King Slayer III

"Will not go easy on you..."
This is a very tough boss, which is why the summoning item is not consumable.
He flies around, first summoning a lightning orb, then shooting many bolts from his Vortex Beater. Occasionally shooting 3 bolts in an arc, and repeats.
Whenever he changes phases, he will shield up, taking no damage while summoning 4 lightning orbs in quick succession.
He deals very high damage, so dodge as much as you can!

Recommended Equipment:
- The best you can get pre-plantera

- Cyber Plating
- K.I.N.G Core
- King Slayer Mask
- King Slayer Trophy
- Ultra-Heated Flamethrower
- Nanobot Launcher
- Slayer's Rocket Fist
- Hyper-Tech Blaster

Vlitch Cleaver

"Let's see how long you last..."
Is stationary, summoning Corrupted Probes that fire red lasers.
When below 20,000 Health, it will have enough and take matters into it's own hands, it will begin to summon Corrupted Blades and slowly fire extremely big projectiles that will one-shot you.
When below 2,000 it will shoot the big projectiles more rapidly.

Tip: Vlitch Cleaver has very high defence, so weak, rapid-fire weapons will be very ineffective.
Recommended Equipment:
- Daedalus Stormbow/Hikarite Repeater
- A bunch of Holy Arrows
- Hikarite Armour

- Girus Mask
- Corrupted Xenomite
- Vlitch Battery
- Girus Dagger
- Girus Lance
- Vlitch Double Rifle
- Vlitch Overlord Trophy

Vlitch Gigipede

"You fool, no weapon can pierce through me..."
Just your typical overpowered worm boss!
Burrows very quickly and summons Corrupted Probes and Corrupted Worms out of it's tail.
Throughout the fight, it will summon 3 Vlitch Cores; while those are alive, the Vlitch Gigipede can't get hit.

Tip: Vlitch Gigipede (again) has very high defence, so weak, rapid-fire weapons will be very ineffective. Weapons that do not penetrate will be even more ineffective!
Recommended Equipment:
- Phantasm
- A bunch of Holy Arrows
- Hikarite/Corrupted Xenomite Armour

- Girus Mask
- Corrupted Xenomite
- Vlitch Battery
- Vlitch Scale
- Vlitch Double-Rifle
- Vlitch Annihilator
- Vlitch Overlord Trophy
- Intruder's Vanity Set
- Corrupted Starlite Bar

Omega Obliterator

Flies always to the left of it's target, first charging back and forth once, then opening it's jaw to fire 3 Omega Plasma Balls in an arc that shoot Omega Blasts.
The rest is for you to find out yourself.

- Corrupted Xenomite
- Obliterator Brain
- Plasma Jawser
- Gloop Gauntlet
- Gloop Container
- Girus Mask
- Vlitch Overlord Trophy

Discord server for this mod:

When a v0.X is released, (e.g. v0.2) I will merge all the v0.X.X versions (e.g. v0.1.1-v0.1.9) into one spoiler.

- Changes spawn rates
- Changed Druid staves
- Resprited Corpse-Walker Priest and she has a special attack
- Chickens will occasionally cluck
- New plant that grows at night in the forest
- Resprited some weapons
- Nerfed Zombieslayer's Tactical Bow
- Fixed Wasteland spawning
- Fixed Girus Core making you take damage in the sky
- Animations for some skeletons attacking
- Resprited Living Bloom
- World Staves don't deal damage anymore, just buff
- Projectiles from staves have a faster velocity
- Something new with Omega Obliterator ;)
- Nature Guardians for Druid Staves
- Bunch of balancing
- Master Druid Charm now is post-moonlord
- Some Druid Accessories are nerfed
- Resprites of Wasteland enemies
- Can now catch Grand Larvas, Flies, and Lost Souls in Bug Nets
- Fixed a mistake in Creation Druid Chestplate that increased damage by 90% instead of 17%
- Resprited Ancient Brass weapons (By FailureOfMankind)
- Nerfed Gilded Sea Axe
- Kanite Pickaxe is slower mining
- Kanite Pistol needs musket balls to craft
- Girus knows when you defeat a Vlitch Overlord...

- Rope Hook
- Nightshade Seeds
- Grand Larva (Bait)
- Fly (Bait)
- Nightshade Potion
- Charisma Potion
- Wall's Claw
- Nightshade
- Ghastly Cutlass
- Tranquility
- Archcloth Banner
- Music Box (The Omega)

- Fixed stuff
- Girus' Dagger can be crafted into a thrown version
- Fixed the Xenomite Glaive & Girus Lance not spinning the right way
- Changed Girus Heavy Armour
- Ancient Gold Coins will now give a hint of what they're used for (So you don't trash them)
- UV Armour is actually crafted from Ultra-Violet Plating instead of Martian Plating
- 10 Starlite will be crafted instead of 1
- Nerfed Flak Cannon and requires Hallowed Bars now
- Pirate Cook banner will work now
- Changed back Terra Ball and Mini Thorn Ball so they don't bounce off platforms
- Nerfed Corrupted and Vlitch weapons
- Nerfed some op post-plantera druid accessories
- Fixed a bug with hair and alt hair showing when wearing certain helmets
- Fixed crit on Druid projectiles
- Visually improved the Angelic Stave a little bit
- Fixed spear hitboxes
- Nerfed Warden's Bows and Silverwood Bow
- Removed the Empowered Buff
- Nerfed Nestori's Violin
- Changed spawning of bosses (Keeper always spawns to the right of you)
- Renamed Acorn Staff to Acorn Stave
- Girus Armour for Melee, Magic, Ranged and Summon
- New way of getting Lost Souls (They are passive enemies that spawn after certain enemies are killed)
- Increased defence of the Keeper armour set a little
- Changed hit and death sound of The Keeper her death a little
- Custom sounds are back, Keeper will actually shriek when 2nd phase is reached
- New animation for the Keeper when shrieking
- Nerfed King Slayer III's damage... A little.
===0.5.9 and Below===
- Mysterious Tablet is crafted with Small Lost Souls instead of Ancient Stone
- Resprites of Xenomite Crystal and Infected Eye and their drops
- Resprited Xenomite Tools/Weapons
- Infected Digger and Giant Bats will replace Infected Giant Worms and Cave Bats in Hardmode
- Molten Golem will have a new attack
- Coldblooded Druid armour will give extra mobility on ice
- Shade/Ebondruid armour gives thorns effect
- Buffed the Lost Soul/Wandering Soul armour
- A Jolly Madman now has a special attack
- New dialogue for Friendly T-Bot
- Creation Rose and Death's Grasp Seed Bags will now count for the Seed Grenade recipe.
- Squire won't think you killed King Slayer III even though you didn't.
- Removes the Note on Druid Class from mod.
- Dryad sells Herb Bags
- Forest Nymphs will drop 1-2 Herb Bags
- Druid Daggers are made with 2 of any plant instead of 5 and will craft 200 instead of 100.
- Fixed King Slayer III's multiplayer issue where he just becomes immortal after first shield phase.
- Death's Grasp Seeds will not despawn in half a second.
- Resprited stuff
- Vlitch Annihilator has been overhauled

- Girus Tactical Set
- Girus Techmancer Set
- Girus Overseer Set
- Sky Squire Set
- Bland Gold Crown
- Bland Platinum Crown
- Skull Digger's Mask

- Explosive Barrel
- Moonflare Arrow
- Magnetic Soulbound
- Elegant Marble Stave
- Sunshard Greatstave
- Gauche World Stave
- Ukko's Stave
- Last Redemption [UNOBTAINABLE]
- Moby Digg
- Barrel Bombarder
- Chilli Powder Spray
- Gloop Gauntlet
- Bronze Wand
- Gilded Sea Axe
- Sword of the Forgotten
- Radioactive Launcher
- Wraith Slayer
- Skull Digger's Skull Digger
- Zombie Slayer's Tactical Bow
- Dungeon Warhammer
- Three-Headed Skeletal Warhammer
- Ghost Cutlass
- Steam-Cog Minigun
- Crystal Heart Scepter
- Crystal Heart Waraxe
- Shining Heart Scepter
- Shining Heart Waraxe
===0.5.9 and Below===
- Brynildra
- Gloop Container
- Xenomite Stave
- Plasma Jawser
- Bindeklinge
- Parthius
- Final Art: Dance of Blades
- Brave Lance
- Hero Sword
- Girus Lance
- Druid Dagger Cluster
- Bonfire Dagger Cluster
- Crystal Dagger Cluster
- Golden Orange Tree Seed Bag

Other Items:
- Crown of the King
- Blooming Luck
- Omega Radar
- Obliterator Brain
- Laboratory Panel
- Laboratory Panel Wall
- Music Box(es)
===0.5.9 and Below===
- Infected Core
- Omega Core
- Fried Egg
- Spices (Blue/Green/Orange/Red/White)
- Empty Core
- Ancient Core
- Demonhollow Core
- Forest Nymph's Core
- Gathic Core
- Ithonic Core
- Niric Core
- Nightshade Core
- Thamor Core

- Suspicious Dirt Pile
- Marble Chess Horse
- Granite Cluster
- Lost Soul(s)
- Omega Mk-2 Android
- Sunken Pirate
- Sunken Parrot
===0.5.9 and Below===
- Infected Giant Bat
- Infected Digger
- Pirate Cook

Town NPCs:
- Newb

- Omega Obliterator
- Sunken Captain
- Skull Digger

- Resprites of the Prototype Silver, Space Paladin, Bone Leviathan, Crusher and more.
- Quite a lot of resprites
- Vlitch Cleaver Resprite
===0.4.9 and Below===
- More Druid stuff (Mostly for early Hardmode)
- The Keeper's Staff has been reworked
- Fixed the Keeper despawning in multiplayer when reaching 2nd phase
- Fixed some multiplayer stuff
- Got 4 new spriters so new sprites for the (Rusty) Zweihander, Magic Metal Polish, Bronze Greatsword, Wooden Buckler and Peacekeeper
- Aki's Claw resprite
- Crusher resprite (Its a big boi)
- Xenomite Crystal has new attacks
- Holy bazinga, a lot of moist resprites
- Vlitch Gigipede resprite
- Infected Eye has a new spin-tastic attack
- Overhauled Vlitch Gigipede's fight
- Did stuff with boss despawns
- Fixed bosses being 'defeated' even though they haven't
- Buffed some Druid Seed Bags
- Fixed custom death messages with debuffs
- Stuff I forgot
- Lowered the Strange Contract drop chance.
- Fixed the Dark Soul Minion not dealing damage, but can't figure out how to make it despawn.
- Fixed the melee Keeper armour set from making melee speed slow.
- New AI for some bosses
- New class. (WIP)
- Resprited all the recoloured golems (Except the Stone Golems)
- The Keeper has animation!

- Blossom Druid Set
- Sapphire Set
- Scarlet Set
- Creation Druid Set
- Hardmore Ore Garland(s)
- King Slayer Mask
===0.4.9 and Below===
- UV Set
- Forest Druid's Set
- Dragon-Lead Set
- Coldblooded Druid Set
- Flower Crown(s)
- Intruder Vanity Set
- Ancient Wood Set
- Dryad Set
- Ebondruid Set
- Shadedruid Set
- Gloom Druid Set
- Sunset Helm
- Lost Soul Set
- Wandering Soul Set
- Druid's Hat
- Pouch Belt
- Large Seed Pouch

- Black Gloop Launcher
- Flak Cannon
- Moonflare Stave
- Pleasure (O-02-98)-W
- Angelic Stave
- Plantera's Stave(s)
- Stave of Life
- Adamantite Lily Seed Bag
- Titanium Seed Bag
- Creation Rose Seed Bag
- Death's Grasp Seed Bag
- Ultra-Heated Flamethrower
- Nanobot Launcher
- Slayer's Rocket Fist
- Hyper-Tech Blaster
- Moonflare Stave
- Garden of Madness
- Creation Hamaxe
- Creation Pickaxe
- Lihzahrd World Stave
===0.4.9 and Below===
- Martian Tree Seed Bag
- Great Skies Stave
- Starbound World Stave(s)
- Crystal Stave
- Soul-Guiding Stave
- Hardmode Ore Staves (Living Metal Staves)
- The Belrose(s)
- Daybloom Seed Bag
- Moonglow Seed Bag
- Duality Seed Bag - Liquid Flames
- Duality Seed Bag - Sun and Moon
- Moss Seed Bag
- Druid Dagger
- Mystic Thorn Stave
- Angelic Fan
- Eye Stalk Seed Bag
- Bonfire Dagger
- Crystal Dagger
- Forest Druid's Stave
- Girus Dagger
- Dragon Slayer's Greatsword
- Dragon Slayer's Greatbow
- Lunar Shot
- Corrupted Paladin's Hammer
- Ophos' Forgotten Greatsword
- Portable Martian Shield Generator
- Seed Grenade
- Mysterious Artifact
- Hallam's Steel Sword [UNOBTAINABLE]
- Dusksong, Bond of Dark Souls
- Blind Justice, Demon's Terror
- Mythril's Bane
- Godslayer, Promise of Slaughter
- Honor's Reach, Edge of the East
- Whisperwind, Bow of Blight
- Spellsong, Core of the West
- Midnight, Defiler of the Prine
- Nestori's Violin
- Ancient Wood Sword
- Ancient Wood Hamaxe
- Ancient Wood Bow
- Seed Bag
- Blinkroot Seed Bag
- Vilethorn Seed Bag
- Sky Flower Seed Bag
- Gloom Shroom Bag
- Corpse Flower Seed Bag
- Deathweed Seed Bag
- Crimthorn Seed Bag
- Fireblossom Seed Bag
- Glowing Mushroom Bag
- Heal Shroom Bag
- Icar's Flower Seed Bag
- Shiverthorn Seed Bag
- Waterleaf Seed Bag
- Xenomite Canister
- Acorn Staff
- Ancient Wood Stave
- Boreal Stave
- Ebonwood Stave
- Living Wood Stave
- Mahogany Stave
- Palm Stave
- Pearlwood Stave
- Petrified Stave
- Demonite Stave
- Crimtane Stave
- Donjon Stave
- Hellstone Stave
- Grass Stave
- Lunar Crescent Stave
- Hallowed Stave
- True Hallowed Stave
- True Lunar Crescent Stave
- Terra Stave
- Spirit Bunny in a Bottle
- Spirit Wyvern in a Bottle
- Ancient World Stave(s)
- Mechanical World Stave

Other Items:
- Master Druid Charm
- Druid Charm(s) (Dawn/Dusk/Midnight)
- Tainted Necklace
- Bloody Collar
- Skeleton Watering Can
- Creation Wings
- Ultra-Violet Plating
- Ultra-Violet Plating Wall
- Petrified Wood Dresser
- Petrified Wood Door
- Petrified Wood Clock
- Petrified Wood Bed
- Petrified Wood Trophy
- Cyber Tech
- Sapphiron Ore
- Sapphire Bar
- Scarlion Ore
- Scarlet Bar
- Creation Fragment
- K.I.N.G Core
- Cyber Plating
===0.4.9 and Below===
- Terraria's Will (Boots)
- Forest Shackles (Dawn/Dusk/Midnight)
- Lotus Horseshoe(s)
- Spirit of Life
- Forest Core
- Lotus Rune Banner
- Lily Rune Banner
- Vlitch Plating
- Vlitch Plating Wall
- Moonflare Fragment
- Druid Emblem
- Golem Watering Can
- Power Cell Wristband
- Soul of Bloom
- Druid Essence
- Botanist Station
- Leather Pouch
- Vlitch Scale
- Gloom Mushroom
- Broken Hero Stave
- "Brothers?" Alternative Painting
- Druidic Altar

- Death's Gardener
- Ragged Zombie
===0.4.9 and Below===
- Devil's Tongue
- Skeleton Druid
- Dark Slime (Miniboss)

Town NPC:
===0.4.9 and Below===
- Slicer
- Dark Hunter

- King Slayer III

- Made Blood Worm slower
- Necklace of Sight is an expert drop from Xenomite Crystal
- Increased the chance for the Corpse-Walker Priest to drop the Corpse-Walker Staff from 1/66 to 1/25
- Squire now sells the "Forest Golem" painting after Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated
- Slightly decreased spawn rate for Chickens
- Forest Spiders and Spider Swarmer Queens now drop Spider Fangs in Expert Mode
- Fixed the worms only despawning their bodies and tails after a player dies on multiplayer
- Changed Shadow Worm into Blood Worm since "the crimson needs more worms"
- Many many resprites!
- Stuff I forgot
- Fixes I forgot

- The Keeper Set
- Corrupted Xenomite Set
- Girus Heavy Set
- My dev set ;)

- Vlitch Blade
- The Keeper's Claw
- The Keeper's Knife
- Staff of the Fallen
- The Keeper's Staff
- Bow of the Fallen
- Folded Shotgun
- Vlitch Double Rifle
- Vlitch Annihilator
- Corrupted Xenomite Yoyo
- Corrupted Xenomite Hamaxe
- Corrupted Xenomite Pickaxe
- Corrupted Xenomite Scepter
- Plasma Saber
- Bone Leviathan Flail
- Daerel's Silverwood Bow
- Xenomite Boulder
- Sludge Spoon
- Infected Golem Egg

Other Items:
- Vlitch Trophy
- Corrupted Hero Sword
- Corrupted Worm Medallion
- Gold Chicken Egg
- Radium Hook
- Scrap Metal
- Holoshield
- Vlitch Battery
- Heart Insignia
- Prismite Heart Necklace
- Vlitch Cleaver/Vlitch Gigipede Treasure Bags

- Corrupted Worm
- Corrupted Probe
- Corrupted Blade
- Gold Chicken
- Blood Worm (Replaces Shadow Worm)
- Xenon Roller
- Xenomite Gargantuan
- Irradiated Sludge

- Vlitch Cleaver
- Vlitch Gigipede

- Tons of resprites!
- Fixed texture for Kanite Hook
- Fixed the positions where NPCs spawns from other NPCs
- Balanced some stuff
- Probably forgot some stuff
- Xenomite Crystal's expert drop is now a painting.
- Renamed the old 'Xenomite Blade' to 'Old Xenomite Blade'.
- Chickens will always drop a Chicken Egg
- Increased spawn rate of Chickens
- Decreased spawn rate of Shadow Worms, Wandering Souls and Undead Executioners

- Tied's Marvelous Suit
- Tied's Marvelous Leggings
- Girus Mask
- Hikarite Set
- Shining Hikarite Set
- Petrified Wood Set
- Ye Olde Hat
- Nestori's Wig
- Dewitt's Wig
- Rayen's Tophat
- Flatcap
- Prototype Silver Head
- Android Head
- Vepdor's Headgear
- Tiedemies' Mask
- Xenomite Set
- Infected Mask

- Corpse-Walker Staff
- Chillblood Staff
- The Infected Eye (Yoyo)
- Xenomite Yoyo
- Hikarite Sword
- Hikarite Staff(s)
- Hikarite Repeater
- Chara's Knife
- Xenomite Drill
- Xenomite Eyeball
- The Violin
- Violin Bow
- The True Violin
- Dirt Shortsword/Sword/Longsword/Greatsword/Scrubsword
- Chikyu/Mizu/Kasai/Kuki Katana
- Norowareta Katana
- Wado Ichimonji/Shusui/Sandai Kitetsu
- Xenomite Blade/Hamaxe/Pickaxe/Plasma Pistol/Septer
- Xenomite Staff
- Bronze Greatsword
- Xenomite Glaive

Other Items:
- Dead Rock
- Dead Rock Wall
- "Brothers?" Painting
- Petrified Wood
- Petrified Wood Wall
- Petrified Wood Chair
- Petrified Wood Chest
- Petrified Wood Table
- Petrified Wood Bookcase
- Mk-1/Mk-2/Mk-3 Microbot Factory
- Petrified Wood Fence
- Mysterious Flower Petal
- Icar's Flower/Frost/Fire/Elements
- Strange Skull
- Mk-1/Mk-2/Mk-3 Plating
- Mk-1/Mk-2/Mk-3 Capacitator
- Carbon Myofibre
- Artifical Muscle
- AI Chip
- Necklace of Sight
- Geiger Counter (Replaces the Broken Xenomite Piece)
- Mini-Nuke
- Gas Mask
- Hikarite Alloy
- Black Gloop
- Xen Chomper
- Xeno Solution
- Gold Chicken Egg
- Radium Digger Hook
- Petrified Wood
- Girus Chip
- Corrupted Xenomite
- Corrupted Starlite Bar
- Probably some more banners
- Xeno Forge
- Xenomite Ore
- Infected Eye Trophy
- Forest Golem Painting
- Anti-Crystallizer Band
- Anti-Crystallizer Serum
- Infected Eye Bag
- Infected Lens
- Starlite/Starlite Bar
- Xeno Eye
- Xenomite
- Xenomite Wings
- Some more banners
- Xenomite Crystal Trophy
- Unstable Crystal
- Xenomite Crystal Bag
- Xenomite Piece
- Xenomite Shard
- Strange Contract

- Chillblood Sorcerer
- Unstable Portal
- Prototype Silver
- Space Paladin
- Xeno Chomper
- Xenomite Golem
- Crusher
- Ye Olde Skeleton
- Hazmat Skeleton
- Hazmat Zombie
- Radium Digger
- Rogue T-Bot
- Corrupted T-Bot
- Living Black Gloop
- Gold Chicken!!!!
- Corrupted Paladin
- Undead Violinist
- Corrupt Bat
- Blobble :3
- Android
- Infected Cave Bat
- Infected Zombie
- Infected Worm
- Infected Demon Eye
- Xenomite Eye
- Forest Nymph
- Moonflare Bat
- Sandskin Spider
- Xenomite Fragment
- Xenomite Piece
- Corpse-Walker Priest
- Chickman Cultist

- Infected Eye
- Xenomite Crystal
- Strange Portal (Mini-boss)

- Fallen
- T-Bot

- Re-textured the 'Pure-Iron Battleaxe'
- Slightly re-textured the Brass Battleaxe
- Renamed the 'Brass Battleaxe' to 'Ancient Brass Battleaxe'
- Re-textured Skeleton Dueller
- Added Treasure Bag for King Chicken
- Squire sells Archcloth
- Removed 'Rusted Squire's Sword', 'Wooden Club' and 'Human Bone'

- Kanite Set
- Ancient Brass Set
- Pure-Iron Set
- The Keeper Mask
- The Keeper's Crown
- King Chicken Mask
- Archcloth Robe

- Kanite Tools/Weapons
- Pure-Iron Bow/Staff/Pickaxe/Warhammer/Sword/Battleaxe
- Egg Staff

Other Items:
- Coast Scarab Shell
- Tree Bug Shell
- Kanite Ore/Bar
- Ancient Dirt
- Ancient Wood
- Ancient Wood Furniture
- ???
- The Keeper's Heart
- Gathic Cryo-Furnace
- Ancient Brass Chunk & Ingot
- Gathic Cryo-Crystal
- Ironfur Amulet
- Mysterious Tablet (Summons The Keeper)
- Pure-Iron
- The Keeper Treasure Bag
- King Chicken Trophy
- Anglonic Mystic Blossom
- King Chicken Treasure Bag
- Wooden Buckler
- More Banners
- Egg Crown (Summons a legendary being...)
- Pile o' Grain (Pet Chicken!)
- Ancient Stone Brick/Wall/Brick Wall
- Archcloth

- Bone Spider
- Coast Scarab
- Earthworm
- Fly
- Forest Spider
- Grand Larva
- Living Bloom
- Shadow Worm
- Tree Bug
- Spider Swarmer
- Spider Swarmer Queen
- Undead Executioner(s)
- Wandering Soul
- Bone Worm

- The Keeper (Sprite made by @Zoomo , edited a bit)
- The Mighty King Chicken!!!

- Ancient Sapling
- Ancient Tree!

Rare Weapons:
- Aki's Claws
- Death's Claw
- Falcon
- Golden Edge
- Victor Battletome
- Daerel's Dark-Steel Bow
- Lightbane
- Peacekeeper
- Silver Rapier
Zephos' Sword Slicer

Epic Weapons:
- Xenomite Blade

- Living Wood Armour
- Banners
- Ancient Stone
- Ancient Novice's Staff
-Brass Battleaxe
- Living Wood Items/Weapons
- Noble's Sword(s)
- Old Gathic Waraxe
- Old Rapier
- Warden's Bow(s)
- Rusted Longspear
- Rusted Squire's Sword [Removed]
- Rusted Warrior's Cleaver
- Rusted Zweihander
- Wooden Club [Removed]
- Worn Dagger
- Zweihander
- Abandoned Teddy
- Ancient Gold Coin
- Blackened Heart
- Rusted Sword Fragment(s)
- Chicken Egg
- Dark Shard
- Broken Human Bone [Removed]
- Living Leaf
- Living Wood
- Magic Metal Polish
- Rusty Shield
- Lost Soul (Small, Medium, Large)
- Old Tophat

- A Jolly Madman
- Bone Leviathan
- Chicken
- Dark Soul
- Forest Golem (Normal, Blooming, Wounded)
- Molten Golem
- Shielded Zombie
- Skelemies
- Skeleton Assassin
- Skeleton Noble
- Skeleton Warden
- Skeleton Dueller
- Skeleton Wanderer
- Stone Golem(s)
- Ancient Stone Golem(s)

Support Banners:

Infected Eye Boss Music:
Nick 'Shadowblaze' Nuwe - Dusk Boss

The Keeper Boss Music:
Nick 'Shadowblaze' Nuwe - Moonscythe District

King Slayer III Boss Music:
William 'GoukisanNG' Prevett - Betrayal of Fear

1st & 2nd Vlitch Overlords Boss Music:
Nick 'Shadowblaze' Nuwe - Barrage

3rd Vlitch Overlord Boss Music:
Nick 'Shadowblaze' Nuwe - Chaos Attack

Wasteland Biome Music:
Nick 'Shadowblaze' Nuwe - Maze of Scraps

Xenomite Crystal Boss Music
Nick 'Shadowblaze' Nuwe - Dusk District

"Please keep your expectations low - Tied"
Demonite/Crimtane Bars and Small Lost Souls.
Small Lost Souls have a chance to spawn after killing either a Skeleton Wanderer, Dueller or Assassin, which are common enemies in the cavern layer.
They also spawn from Corpse-Walker Priests that spawn in the underground desert, but it's more efficient to search for the skeletons.
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